September 1, 2012

Coast to Coast AM - 08-31-12 - Premonitions & Blue Moon Open Lines

Coast to Coast AM - 08-31-12 - Premonitions & Blue Moon Open Lines  <--

Host: George Noory
Guests: Joel Martin, Open Lines

In the first half, paranormal expert and author Joel Martin talked about premonitions and related stories. According to Martin, eight out of ten people have received an after death communication from a deceased loved one. Many of these are actually premonitions, he said. They can be challenging to research because one must either accept a person's claim or be present to record the premonition and verify the subsequent predicted event, Martin explained. He defined a premonition as a forewarning, usually related to tragedy, and noted how they are part of the normal human experience. Premonitions should be fairly specific and not merely a general feeling of unease (i.e., common sense), he added.

Martin pointed to some historical figures that were able to tap into their premonitory powers, including Leonardo da Vinci, Nostradamus, George Orwell, and Edgar Cayce. Abraham Lincoln had a premonition of his own death, he revealed, detailing how the 16th President had dreamed of a White House filled with people mourning the assassination of their leader. Ulysses S. Grant's wife also had a precognitive dream and kept her husband from attending the theater with Lincoln that fateful night, Martin disclosed. Other noteworthy historical premonitions warned of the catastrophic coal mining accident in Aberfan, Wales, where 144 were killed, and the sinking of the Titanic, which reportedly caused numerous passengers to cancel their bookings, he said.


During Blue Moon Open Lines, Larry in Longview, Texas, recounted his teenage ecounter with a ghost. Larry said he was at a friend's house watching television one night when the porch light inexplicably turned on and then, a few moments later, switched off again. The same thing happened in the kitchen, he added. His friend revealed that the house was haunted by the spirit of an elderly man named Sherman. Larry recalled going to sleep that night and being disturbed by light coming from the bathroom. Upon investigating, he discovered a bald, elderly man with glasses, dressed in pajamas and bent over the sink. He slowly disappeared as soon as he saw me watching him, Larry revealed. Oleg from Wheaton, Illinois, told George about the time he was abducted by a UFO in the Ukraine. He claimed to see humans operating the craft but could not remember what, if anything, happened to him while he was onboard. Oleg said he was completely drained of energy when they returned him.

August 31, 2012

Coast to Coast AM - 08-30-12 - Earth & Animal Mysteries

Coast to Coast AM - 08-30-12 - Earth & Animal Mysteries  <--

Host: George Noory
Guests: Linda Moulton Howe, Paul McGuire

Investigative reporter Linda Moulton Howe discussed the killing of a strange animal said to resemble a chupacabra, more details about the large underground pyramid in Alaska, animal mutilations in various locations, and crop circles in England. In her first report, she interviewed Jami Ham, a Poplar Bluff, Missouri resident who witnessed a creature, which has been referred to as a "chupacabras" in Texas and other regions of the United States over the past decade. She saw the creature walking into the road in front of her car and "slowly standing up like a human on its back legs." On July 27, 2012, her brother-in-law Steve Scott shot a creature he assumed was a coyote with mange. Upon seeing the animal, Jami Ham confirmed it was similar to the one she saw earlier. The corpse emitted a horrible stench as though it been dead for weeks, though it had only been shot hours before, said Ham, who added that bizarrely, the creature had both male and female sex organs. View the full report.

In response to her July 2012 Coast broadcast about the alleged large underground pyramid in Alaska west of Mount McKinley, another source emerged. She spoke with "John Smith," who said he was the son of a Western Electric and AT&T engineer and that his father shared with him details about working 700 feet underground on a pyramidal structure in Alaska that had "technology completely unknown at the time" when he was employed there from 1959 to 1961. His father said the job site in Alaska was run by the military, and he was transported there in a bus with blacked out windows. Smith told her that his father surmised they were using the pyramid's angles to distribute energy, or to accelerate energy, and that based on this, energy costs should be far lower than what we currently pay.

In Ronan, Montana, not far from Missoula, there has been a recent bloodless, trackless cow mutilation in which the local veterinarian did a complete necropsy and confirmed that the cow's heart and pericardium had been removed "surgically" along with other surgically excised tissue from the cow's body. The ground was wet from rain and there were no tracks near the mutilated cow's body except other cow tracks that had approached the downed cow. In an interview, the veterinarian who did the necropsy, Beth Blevins, said "in 26 years as a veterinarian in Montana, I've never seen anything like this before." Linda also reported on similar, inexplicable animal mutilation cases in Idaho, Colorado, and Argentina.

In her last report, Linda spoke with longtime Wiltshire, UK crop circle investigator Charles Mallett, who was impressed with a recent mysterious formation in Knoll Down, which did not exhibit any of the classic signs of being man-made. His examination showed physical anomalies in the growth nodes of the plants. He also addressed interesting physical effects within laid wheat plants in an Etchilhampton crop circle that occurred on July 12, 2012.

Microchip Implant Threat

First hour guest, author and professor of biblical prophecy, Paul McGuire, talked about microchip implants and the 'Mark of the Beast.' He believes there is a long term plan afoot to microchip the US population, and what he finds especially alarming is that people could be microchipped without their awareness, such as through a nasal mist or vaccination. "With nanotechnology, you now have microscopic particles that are essentially biochip implants, which send out an RFID signal," but they're so tiny, they could be absorbed in a variety of ways, he explained. McGuire is convinced that there's a secretive elite who perceives the populace as their property, and seeks to implant the chips for "branding us, controlling us, and owning us."

August 30, 2012

Coast to Coast AM - 08-29-12 - Time Travel Explorations

Coast to Coast AM - 08-29-12 - Time Travel Explorations  <--

Host: George Noory
Guests: Marie D. Jones, Bill Nye

Author and researcher Marie D. Jones discussed various aspects of time travel from scientific, historical, and paranormal angles. A number of great scientists have looked at time travel like Albert Einstein and Stephen Hawking. Tesla experienced a high-voltage shock to his body during a laboratory experiment, and claimed that during that moment, he ascended into a kind of oneness of space-time in which time disappeared. Later, after he recovered, he looked into time travel more, and what the electromagnetic field might have to do with it, she recounted. The theoretical idea of using wormholes for time travel posits some interesting options, she marveled-- you could travel from point A to point B in the same universe, or you might travel from point A in one universe, to point B in a different universe.

Jones pondered the ethical and moral concerns of time travel, in terms of paradoxes-- if you change something in the past, will it change things in the present-- to the point where you won't exist anymore? One way to get around the so-called 'Grandfather Paradox' is the multiverse theory, she noted, which proposes that a multiplicity of universes or probabilities are possible. She also spoke about alleged time travelers and "chrononauts" such as John Titor, and Andrew Basiago.

Reports of "time slips" come from all over the world, in which people, for example, enter a fog, and then find themselves 500 miles away, and it's a day later. We don't know if such occurrences take place because of electromagnetic or environmental anomalies-- some cases may be related to UFO abductions, she said. "I think it's very possible that there are places on the Earth, where the veil between realities is thinner, and you get things like time slips and time anomalies," Jones conjectured. According to her research, most people would prefer to go back to the past instead of into the future. Callers phoned in and shared what one thing they would change in the past if they had the ability to time travel.

Science & Creationism

First hour guest, Bill Nye, "the Science Guy," argued that teaching creationism to children in school is not appropriate (a video in which he expounded on this has been seen over 2 million times). Creationism is not science, and "the idea that there is no such thing as evolution, that an unknowable deity created everything that you see around you in just 100 centuries," is simply wrong on a scientific basis, he stated.

August 29, 2012

Coast to Coast AM - 08-28-12 - Theories of the Universe & Ufology Update

Coast to Coast AM - 08-28-12 - Theories of the Universe & Ufology Update  <--

Host: George Noory
Guests: Howard Bloom, Stanton Friedman

In the first half, Howard Bloom discussed his research into the nature of the universe and its creation of time, space, energy, and the human race. While he is an atheist, Bloom stressed that his perspective differs from "intolerant atheism," which decries religion, and is more heavily influenced by pure science. To that end, he observed that his view of science requires the acknowledgement that "every idea is a hypothesis waiting to be proven and every hypothesis is something waiting to be overturned." Accordingly, he said that this outlook "calls for tolerance, pluralism, and freedom of speech." That said, in searching for answers behind "cosmic creativity," Bloom credited his atheism as an advantage because it requires a scientific answer for all of the mysteries of the universe.

According to Bloom, one key aspect of his research is the mystery behind the "material power of immaterial things." He explained this concept by describing how a wave in the ocean consists of many small water particles that are constantly changing as it travels. Bloom marveled that the wave retains its shape despite the fact that the contents within it are continuously different. He also extended this analogy to the human body, which is always refreshing its cells yet the identity of the person remains the same, as well as mathematics, which is a wholly immaterial thing that possesses tremendously tangible power. Rather than ascribe the source of this "material power" to God, Bloom asserted that the job of science is to begin to step into the territory of the divine and not to venerate it but to "show the mystery in ways that just floor you."

Ufology Update

In the latter half, Ufologist and physicist Stanton Friedman talked about the changing public perception of UFOs, what may be behind the phenomenon, and famous cases like Roswell as well as the alleged Aztec, NM UFO crash. Friedman noted that the ever-increasing knowledge of the vastness and complexity of the universe has given rise to widespread acceptance of the possibility for life existing beyond Earth. Today, he said, children grow up to simply accept this concept rather than dismissing it out of hand, as previous generations had. Friedman credited this emerging openness, along with the media treating the subject more seriously, for the rise in UFO reports in recent years, noting that MUFON currently collects over 600 cases a month. Ultimately, he expressed excitement that "people are waking up to what is going on."

Friedman also shared the conclusions he has reached regarding the UFO phenomenon after researching if for decades. He declared that there is "overwhelming evidence" that Earth is being visited by "intelligently controlled extraterrestrial spacecraft" and that there is a "cosmic Watergate" in place to keep this fact a secret. Additionally, Friedman contended that "there are no good arguments" against these points and, ultimately, the UFO enigma constitutes the "biggest story of the millennium." On the motivations of the ETs, he conceded that deciphering their agenda is difficult, but surmised that they have an interest in seeing if humans can develop beyond their aggressive nature. While skeptical that official disclosure is imminent, Friedman did suggest that someday "we will find out what was going through the heads of our guys and of the aliens."

August 28, 2012

Coast to Coast AM - 08-27-12 - Pyramids, Egypt & Angels

Coast to Coast AM - 08-27-12 - Pyramids, Egypt & Angels  <--

Host: George Noory
Guests: Carmen Boulter, Rod Pyle

Retired professor at the University of Calgary, Carmen Boulter, shared her theories about the properties and purpose of Egypt's ancient pyramids, as well information on a new study she conducted on the effects of the Great Pyramid on the human aura and chakra systems. She also discussed her research on angels and archetypes. There are certain points within the Great Pyramid that have increased energy and that is where the sarcophagus is placed, she said. Her experiments involved people getting inside the sarcophagus, where some reported having conscious out-of-body experiences. "I think the ancient initiates were trained in a way that we don't even understand-- they were learning how to navigate other-dimensional spheres, so that when they passed from this body they were able to stay conscious," she explained.

Boulter spoke about the notion of some pyramids being "live," in which, for instance, seeds brought into them would go on to have greater yields. The Great Pyramid, she noted, still has energy, particularly a few days before and after solstices and equinoxes-- "there's a crystalline matrix in a lot of the stones," which contributes to the energy. She recently returned from Russia, where she presented her paper on the effects of the Great Pyramid on people's psyches. Participants showed increased connections between their chakras and the energy field, after being inside the Pyramid. She plans to repeat her study there on 12/12/12.

Angels have different orientations or specialties, and Boulter classified them into a system of 22 types "that access various points of consciousness and archetypal energy." The ancient Egyptians were able to "make a bridge" to enable angelic contact, she said. The way this works is that the angel "densifies" itself while the human becomes more refined for a moment, and at this juncture they can interact with one another, she detailed. "That's how some people can see light beings, or know they're being spoken to," she offered.

Curiosity & Space Missions

First hour guest, author Rod Pyle talked about the Curiosity Rover, the passing of Neil Armstrong, and various space missions. One of the most exciting things about Curiosity is that it has the ability to drill down about 2.5 inches into rock, which in geological terms could yield new types of data about Mars, he observed. Interestingly, he noted that Mars "is swimming in water,"-- it's estimated that there's enough ice in the South Pole alone that if melted, it could put something like a 25-30ft.-deep ocean around the whole planet.

Coast to Coast AM - 08-26-12 - Manwolf & Creature Sightings

Coast to Coast AM - 08-26-12 - Manwolf & Creature Sightings  <--

Host: George Knapp
Guests: Linda Godfrey

Researcher, author and newspaper reporter, Linda Godfrey, has been tracking upright, canine creatures that look like traditional werewolves for over twenty years. She joined George Knapp to discuss modern and classic sightings of the creatures. Descriptions by witnesses of the Manwolf or Dogman have remained consistent over the years and across the US-- a 5-7 ft. tall creature that stands, walks or runs on its hind legs (although it can alternate between that and all fours), is covered with shaggy fur, and has a long snout, fangs, and pointed ears on top of its head, she detailed. Curiously, people often note that it has a jeering or sneering quality as though it's trying to scare them, but then quickly darts off into nearby cover. One witness, a man in Quebec province, said he was grazed by the fangs of a creature when it brushed past him, leaving him with a skin tear that required stitches.

Godfrey has studied various tracks left by the creatures-- they tend to be around 6 inches in diameter and have certain differences from regular dog or wolf tracks, she said. Sightings date back millennia, and across cultures (the Romans even had a holiday called Lupercalia related to wolf lore). She recounted an intriguing case from 1936 when a night watchman saw an upright 7 ft. tall canine-type creature near an Indian burial mound that growled in a "proto-human voice" a word that sounded like "Gadara," a place mentioned in the Bible where Jesus was said to cast out demons. Locations where the dogmen are seen are almost always near water sources, and tend to be places like cemeteries, church yards, crossroads, highways, and remote military installations, she said, adding that in some hotspots, Bigfoot, UFOs and other anomalies are also reported.

Interestingly, she found a correlation between sites of ancient Indian animal-shaped effigy mounds in southern Wisconsin, and dogman sightings. Godfrey noted there is some anecdotal evidence that through magical rites or mental projection, people may be able to manifest as these creatures. She also shared her own recent odd encounter which took place last month in the Kettle Moraine area of Wisconsin, with what may have been a Bigfoot-type creature.

August 26, 2012

Coast to Coast AM - 08-25-12 - Banking Fraud Special

Coast to Coast AM - 08-25-12 - Banking Fraud Special  <--

Host: John B. Wells
Guests: Robert Mazur, Barry James Dyke, William K. Black, John Truman Wolfe

Four banking experts (Robert Mazur, Barry James Dyke, William K. Black and John Truman Wolfe) joined John B. Wells, in separate hours, and exposed the terrifying truth about how corrupt bankers and businessmen manipulate complex international financial systems to serve drug lords, politicians, tax cheats, and terrorists.

In the first hour, Robert Mazur shared his insights into the shadowy world of international money laundering, which he learned via a two year undercover investigation for US customs. In recounting his story, Mazur noted that he worked with a Panamanian bank where techniques of money laundering were brazenly discussed and served as a veritable "crossroads of drug traffickers, politicians, and the intelligence community as well." Mazur explained that many American banks which are caught laundering money, often via the massive illegal drug trade, are offered "deferred prosecution" where the US government monitors their transactions for a year and simply fines the organization. He cited a recent such case where Wachovia was caught soliciting "400 billion dollars in US dollar deposits from account holders in Mexico" between 2004 and 2007.

Author Barry James Dyke joined the program in the second hour and expressed concern over how average citizens are being misled by the financial community, particularly in the form of 401k plans. Calling them "unregulated speculation," he likened 401k plans to slaves being convinced to build pyramids for the pharaohs. As such, he advised people to invest in themselves first, get out of personal debt, and practice financial patience while eschewing the idea that becoming rich can happen overnight. "We've got to end this 'instant' mentality in the United States," he mused, decrying the "casino nature of everything." Observing that it took decades for the economic crisis to develop, Dyke said that "1% of the time, it will get rebuilt. I believe that with all of my heart."

During the 3rd hour, William K. Black discussed the lack of legal accountability for banks in modern times. He recalled how the Savings and Loan crisis resulted in the prosecution of "roughly 300 institutions and 300 individuals" that were convicted 90% of the time. Contrasting it with the current economic crisis, Black lamented that not only are CEOs looting companies, but they are provided with bailouts and allowed to keep their job. "We're all being played for chumps," he observed, "this is American style crony capitalism" In light of the "revolving door" between the banks and government regulators, Black surmised that the best way to solve the problem would be to put pressure on prosecutors, via the media, to hold crooked CEOs accountable for their misdeeds.

In the final hour, John Truman Wolfe contended that the financial crisis has been orchestrated in order to collapse the US dollar and replace it with a "global monetary authority, which is essentially a global financial dictator for the planet." While he conceded that this sounds extreme, Wolfe revealed that just such an entity, known as the Bank for International Settlements, was created in 2009 at the G20 Summit. The BIS, he said, serves as central bank for all the centrals banks of the G20 nations. Wolfe warned that the "fiscal autonomy of the United States, whatever there was of it," was usurped by the BIS when President Obama signed on to the agreement. He suggested that, since joining the BIS requires Congressional approval, people need to contact Congress and demand regulatory oversight be added to the agreement.