August 11, 2012

Coast to Coast AM - 08-10-12 - Haunted LA & Open Lines

Coast to Coast AM - 08-10-12 - Haunted LA & Open Lines  <--

Host: George Noory
Guests: F.J. Lennon, Open Lines

In the first half, author and researcher into supernatural phenomena F.J. Lennon discussed some of the haunted places in Los Angeles, including Devil's Gate Dam, a 'Suicide Bridge' in Pasadena and the Hollywood Roosevelt Hotel. The Devil's Gate Dam is built on atop a location that Native Americans believed was a portal to the afterlife, Lennon explained. Infamous occultist Aleister Crowley identified it as one of seven portals to hell, he added. According to Lennon, Jack Parsons, founder of Jet Propulsion Laboratories and a Crowley disciple, conducted rituals at Devil's Gate with Scientology founder L. Ron Hubbard to summon an entity called Babylon. They may have punched a hole into another dimensions as several mysterious disappearances have occurred there since that time, he noted.

The beautiful Colorado Street Bridge in Pasadena is another location swirling in paranormal strangeness. More than 200 people have killed themselves by jumping from the bridge since it opened, Lennon said. He reported visiting the area underneath the bridge shortly after a suicide and picking up EMF spikes where the body was found. Lennon thinks the traumatic events have caused residual energy to pool at the bottom of the bridge which entices people of a certain mindset to jump. He also talked about experiencing an unusual cold spot in the ballroom of the Roosevelt Hotel that may be a vortex entry/exit point for spirits, witnessing a full body apparition move across a cemetery and dissolve into a tombstone, as well as growing up in a paranormally active house and working in a haunted office where a girl could be heard singing Christmas songs in the basement.


The latter part of the program featured Open Lines. Tom in Cape Cod, Massachusetts, told George that he has had visitations from his deceased grandmother since he was twelve years old. Now, Tom's twelve-year-old son has reported seeing her as well. "You can feel her sit on the bed," he said, noting that although his son never knew the woman he correctly identified her from a photo. Rick, a law enforcement officer from Wichita, Kansas, recalled the night he and his partner encountered an entity that appeared as a young child with cold black eyes. Rick said they stopped their car, searched the area but did not find anything. Lar in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, claimed to have military image intercepts from another time showing Dwight D. Eisenhower. He believes someone is using images of the dead president to concede the next presidential election to Barack Obama.

August 10, 2012

Dreamland - 08-10-12 - What Is Hidden In Alaska?

Dreamland - 08-10-12 - What Is Hidden In Alaska?  <--

Before it was actually unearthed, the incredible 14,000 year old structure at Gobekli Tepi in Turkey would have been considered impossible by archaeologists. Similarly, to this day some Egyptologists dispute the true age of the Sphinx, which has been confirmed by geologists. There are many mysteries about Gobekli Tepi, chief among them the fact that its creators expended even more effort to bury it than they did to build it. Now, something even more extraordinary, even more impossible and even more incredible has been discovered: a pyramid twice the size of Cheops--buried near Mount McKinley in Alaska. Listen to the eerie cloak-and-dagger story that emerges as Linda interviews a US Army counterintelligence agent who has a remarkable reason for believing it as he tells of its brief public announcement on a radio program, and the years-long coverup that has haunted him for the rest of his life.

Coast to Coast AM - 08-09-12 - Animals & Health - Corn & Fuel

Coast to Coast AM - 08-09-12 - Animals & Health - Corn & Fuel  <--

Host: George Noory
Guests: Kathryn Bowers, Dr. Barbara Natterson-Horowitz, David Blume

In the first half, UCLA Medical Center cardiologist, Barbara Natterson-Horowitz, and science journalist Kathryn Bowers talked about "zoobiquity," the term the two coined to refer to a new species-spanning approach to health. Natterson-Horowitz discovered that animals undergo many of the same health disorders, issues, and diseases that humans do, though they are sometimes called different names. Animals get breast cancer, brain tumors, and leukemia-- miniature ponies get diabetes, koalas in Australia have been suffering from the sexually transmitted disease chlamydia, Natterson-Horowitz cited. Animals also have mental illnesses, such as OCD-like disorders, and self-injuring similar to human "cutting," she continued.

Contrary to what might be expected, "we learned that wild animals, do in fact, get fat a lot, and for a lot of the same reasons humans do. When there's a lot of food and easy access to it, animals will overindulge, gorge on the food, and they will gain weight," Bowers revealed. When predators were reduced at Yellowstone, the elk increased in population and became somewhat overweight. But when wolves were reintroduced to the area, the elk slimmed down and became more watchful, Bowers detailed, adding that the relationship between fear (or stress) and feeding also has a big effect on humans. Some animals have been observed treating themselves with natural remedies, such as when birds rub their feathers with ants to purge parasites, Natterson-Horowitz reported.


In the latter half, ecological biologist and advocate for alcohol-based fuel, David Blume, shared updates about the corn shortage, ethanol, and drought conditions. Even though drought has hurt this year's corn crops in the US, previous years have been bountiful and some 2+ billion bushels of corn are stored in silos, he said. Thus, the call to reduce the amount of corn to make ethanol, in order to use the corn to feed people, is unnecessary and being pushed by the "Big Ag/Oil" agenda, as well as people deluded by the media, he argued. "For years the oil companies have been saying 'it's food versus fuel; we're competing with starving African babies for the corn, and aren't you ethanol people unethical?'," but this is just spin by the American Petroleum Institute in order to keep people hooked on using gas, rather than alcohol fuels, he commented.

Most of the corn exported in the US actually goes to feed European cattle, and the idea that America feeds the world with our corn is a complete myth, Blume continued. He also talked about how people can make their own fuel from small stills that can not only run on crops, but waste food products. He pointed out that the wealthy have invested some $32 trillion in oil, coal, and uranium around the world, but we could replace the entire global oil and energy infrastructure with alcohol plants for just $500 billion.

August 9, 2012

Coast to Coast AM - 08-08-12 - Nibiru & Ancient Cycles

Coast to Coast AM - 08-08-12 - Nibiru & Ancient Cycles  <--

Host: George Noory
Guests: Walter W. Cruttenden, Sarah Nash, Jason Martell

Archaeo-astronomer and director of the Binary Research Institute, Walter Cruttenden, and researcher in ancient advanced technologies Jason Martell, discussed theories of Nibiru (Planet X), contacts with the Annunaki, as well as how humankind has been affected by the Cycle of the Ages. Zecharia Sitchin interpreted ancient Sumerian texts, and suggested that the word Nibiru referred to a planet on an elliptical orbit in our solar system that comes toward Earth every 3,600 years. Martell, who believes Sitchin's theory that Nibiru is an inhabited planet, noted that astronomers have found pertubations in the outer solar system which point to a large unidentified body as being the cause.

On the other hand, Cruttenden noted that Nibiru translates as "bright object" and he indicated the Sumerians may have actually been talking about the star Sirius. Further, he suggested that rather than a Planet X causing pertubations, such findings could be due to our solar system slowly orbiting around a second or binary star. Further, he noted that if Planet X was on a 3,600-year orbit, it probably would have already been detected. Evidence that the Annunaki may have visited Earth from their planet Nibiru and shared some of their knowledge and technology is suggested by the construction of remarkable ancient megalithic structures, said Martell, adding that places like the ancient Egyptian temple at Dendera depict the use of electric lights.

Martell compared the Annunaki to the biblical descriptions of angelic beings, and also pointed out that ancient South Americans' depicted their gods as tall and pale-skinned, even though the indigenous people had dark hair and skin. Cruttenden cited how groups such as the ancient Greeks and Indians believed that humankind goes through different ages or cycles (Age of Man, the Age of the Hero, the Age of the Demi-Gods, Age of the Gods) and displays different characteristics during them. Some of the things that we attribute to aliens might be us in one of the higher cycles, he commented. "Maybe we're much more than we perceive ourselves to be and we just can't see it when we're just barely out of the dark ages," Cruttenden continued. Both he and Martell will be be featured at the upcoming CPAK Conference in early October.

White Light Healing

First hour guest, spiritual response practitioner Sarah Nash talked about the White Light Express healing endeavor. She explained that the project began with a small group of people from different religious backgrounds who decided to set aside belief systems and work with "focused intention for transformation and healing at every level." Nash said that she and the co-founder of the White Light Express, Avis Latone, were confidant in the power of prayer, and gathered together an online community concentrating on white light, and have achieved some phenomenal results, such as when they prayed for a man with a brain tumor, and he went into remission.

August 8, 2012

Coast to Coast AM - 08-07-12 - UFOs & The Antichrist

Coast to Coast AM - 08-07-12 - UFOs & The Antichrist  <--

Host: George Noory
Guests: Aaron Judkins, Michael McDaniel, Terry Hunt

Authors Aaron Judkins and Michael McDaniel talked about their new book, Alien Agenda, and how it relates to forbidden archaeology, UFOs, the Nephilim, and the coming of the Antichrist. Detailing the origins of his research, Judkins, an archaeologist, explained that he was intrigued by the preponderance of winged serpents and discs depicted by ancient cultures throughout the world. McDaniel, a theologian, traced his interest to meeting an alleged abductee and a subsequent investigation of the Bible where he found references to the UFO phenomenon. Both authors contended that UFOs are malevolent, with Judkins suggesting that the elusive nature of the phenomenon portends a sinister agenda and McDaniel connecting them to a long term plan hatched by Satan.

Regarding what may be within the UFOs, McDaniel proposed a unique origin for the ETs seen by those who claim to have experienced contact. Noting that the massive Nephilim of ancient times were said to be the product of humans and fallen angels, he put forward that ETs are of a similar nature. In light of their diminutive size and bizarre physical features, McDaniel said, "I'm looking an another hybrid, but instead of angel-man, it would be angel-animal." Judkins spoke to how the historical record gives credence to the existence of the ancient Nephilim, noting that cultures throughout history have described giants in their midst and, in modern times, massive human bones have been unearthed, particularly in the Middle East.

According to McDaniel, UFOs are ultimately being used to acclimate the human race to accepting the arrival of an interstellar "visitor," who will actually be the Antichrist . This being, he said, will look and act human, but people will regard him as an ET and he will become a powerful world leader. "He's actually going to declare himself to be God," McDaniel warned, "and the majority of the world will believe that." On the plausibility of such a scenario unfolding, Judkins pointed to the long history of mankind worshipping a variety of Gods, "through occultic means," as a way of connecting with a higher power. Additionally, he surmised that the distress of the planet and the fractured nature of the world's nations would facilitate humans turning to an outside source to solve the world's problems.

Easter Island Statues

During the first hour, anthropologist Terry Hunt discussed how the Easter Island statues were created and moved. "What we see is that we might have had some pretty skilled engineers," he said, regarding the creators of the infamously mysterious monuments. To that end, Hunt revealed that the statues appeared to be "designed for movement in a vertical position." He cited his own experiment where 18 people were used to make an Easter Island statue replica, which stood 10 feet high and weighed 5 tons, 'walk' via a series of rocking movements using ropes. The process proved to be so easy that the group 'walked' the statue over 100 yards in 40 minutes, including a trip uphill. Video of Hunt's 'walking' experiment can be seen here.

Coast to Coast AM - 08-06-12 - Global Warming & FBI Secrets

Coast to Coast AM - 08-06-12 - Global Warming & FBI Secrets  <--

Host: George Noory
Guests: Dr. Roy Spencer, Ronald Kessler

In the first half, former senior scientist for Climate Studies at NASA, Dr. Roy Spencer, reacted to claims of new evidence that recent warming and hotter weather is indeed the fault of humans. Both Berkeley climate scientist Richard Muller and James Hansen of NASA make the mistake of thinking that global warming is due to man-made activity, he commented. "Correlation doesn't mean causation," Spencer argued, noting that heat waves and drought are part of natural cycles, such as was experienced in the 1930s in the US, as well as going back further in time in North America.

Climate scientists don't know what causes natural cycles, so they seek to blame warming on something tangible, such as greenhouse gases, and doggedly pursue the man-made explanation, without considering other theories, Spencer continued. He suggested that changes in circulation patterns have altered the amount of cloud cover which reflects sunlight, "and I think that could be most of what we've been...attributing to mankind," in terms of warming.


In the latter half, investigative reporter Ronald Kessler discussed his research into the FBI, and the Secret Service, and revealed behind-the-scenes stories, and secrets about how they operate. He portrayed the FBI's long-running chief J. Edgar Hoover as both a patriot and a menace. "Near the end, he was getting more and more idiosyncratic," and actually started a vendetta against FBI agents drinking coffee, he said. The FBI employed clever and complicated ways to break into suspects home. For instance, in the case of a Mafia family they were investigating, they introduced static on their phone line, and intercepted the call when the suspect dialed the phone company for repair. Then, FBI agents came to the home posing as telephone repairmen, and installed bugs in their phone while "fixing" the static, Kessler detailed.

One of the fascinating stories he learned about the Secret Service was that they were tipped off about a psychic's vision that Pres. George H.W. Bush could be assassinated when he was giving a speech in Enid, OK. When the agents interviewed the psychic, she correctly led them to the airport hangar where the motorcade limos were hidden, and then predicted that Bush would be wearing a sports coat instead of a suit (which was very out-of-character for him) when he got off Air Force One. When that was confirmed, they decided to change the motorcade route, avoiding any overpasses where she said the shooting would happen.

Contrary to conspiracy theories, Clinton White House aide Vince Foster did commit suicide, Kessler announced. One-week before his death, during a disagreement with Hillary Clinton at a meeting with other top aides, he was humiliated when she called him a "small town hick lawyer." After that, his behavior changed dramatically, and he became much more withdrawn, and tearful. The FBI concluded that it was the meeting with Hillary that triggered his suicide, he said.

August 6, 2012

Coast to Coast AM - 08-05-12 - Mars Curiosity Rover Mission

Coast to Coast AM - 08-05-12 - Mars Curiosity Rover Mission  <--

Host: George Noory
Guests: Richard C. Hoagland, Dr. John Brandenburg, Robert Zubrin, David Livingston

C2C Science Advisor and head of the Enterprise Mission, Richard C. Hoagland, who discussed the successful landing of NASA's Curiosity Rover on the surface of Mars. Over the course of the program, he was joined by other space experts, who shared their reaction to the historic touchdown. "This is probably the most important night in NASA's history," Hoagland mused, "since Neil and Buzz landed on the moon." In light of the advanced technology aboard the rover as well as his own analysis of the current political landscape, Hoagland surmised that the arrival of Curiosity on Mars may set the stage for revelations about past or present life on the Red Planet. "My prediction is that this is the beginning of some amazing things," he said, contending that a revelatory announcement about Mars could constitute an "October surprise" by the Obama administration prior to the election.

In the second hour, plasma physicist Dr. John Brandenburg joined the conversation. Regarding the research to be done by Curiosity on Mars, Brandenburg was particularly interested in getting more information about what he believes to be a previous nuclear event on the planet. Citing evidence which suggests a radiation scar as well as a radioactive hot spot on Mars, he suggested that a natural nuclear reactor may have broken down on the planet in the past. Although his hypothesis has been denounced by both Livermore Labs as well as the Russian government, Brandenburg was delighted when Hoagland revealed the Curiosity has a "specific suite of radiation detection instruments," which could pinpoint if and when the nuclear event happened.

During the third hour, aerospace engineer Dr. Robert Zubrin reacted to the potential findings of Curiosity now that it has arrived on Mars. He was extremely enthusiastic about the possibility that the rover will determine if life currently exists on the planet. Zubrin explained that Curiosity not only has a "methane sniffer" to identify the gas, but also can distinguish if its origins are geological or biological. In his estimation, the discovery of the latter form of methane could fundamentally change NASA's future plans. "If they sniff out the scent of life on Mars," he said, "there's going to be tremendous support to send humans there to check it out." Additionally, Zubrin noted that the landing system for the rover, which saw it descend gently, "like a crate of eggs," allowed for future development of similarly designed missions to Mars for humans.

In the final hour, space expert Dr. David Livingston marveled at the inspirational nature of the successful landing of the rover. Beyond the potential scientific discoveries that lay ahead in the future for Curiosity, he said that renewed interest in space science by young people is but one of the "intangibles that will pay off for the United States like you would not believe." To that end, Livingston observed that, in light of the continuous cycle of bad news over the last few years, the accomplishment of such a difficult task serves as a tremendous morale boost for the country. Ultimately, he was optimistic about the end result of Curiosity's mission, saying "a great rover has gone to Mars from a great nation and we expect great things back from it.

August 5, 2012

Coast to Coast AM - 08-04-12 - Dire Future

Coast to Coast AM - 08-04-12 - Dire Future  <--

Host: John B. Wells
Guests: James Howard Kunstler, Joni Patry

John B. Wells welcomed author and artist James Howard Kunstler, who spoke about the dire problems we face, the overly optimistic view that technology will save us and his pessimistic view of the future.

In the first hour, professional astrologer Joni Patry talked about Vedic astrology and shared some of her predictions for the near future.