November 15, 2012

Coast to Coast AM - 11-14-12 - Hopi Legends & Prophecy

Coast to Coast AM - 11-14-12 - Hopi Legends & Prophecy  <--

Host: George Noory
Guests: Gary A. David, Tony Burroughs

Archeo-astronomer and independent researcher on the American Southwest, Gary A. David, talked about legends and prophecies of the Hopi. Descendants of ancient Pueblo Peoples who constructed large housing complexes in Arizona and New Mexico, the Hopi combined spirituality, mythology, and ritual practice along with keen astronomical observations. Based on his studies, David has concluded that the Hopi mirrored the positioning of the Orion constellation in the pattern and location of their villages.

A Hopi god named Masau'u was said to direct their migrations, and tell them where to build their pueblos. Masau'u was considered both the god of the Underworld, and the earthly plane, and somewhat similar to the Egyptian resurrection god Osiris, though he was described as having a rather alien appearance, David detailed. The Hopi also speak of the Ant People, who according to legend, rescued their tribe during two major cataclysms, bringing them down into underground caverns during massive flooding. Interestingly, he noted that in a kiva (Hopi underground prayer chamber), a wall mural depicts a creature that looks like Mothman.

He also cited Hopi lore of "flying shields," which resemble descriptions of modern flying saucers, and were said to be piloted by Sky gods or Kachinas. David explained that Hopi prophecy views our current time as being close to the end of the 4th World, and how a number of Hopi 'end time' visions may have already come to pass. While the 4th World ends in catastrophe, particularly for America, a 5th World will arise, and continue the cycle, he said. David also shared the story of a purported Lost City in the Grand Canyon, which contained anomalous artifacts. A 1909 article that ran in the Arizona Gazette reported that the discovery was made by G.E. Kincaid, working for the Smithsonian.

Intention Practices

First hour guest, co-founder of a grassroots movement that started 'Intenders Circles' around the world, Tony Burroughs, talked about how to use intention to manifest good in your life. He explained that setting intentions, such as when you first wake up in the morning, can help achieve a more positive outcome for your day. His intention process bears some similarity to the 'Law of Attraction' (as popularized in the The Secret), but includes lining up your intentions with the "highest good," as well as practicing intention within communities rather than just by yourself.

November 14, 2012

Coast to Coast AM - 11-13-12 - Physics Breakthroughs

Coast to Coast AM - 11-13-12 - Physics Breakthroughs  <--

Host: George Noory
Guests: Sean Carroll, Drew Zahn

Theoretical physicist at Cal Tech, Sean Carroll, discussed why he believes the discovery of the Higgs boson is perhaps the greatest breakthrough in our understanding of the universe since the splitting of the atom, and how it is launching particle physics on a new era of discovery. "What really matters to us is not the Higgs boson, but something called the Higgs field that fills space...the bosons that we detect as particles are just little vibrations in that field," he explained. By detecting a Higgs-like boson through experiments at the Large Hadron Collider at CERN, we were able to demonstrate the existence of the Higgs field, he reported. The search for such a particle has been going on for decades, Carroll noted, and its discovery was a cause for celebration in the physics community.

While the Higgs discovery doesn't particularly lead to new technological applications, its significance has to do with understanding how the particles that form our existence work together, he pointed out. "If it weren't for the Higgs, electrons would be massless; they'd be like photons moving at the speed of light-- they wouldn't stick together in atoms...there wouldn't be planets or stars, there would not be you and me," he continued.

Carroll cited dark matter as the next big target after the Higgs boson. We've detected its gravitational field, and can see its effect on light traveling through the universe, and various stars. Dark matter is clearly exerting a force, but we don't know what it is yet, he said. Carroll also shared his theory that our universe may have been born out of larger universe, and touched on such topics as black holes, string theory, and hidden additional dimensions that might affect particle physics.

Secession Petitions

First hour guest, WND columnist Drew Zahn talked about his report that citizens in some US states have been signing petitions to secede from the union. The online petitions, via the White House's We the People website, have spread across 30 states, and so far have received some 60,000 signatures in Texas, and 27,000 in Louisiana. While the petitions may not rock Washington, they represent a growing number of citizens who are dissatisfied with the federal government, and could become more active in their protestations, Zahn commented.

November 13, 2012

Coast to Coast AM - 11-12-12 - UFO Encounters & Evidence

Coast to Coast AM - 11-12-12 - UFO Encounters & Evidence  <--

Host: George Noory
Guests: Wilbur Allen, Dr. Peter Breggin

Former White House/Air Force One engineer for ABC News, Wilbur Allen, has been a contactee since childhood, when he was implanted. Since then, he has forensically documented sightings and anomalies. He discussed his recent trips to investigate Area 51 and Sedona, his telepathic encounters with UFOs, and analysis of various sightings. In the Sedona desert, while documenting the sky late at night, he said he saw an object come out of "warp," and dogs and coyotes immediately started howling. Then "something drew blood from my finger and left a very unusual puncture wound," he detailed.

In video footage shot in Rachel, Nevada, he made the statement 'show it to me,' and 15 seconds later an aerial object appeared, which he believes demonstrates telepathy between humans & ET. Additionally, while shooting at the perimeter of Area 51, he heard a disembodied voice commanding him to pack his stuff and get out. At Area 51, the military is working with assimilated alien technology, and have operational craft, possibly built with the assistance of ETs, Allen surmised. He has further concluded that the aliens have the ability to bend space and time in their travels, as well as cloak their ships.

Yet in recent years, camera sensitivity has increased 10 fold, allowing some cloaked ships to be caught on camera, particularly in high speed shutter images shot at 1/8000th of a second, Allen commented. He also stated that UFOs seen on the India/China border which were reported as yellowish spheres, as well as a recent sighting in Denver, match some of the images that he took in Washington DC. He conjectured that repeated sightings in various locations may have to do with specific portals.

Increased Stress Levels

First hour guest, Dr. Peter Breggin talked about the high levels of psychological stress people have been facing, as a result of Hurricane Sandy, and other issues. "I think people, more and more, feel like they're not in control of what they're doing, that they're not in control of their children...that they can't choose where they want to work," he cited as explanations for increased stress. He also noted that the problem seems to be exacerbated in urban settings, as opposed to small towns. Dr. Breggin suggested that people look for things they can control, and not allow themselves to get paralyzed by feeling overwhelmed.

November 12, 2012

Coast to Coast AM - 11-11-12 - The Ratline & Mormon Origins

Coast to Coast AM - 11-11-12 - The Ratline & Mormon Origins  <--

Host: Ian Punnett
Guests: Peter Levenda, Marie Forleo, Dannion Brinkley, Bill Kleinedler

During the middle two hours, Ian Punnett was joined by author Peter Levenda, who provided an update on his book Ratline, which contends that Adolf Hitler escaped from Germany during the end of WWII, and discussed his new book The Angel and the Sorcerer, which examines the "occult origins of Mormonism."

He revealed that, since the publication of Ratline, "a number of people have come out of woodwork with little bits of information" regarding the underground network used to facilitate the escape of high ranking Nazis and their resources from Germany at the end of the war. According to Levenda, Portugal was responsible for hiding an astounding 44 tons of gold that had been plundered by the Nazi's. He cited Allied documents which contended that a mere 4 tons of that looted treasure were repatriated to victimized nations, while the remaining treasure was spirited away to Macau, a Portuguese colony located within China. Ultimately, Levenda claimed, the massive trove of ill-gotten gold was absorbed by the Chinese government in the 1950's.

Levenda also detailed his new research into the "occult origins" of Mormonism, which he called "the quintessential American religion." To that end, he noted that Freemasonic ideas influenced the formation of America, and, as such, Levenda mused that "it's almost inevitable that there would be a religious movement based on some of those same ideas and that's what you have with Mormonism." Additionally, he pointed to the use of alchemical practices by Joseph Smith in the early creation of the religion and suggested that the founder of Mormonism codified a number of "New Age" concepts into the doctrine of the religion. Ultimately, Levenda stressed that his work is not meant to be an attack on the religion and aims to "expose Mormonism to those who have heard a lot of rumors and who don't understand it very well."

Building Better Businesses

In the first half hour, marketing and lifestyle expert, Marie Forleo, talked about business methods which are resonating with consumers during the financial downturn. She observed that the economic meltdown has resulted in people becoming very distrustful of large companies. Therefore, Forleo said, business leaders who exhibit transparency and "reveal a little bit about who you are and what you believe in" will experience greater success. Additionally, she foresees companies and CEOs who "believe in a bigger purpose beyond their own wallets" as more economically sustainable going into the future.

Honoring our Veterans

In the latter half of the first hour, author and hospice volunteer Dannion Brinkley addressed how we can help veterans to heal and reintegrate back into normal life. Making his 14th annual Coast appearance on Veteran's Day, Brinkley lamented that many veterans are dying alone and declared that "we have a requirement, spiritually and morally, as a country to be there for them now that they need us." Stressing the paramount importance of caring for our veterans as they grow older, he noted that, over the next 10 years, the combined veterans from WWII, Korea, and Vietnam will pass away at a staggering 100,000 every 30 days.

Later, Brinkley was joined by US veteran and artist, Bill Kleinedler, who talked about the supernatural experience he had while serving in Iraq. He recalled how, after setting up a temporary clinic and providing medical assistance to Iraqis, his convoy was en route back to the base when his Humvee was struck by an IED. The resulting explosion caused a massive fire inside the vehicle. During the resulting chaos, Kleinedler saw a sphere of "brilliant light" which floated around him. From within the sphere, a clear, calm, and peaceful voice told him "you need to get out of the truck." As he struggled to escape the wreck, the voice became more urgent until he became free.

November 11, 2012

Coast to Coast AM - 11-10-12 - Rethinking Knowledge

Coast to Coast AM - 11-10-12 - Rethinking Knowledge  <--

Host: John B. Wells
Guests: David Weinberger, Douglas Dietrich

We used to know how to know. We got our answers from books or experts. But in the Internet age, there’s more knowledge than ever, and nobody agrees on anything. Researcher and author David Weinberger joined John B. Wells to discuss how business, science, education, and the govt. are learning to use networked knowledge to understand more, and make smarter decisions than they could previously.

In the first hour, renegade military historian Douglas Dietrich offered his thoughts in light of Veterans Day.