September 15, 2012

Coast to Coast AM - 09-14-12 - Exploring the Trance State

Coast to Coast AM - 09-14-12 - Exploring the Trance State  <--

Host: George Noory
Guests: Giovanni Lordi, Open Lines

In the first half of the show, author, hypnotherapist and mesmerist Giovanni Lordi discussed how the subconscious mind is the conduit to other dimensions and how it plays a role in phenomena such as out-of-body experiences and pre-cognition. The subconscious resists changing patterns or habits and fights decisions made by the conscious mind, he explained, noting how the subconscious develops early in life to protect us. Lordi outlined three basic roles of the conscious mind: analyzing situations (asking why), rationalizing (making excuses), and providing willpower (focusing attention). The subconscious must ultimately get direction and purpose from the conscious mind, he added.

Hypnosis can aid in aligning the conscious and subconscious minds, Lordi continued. He said patients seek hypnotherapy for a variety of reasons, including weight loss, anxiety, and perhaps the biggest issue he sees now, being overwhelmed. Lordi shared the case of a woman who suffered from migraines who, when placed into a hypnotic state, spontaneously regressed into a past life where she fell from a rooftop onto her head. When the woman returned she had no more migraines, he disclosed. Lordi spoke of his own out-of-body experiences, speculated about the body visiting parallel dimensions during sleep, and provided a technique for switching off unwanted mental states. The technique, which involves focusing on an unresolved issue and jumping in the air screaming, creates a boundary for the subconscious mind. This allows one to reflect on an issue in order to find a solution and move forward, he revealed.

Open Lines

During Open Lines, Hannah from California told George about bizarre phenomena that she has been experiencing. According to Hannah, she is plagued by nightmares, sees brightly colored circles everywhere, hears strange voices, and is followed by small balls of electricity. Hannah said her condition has impaired her life. Evelyn in Colorado Springs, Colorado, recounted a series of nightmares that she believes warned her not to fly on 9/11. Luckily, Evelyn said she was able to convince her husband to make the long drive to New York instead. "Every time I dream something it comes true," she added. Sean a marathon runner from Maui, Hawaii recalled a near death experience he had as a child living in Chicago. Sean said he and his brother walked to a city park to play catch one day and on the way home he attempted to navigate eight lanes of traffic. I got to the last lane, saw the flash of a car and then everything went black, he remembered, noting how he was thrown out of his shoes by the impact. Several callers phoned in about having panic attacks.

The final half-hour featured part of George's 7/23/08 interview with paranormal researcher Heidi Hollis.

September 14, 2012

Coast to Coast AM - 09-13-12 - Nephilim, Giants & Prophecy

Coast to Coast AM - 09-13-12 - Nephilim, Giants & Prophecy  <--

Host: George Noory
Guests: L. A. Marzulli, Bernardo Kastrup

Author and researcher L.A. Marzulli discussed evidence for Nephilim in the Americas including skeletons of giants unearthed in the U.S., and archeological formations which pre-date Native American culture. He also shared an update on how current events are shaping up to fulfill biblical prophecy. He announced that he's looking for someone to assist him in filing a Freedom of Information request, regarding the Smithsonian Institution's confiscation of the bones of giants from the Ohio Valley around the end of the 19th century. He wants to take some DNA sampling of the bones, that may have belonged to the Nephilim (fallen angels). Citing the research of Fritz Zimmerman (who'll be speaking with Marzulli at the upcoming Nephilim Mounds Conference), bones of the giants found in the Ohio mounds were said to be from beings who were 7 to 12 feet in height, with six-fingered hands, double rows of teeth, and red hair.

Further, there are accounts of giants' remains on Catalina Island-- in the 1920s-30s, mounds were exhumed there, and bones of giants who were in some sort of battle were found, and yet again the bones were secreted away, Marzulli continued. The reason the bones are kept from the public is that they go against Darwinian theory, and are not entirely human, he suggested. Many of the mound sites in Ohio have been covered up, with buildings constructed on top of them, he added.

Marzulli spoke about a coming great deception (as prophesied in the Bible), which could involve the creation of a new race of Nephilim-- people who take the "Mark of the Beast" may be offered the chance to live hundreds of years, disease free. The alien implants studied by Dr. Roger Leir may be a prototype for the 'Mark,' capable of changing a person's DNA, he said. Additionally, Marzulli shared accounts of sinister Black-Eyed Children, NDEs, and Torah Codes.

Waking Reality & Dreams

First hour guest, scientist and author Bernardo Kastrup talked about the relationship between waking reality and dreams. When you're dreaming, you take it for granted that what you're experiencing is real-- just like waking reality. But waking reality, like a dream, could be considered a kind of hallucination produced by your brain. In dreams, your brain is free to generate whatever hallucinations it wants, but during waking reality the hallucination is modulated by signals coming from an external world outside your mind, he explained, adding that both waking and dreaming states are a product of mind.

September 13, 2012

Coast to Coast AM - 09-12-12 - GMO Health Dangers

Coast to Coast AM - 09-12-12 - GMO Health Dangers  <--

Host: George Noory
Guests: Jeffrey M. Smith, Robert Shapiro

Director of the Institute for Responsible Technology, and the leading spokesperson on the health dangers of genetically modified foods, Jeffrey Smith discussed evidence that GMO foods are contributing to health problems in those who consume them. Crops such as corn, soybeans, cotton, and sugar beets are now primarily genetically modified, and a lot of the corn and soybean in particular goes into animal feed. The American Academy of Environmental Medicine reviewed studies of lab animals being fed GM foods and reported that the diet was causing problems with their immune, reproductive, and gastrointestinal systems, contributing to organ damage, and they were aging faster, Smith reported. "We see similar categories improving in pets and livestock when they get off GMOs," but for humans that are increasingly eating such foods, these kinds of problems are on the rise, he noted.

The big player in the GMO industry is Monsanto. They embarked on the process in 2000, when their popular weedkiller Round Up was going off patent, so they developed patented seeds that would only work with Round Up, Smith explained. Among the symptoms associated with GMO consumption are fatigue, allergies, weight problems, infertility, stomach issues, and migraines, he noted, adding that doctors who've prescribed non-GMO foods to their patients say that GMOs cause inflammation and increase allergic responses. One doctor in Chicago said that 100% of her patients get better on non-GMO diets, he cited. Smith recommends the Non-GMO Shopping Guide as a resource for avoiding such risky foods.

On the November ballot in California is Prop. 37, an initiative that if passed would require companies to label their foods as genetically engineered if they use GMOs. Such labeling already is in place in 49 countries, and is desired by 91% of Americans, said Smith. 19 other US states considered such legislation but Monsanto threatened lawsuits, and got the efforts stalled. Monsanto and others have amassed $27 million for a huge TV campaign against Prop. 37 that they are about to launch, he detailed. Smith sees Prop. 37 as a great first step, and hopes that if it passes, companies will remove GMOs from their products on their own accord, since many consumers won't buy them, if they're labeled as such.

Drug Awareness

First hour guest, attorney Robert Shapiro appeared in studio, talking about his work with the Brent Shapiro Foundation for Drug Awareness. His son Brent died in 2005, when he had a bad reaction from combining alcohol and ecstasy. One of the problems in such incidents is that bystanders don't always promptly call 911. But now the 'Good Samaritan' Bill is awaiting Gov. Brown's signature in California, he reported. This law would protect anyone from drug-related prosecution including the person who needs hospitalization, in emergency situations in which 911 is called. Shapiro also announced the opening of 'Brent's Club,' an after-school sober club located in the Boyle Heights neighborhood of Los Angeles.

Coast to Coast AM - 09-11-12 - Afterlife & Reincarnation

Coast to Coast AM - 09-11-12 - Afterlife & Reincarnation  <--

Host: George Noory
Guests: Richard Martini, Stewart Rhodes

Journalist and filmmaker Rich Martini discussed his incredible journey finding evidence for the afterlife, life between lives, and "soul groups." He extensively interviewed Dr. Michael Newton, known for his pioneering work on life between lives. Newton put some 7,000 people under deep hypnosis over a 30-year period, and found a number of commonalities amongst his clients regarding reincarnation and the afterlife. For instance, he discovered that people had a specific color associated with them during their between-lives world that was related to their spiritual progression or age of their souls. Martini filmed a number of people's hypnotherapy sessions, including his own. One of the sessions was with a woman who experienced being a holocaust victim in a past life. During her between-lives state, she said she met with a Council of Elders, who surprisingly told her that "it was harder to play the role of a perpetrator than a victim."

According to Martini's research, while in the between-lives world, we conduct a planning session, often with members of our soul group, deciding who is going to play what role in the next lifetime. People typically have between 3 to 25 members in their soul group, and when they find each other, there is a sense that they are "home," he said. A commonality Martini found, is that when people are regressed they say their soul enters a new fetus at around the four months mark. Interestingly, only 1/3 of the person's soul goes into the body and the rest resides in the spiritual realm, and is only reunited at physical death, he continued.

He shared details of his own lengthy hypnotic regression, in which he experienced a previous life as an Indian Medicine Man, and attended a classroom about "energy reconstruction" during the between-lives state. For more, check out a trailer for his documentary, FlipSide. Martini also touched on his extensive research into the fate of Amelia Earhart. He interviewed a number of witnesses who saw her plane in a hangar in Saipan. He concluded that she was held prisoner by the Japanese (who probably thought she was a spy) from 1937-42, and was executed after United States shelled Saipan.

Post 9-11 World

First hour guest, founder of the Oath Keepers, Stewart Rhodes, talked about changes that have taken place in post 9-11 America. The 9-11 attacks were used as an excuse for dismantling the Bill of Rights, and "destroying all the protections that secure us from arbitrary detention...things that we condemn other countries for doing, our government is now claiming the power to do," he stated. In regards to the NDAA (National Defense Authorization Act) of 2012, which allows for indefinite military detention, a bi-partisan coalition has emerged to oppose this, he reported. Yet, neither Romney nor Obama have addressed such "totalitarian" acts, because they are both in favor of them, he commented.

September 11, 2012

Coast to Coast AM - 09-10-12 - Parenting Tips & Criminal Profiling

Coast to Coast AM - 09-10-12 - Parenting Tips & Criminal Profiling  <--

Host: George Noory
Guests: Pat Brown, Bev Harris

Nationally known criminal profiler and author Pat Brown shared tips for parents on how to keep their children (particularly their daughters) out of harm's way, as well as discussed the characteristics of serial killers and psychopaths. She believes there's been a rise of psychopathy in the United States, due to the breakdown of the family and rampant narcissism. While most psychopaths don't kill, they can be problematic in other ways that may involve violence, she noted. Serial killers have different personalities, and some can appear friendly and helpful to neighbors. There are probably a few in each major metropolitan area, but their murders tend to stop and start, spaced out between years, she detailed. Male serial killers murder for the thrill of watching someone die, and the sense of accomplishment, but when women kill, it's typically mothers who do away with their own offspring, as part of attention seeking behavior associated with Munchausen's Syndrome by proxy.

A daughter acting out, such as turning to drugs or prostitution, isn't something that happens overnight, she commented. "It happens because your daughter is moving in a direction which allows her to consider these possibilities, whether it be running away from home, or selling herself for drugs because now she's a drug addict, or whether she's so desperate for attention that she's willing to do what a guy says," Brown explained. It helps to have a daughter respecting the parents' decisions and opinions before they hit their teenage years, because if that is not already in place, it will be more difficult to achieve, she continued.

You can't expect kids not to respond to peer pressure but parents should work toward placing their children in the best environments possible, she advised. If your child is an "adrenaline junkie," you should provide them with positive outlets such as sports like mountain climbing, so they won't get bored and seek out trouble, she said. Brown also addressed problems associated with teens using the Internet, social media, and cell phones. In the era before these communications were prevalent, parents could readily act as gatekeepers, but now it's become far trickier. She suggested that teens do not need to have every type of technology available for use in the privacy of their bedrooms.

Electronic Voting Update

First hour guest, researcher Bev Harris shared updates on voting system issues in the United States. A Spanish company, SCYTL, bought America's SOE software (used for tabulating electronic voting), and will be announcing the results from some 1,200 voting locations in the November presidential election, she reported. Rather than hackers, the real risk is that the system cannot be secured from its own administration, so an insider could potentially alter election results; "this company is centralizing the level of control over an election with insiders to an unprecedented degree," she lamented.

Coast to Coast AM - 09-09-12 - Psychology of Sound

Coast to Coast AM - 09-09-12 - Psychology of Sound  <--

Host: Ian Punnett
Guests: Seth Horowitz, Rupert Sheldrake

Everyday we're surrounded by millions of sounds - ambient ones like the hum of the air conditioner, as well as more attention-grabbing sounds, such as human speech. Neuroscientist and musician Seth Horowitz joined Ian Punnett to discuss how sound affects us, and in turn, how we've learned to manipulate sound to alter the way we think and feel. People can have difficulty acclimating to the sounds of city or the country, depending on where they're from, he detailed. If a city person goes to the country, the quiet can be disturbing because the lack of sound can seem like a warning that something is wrong, while the reverse is true for the country person going to the city. He also revealed that each city has its own unique band of sound around it, based on various factors.

Horowitz speculated on sound weapons of the future. One device that is already in use is the LRAD (Long Range Acoustic Device)-- "it's an extraordinarily powerful amplifier pumping out a tone that's right in the middle of most normal human hearing range but it's so powerful that if you're within 10-20 ft. of it for more than 10-20 seconds, you're in trouble-- you will lose your hearing. It will drive people away from up to 50-100 ft. away no problem," he said. Explaining why people find particular sounds disturbing such as fingernails on a blackboard, he noted that such sounds are "pseudo-periodic," with random variations that can be especially jarring.

Horowitz also addressed the intriguing subject of "earworms," jingles or songs that play or get stuck in our heads like loops. Most earworms are something that's been repeated over and over again, so your brain has actually formed a neural circuit around it, he said. Interestingly, there are a lot of sounds we simply aren't aware of because they occur underwater, he pointed out. The source of one mysterious underwater sound known as "the Bloop" has never been identified from naval recordings, he added.

Scientific Dogma

In the first hour, former director of studies in biochemistry and cell biology at Clare College, Cambridge University, Rupert Sheldrake, talked about how science is riddled with various dogmas that limit new possibilities, and discovery. Among the limiting beliefs he refuted were:

Nature is purposeless and has no goal or direction.
Minds are inside heads and are nothing but the activity of brains.
Unexplained phenomena such as telepathy are illusory.

Sheldrake said he is trying to encourage scientists and doctors to think more freely-- many already have non-materialist views, but often are afraid to share them with their colleagues.

September 9, 2012

Coast to Coast AM - 09-08-12 - 9-11 Attack & Terrorism Threats

Coast to Coast AM - 09-08-12 - 9-11 Attack & Terrorism Threats  <--

Host: John B. Wells
Guests: Robert Gleason, Philip Marshall

In the first half, veteran airline captain Philip Marshall gave an update on the connections between the Saudi intelligence community and the 9/11 hijackers. Next, author and nuclear terrorism expert Robert Gleason joined John B. Wells to discuss how for the past ten years the United States has been relatively free from major terrorism events, but the threat is higher now than it ever has been.