August 4, 2012

Coast to Coast AM - 08-03-12 - Angelic Encounters & Open Lines

Coast to Coast AM - 08-03-12 - Angelic Encounters & Open Lines  <--

Host: George Noory
Guests: Peter Sterling

In the first half, harpist and lifelong student of the paranormal Peter Sterling discussed his encounters with angels and other celestial beings, and the profound changes that his contact with a multi-dimensional reality had on his life. Sterling recalled a period twenty years ago when he decided to rid himself of possessions and embark on a spiritual quest to Sedona, Arizona. It was there, in the profound silence and isolation of canyon walls, that he believes his spirit was awakened by angels. They unveiled the holographic nature of reality and helped him tune into 'inner music,' he said. According to Sterling, the angels revealed the glorious source of the music as well as his mission in life—to be a harpist channeling this heavenly sound. The angels taught him to play music that can instantly train a listener to the theta state, he disclosed.

Sterling spoke about the nature of angels, describing them as higher-dimensional energy beings who exist in a unified field of love and are commanded by a source intelligence. They are tasked with administering the universes to keep everything in order, he explained. Angels have played a part throughout history, Sterling continued, noting how great people such as Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo and even the Founding Fathers were inspired by angels. Sterling claimed to have telepathic communications with angels but pointed out that angelic energies are accessible to everyone. One must simply call upon them from the heart, he said. Sterling also commented on crop circles, which he suggested are made by an extraterrestrial intelligence here to assist mankind. They want us to know that we are on the verge of an evolutionary quantum leap, he added.


During Open Lines, Rosemary in Apopka, Florida, told George about a brain aneurysm that had put her into a coma for several weeks. Rosemary said one of her sisters was anointed on her behalf and immediately fell into an out-of-body experience. The sister recalled flying over streets and into Rosemary's hospital room, where she found the place full of beings who instructed her to tell their mom that everything would be okay. A caller from Des Moines, Iowa, appropriately named Angel, shared her own angelic stories. Angel said she was born with severe kidney failure and throughout her numerous health difficulties has always felt surrounded by angels. She also recalled the time she was comforted by an unseen celestial force as the plane she was aboard crash landed. Anthony in Alaska remembered when he was 14 years old and had just completed his confirmation. Anthony said he could hear voices and looked up into the church's rafters to see angels and babies looking down on him. According to Anthony, one angel turned to the babies and said, "Quiet. He can hear you." The final half hour featured a replay of Dr. Morgus' surprise visit with George on 11/11/05.

August 3, 2012

Coast to Coast AM - 08-02-12 - Personality & Genetics

Coast to Coast AM - 08-02-12 - Personality & Genetics  <--

Host: George Noory
Guests: Elaine Fox, Sam Kean

In the first half, experimental psychologist and neuroscientist, Elaine Fox, spoke about her work finding the roots of optimism and pessimism, and how we can retrain our brains to be more optimistic. In spite of the economic downturn, she reported that internationally, the vast majority of people are optimistic about the future, and tend to underestimate the chances of bad things happening to them. She characterized optimism in broader terms than just positive thinking, and suggested it has several components including taking positive actions, persistence, and having a sense of control. Surrounding yourself with negative or positive influences or people can make your brain pathways become more entrenched in those outlooks, she noted.

Studies involving the so-called "optimism gene" found that those with this genetic marker were less inclined to fall into a depression when a number of negative events befell them, as compared to those without the genetic variant, who had an equal number of bad events occur. Though ultimately we need a balance of what she calls the "rainy" and "sunny" brain, to become more optimistic, she suggested challenging one's irrational negative beliefs, and practicing mindfulness-based meditation. She also pointed out that those who are called "lucky," often are people who seek out opportunities and are able to act on them.


In the latter half, science writer Sam Kean discussed his research into DNA and how its effects have played out in human history, language, and medical anomalies. In his latest book (free excerpt), he writes about the 19th-century violinist Niccolo Paganini, who had a genetic abnormality that gave him exceptionally flexible thumbs. While this made him a virtuoso on the violin, the condition likely brought him to an early death, he detailed. He described curiosities related to genetic mutations such as when people are born with no fingerprints (known as "immigration delay disease" because they get guff from border crossing agents), and people who are born with tails. It's a throwback to our genetic past, he explained, adding that all humans actually have tails up till about the 16th week in the womb.

Amazingly, a single DNA cell contains 6 feet of information scrunched up into 1/1000 of an inch, and if all the DNA in one human body was stretched out "it would reach roughly from the sun to Pluto and back," Kean cited. He also talked about how humans have less genetic diversity than might be expected, which suggests that at one time there were only about 2,000 people alive on Earth, and we were very close to extinction.

Dreamland - 08-03-12 - When Ghosts Go After You - The World of Earthbound Spirits

Dreamland - 08-03-12 - When Ghosts Go After You - The World of Earthbound Spirits  <--

Mary Ann Winkowski knows why some spirits remain earthbound and others do not, and how to tell the difference. She will tell you how to find out if there is a ghost near you, and what to do about it. A lifetime of research has led Mary Ann to understand the incredible ways in which these spirits influence our lives. Here, she shares her discoveries and her extraordinary stories with Anne Strieber. She has been communicating with earthbound spirits for most of her life. Her earliest memories include talking to spirits of the deceased as if they were living people and helping these entities cross over. Over the course of work as a paranormal investigator, Mary Ann's reputation has spread. She is a consultant to the CBS hit television show Ghost Whisperer, has appeared on numerous TV and radio news programs, and given lectures nationwide.

August 2, 2012

Coast to Coast AM - 08-01-12 - 2012 & Nostradamus

Coast to Coast AM - 08-01-12 - 2012 & Nostradamus  <--

Host: George Noory
Guests: John Hogue, Whitley Strieber

Author and prophecy expert John Hogue discussed the prophecies of Nostradamus as well as how 2012 is a year of turmoil, with power struggles and class wars increasing dramatically as part of a global cycle. Hogue attributed the unrest throughout the world to a cyclical change in the Earth's energy. This metamorphosis, he said, is causing systemic failure within institutions like the economy and religions because "they cannot be sustained in this new energy." He also called this period a "mind plague," because the collective population is doing irrational things, turning to outdated concepts to solve problems, and showing a lack of political will. This phenomenon, he argued, is compounded by the massive global population being bombarded with "unconscious emotion and thinking" to the point that the Earth's "psychosphere cannot sustain a healthy energy."

Hogue also shared some predictions for events he foresees unfolding in the near future. Regarding the US presidential election, he predicted that Barack Obama would be re-elected by "about 8.5 percent of the popular vote." That said, he suggested that Mitt Romney will win if the unemployment levels go above 10.5%. Regardless of who wins the election, Hogue warned, the United States' acrimonious relationship with Iran will not change. While he was skeptical that a war with Iran was imminent, believing it was more likely to happen around 2015 or 2016, he did concede that, astrologically, September appears to be the month where an "incident might happen" to spark the conflict.

On the prophecies of Nostradamus, Hogue dismissed recent contentions that the legendary prognosticator alluded to the current Olympic games in his writings. He explained that it is a mistranslation which should actually read "the games of slaughter." To that end, Hogue suggested that this could be interpreted as a vision of the emerging reliance on drone weaponry which has created a "Nintendo style of modern warfare." Within that quatrain, Hogue also observed the phrase "when the dead come out of their grave," and surmised that it may indicate "a time when people start waking up" from the "mind plague." Since Nostradamus predicted events up to 1,800 years from now, Hogue was skeptical that we are living in the proverbial end times, though conceded that a "reboot of the motor of history" is upon us.

2012's Crop Circle Season

In the first hour, author Whitley Strieber talked about the Washington crop circle as well as environmental news. He marveled that the Washington formation is "exceptional," notably due to the lack of any signs of disturbance in the crops surrounding it. Strieber contended that it is further evidence of a particularly interesting crop circle season where many formations cannot be dismissed as hoaxes. Along those lines, he noted that crop circles in England have emerged in remote fields which are beset with such thick mud that walking in them is nearly impossible. Regarding the environment, Strieber lamented that there is "always a laundry list" of discouraging news, but pointed to dropping CO2 emissions in the US as a positive sign for the future.

August 1, 2012

Coast to Coast AM - 07-31-12 - Disease & Prevention - Angels & Psychic Reading

Coast to Coast AM - 07-31-12 - Disease & Prevention - Angels & Psychic Reading  <--

Host: George Noory
Guests: Dr. Charles Simone, Helene Olsen

In the first half, Dr. Charles Simone discussed various medical problems and diseases and the preventative measures people can take to stay healthy. He touched on the recent Ebola outbreak in Africa. The initial symptoms of Ebola are common ailments such as sore throats, coughs, muscle & joint pain, and headaches, but then can progress to bleeding from orifices, cardiovascular problems, and death, with necrosis of the skin, he detailed. Cases pop up in areas with poor hygiene or "in hospital settings that have poor recognition of proper isolation techniques," he continued.

Dr. Simone talked about incidents of the flesh-eating bacteria, and suggested that it may be related to bats who carry the virus, and drop partially-eaten infected fruit that goes into lakes and streams, and onto land. He offered preparation tips on how to survive a terrorist attack, such as having a supply of certain items-- bleach, latex gloves, topical antibiotics, bandages, calamine lotion, surgical mask, hydrogen peroxide, and baking soda-- these are the major necessities for decontamination. He also commented that a number of cancer detection techniques such as mammograms don't extend lifespans, but a new type of test involving proteomics could detect tumors earlier. Many cancers are related to diet, and certain foods should be avoided or reduced in consumption, he said, citing four-legged animals, shellfish, dairy and soy products.


In the latter half, psychic medium Helene Olsen, a licensed reader in Salem, MA, talked about connecting with the angelic realm, and her work with clients, as well as ghosts and other entities. After experimenting with Tarot cards, she had a "third eye opening" in which her deceased aunt started talking to her in the supermarket. Subsequently, she began communicating with angels, who operate in a kind of hierarchy, she said. Their true form, she revealed, is a huge ball of energy with rays coming off of them; and their rays are uneven creating a wing-like effect. An archangel such as Michael functions like a "mainframe computer," communicating to perhaps hundreds of people at the same time, she explained.

The angels often assist her when she is called upon to remove entities or ghosts from a location. In a recent case in a Massachusetts home, she witnessed a strange interdimensional creature that looked like a "big flat jellyfish" coming down the stairs, and she suspected it was going to energetically attack her. Fortunately, angels showed up and with some struggle were able to remove the entity, she said. Olsen also talked about the concept of psychometry, in which the energy of an object or place has a residue or impression, left by previous individuals it has come into contact with.

July 31, 2012

Coast to Coast AM - 07-30-12 - Mental Illness & Spirituality

Coast to Coast AM - 07-30-12 - Mental Illness & Spirituality  <--

Host: George Noory
Guests: Dr. Seth Farber, Dr. Andrew Newberg, Paul Levy

During the middle two hours, dissident psychologist and co-founder of the Network Against Coercive Psychiatry, Dr. Seth Farber, discussed how the Mad Pride movement developed in the last ten years as the successor to mental patients' liberation movement, and teaches that many forms of "mental illness" are actually spiritual experiences. Paul Levy, who had a spiritual awakening that was labeled mental illness, also joined the conversation. Farber labeled the Mental Health System, the "Mental Death System," as he believes it does more to harm people than help them. Early on in his career, he encouraged a young schizophrenic to get off the antipsychotic drugs he was prescribed, and the patient informed him about the mental patients' liberation movement (Farber noted that people who are on psychiatric medications should ween themselves off slowly rather than quitting abruptly).

"It's been my experience dealing with many schizophrenics over the years that the ones that stay on these drugs, don't get better, and they go from one crisis to another," he said, adding that the antipsychotic prescriptions were among the biggest money makers for the pharmaceutical companies. The overwhelming majority of schizophrenics (often called bi-polar nowadays) are not violent and get a bad rap because because of more sensationalized murder cases, Farber indicated.

Paul Levy discussed his transformative awakening that occurred to him in 1981, where he entered an altered state and saw himself as part of the oneness of creation rather than separate from everything else. He was committed to a mental hospital, whereupon he seemingly healed a fellow patient of blindness, but the doctors wouldn't acknowledge this and suggested he was delusional. Humanity itself is in a collective psychosis, with people feeling they are separate from each other, Levy argued. But because psychiatry is based on the model of the separate self, a person that perceives otherwise, becomes pathologized, he lamented.

The last hour of the show featured Open Lines.

Communication Strategies

First hour guest, neuroscientist Andrew Newberg talked about communication strategies to build trust and resolve conflict. The human brain can only hold on to a small amount of information at one time, so it's generally more effective to be succinct in order to get your point of across, he said, noting that when one person goes on too long, they become harder to follow. By paying attention to the person who is speaking to you, and trying to understand what they are saying, you can become more compassionate, Newberg continued. Further, our body language often conveys more than what our words are saying.

July 30, 2012

Coast to Coast AM - 07-29-12 - Possessions & Exorcisms

Coast to Coast AM - 07-29-12 - Possessions & Exorcisms  <--

Host: George Knapp
Guests: Bill Scott, Matt Baglio

In the first half, the Founder of Free Our Family, Bill Scott, recounted an excruciating 18-month period when he and his wife invited a woman who was demon possessed, and the member of an active satanic network, into their home. The events began in October of 1988, when the woman called in to the Christian radio station where Scott worked, speaking in strange voices, and claiming that she was a teenage girl who was going to be sacrificed on Halloween. Later, when Scott met her in person, he found out she was actually a woman in her 30s named Roxanne. She spoke in multiple voices, some male, and one of them a young girl named Lacie.

During the two weeks she stayed at the Scott's home, strange events began to take place. But even after they found her another place to live, the unusual occurrences continued. Doors opened and closed on on their own, as well as lights turning off and on. At one point, he described seeing a black figure in the hallway. He said to it: "In Jesus' name, why do you feel you can be in my home?," and the figure replied in a normal speaking voice, "because I am an invited guest in this home." Subsequent to this, the Scott's discovered that Roxanne had hidden occult items such as a black robe underneath the bed where she had slept, and when they got rid of them, the events decreased. He continued to meet with Roxanne to try and help her, and learned from her former pastor that she was possessed by a demon referred to in the book of Revelation called Abaddon which means "destroyer," and that she had indeed created havoc in many people's lives.


In the latter half, journalist Matt Baglio discussed his chronicling of an American priest, Father Gary Thomas, who underwent Vatican-sanctioned training to become an exorcist. According to the training, exorcism should be a last resort, and a potentially possessed person should be evaluated for a number of different conditions such as mental illness, before moving ahead (in fact 95% of the cases are rejected, he reported). An exorcist looks for three signs that could indicate possession, Baglio continued-- abnormal strength, the ability to speak or understand unknown languages, and knowledge of hidden things, such as being able to mind read. They also look for "aversion to the sacred," such as the inability to enter a church, pray, or have any connection to the holy.

Baglio interviewed a number of other exorcists, and each of them related spooky and strange experiences associated with their ministry. In an exorcism Father Gary was involved in, he smelled a horrid stench, while at the same moment, the other priest who was there saw the possessed person levitate. In the case of a possessed young nun, who was said to be dedicated to an evil spirit as a child, she was observed bending the metal legs of a chair, he said. Interestingly, Baglio revealed that most people considered possessed must return for repeated exorcisms, in a series of sessions, and that it's rare for someone to be freed from a demon in a single ritual.

July 29, 2012

Coast to Coast AM - 07-28-12 - Surveillance & Harassment

Coast to Coast AM - 07-28-12 - Surveillance & Harassment  <--

Host: John B. Wells
Guests: Roger Tolces

John B. Wells welcomed Roger Tolces, a private investigator specializing in electronic counter-measures, who discussed how surveillance and harassment has shifted from hardware to bio-coded directed energy as well as the various technologies currently being used to manipulate individuals. "The people that are attempting to control our minds and control everything really don't care about personal life when they want to get something done... nothing stands in the way," he said. Tolces suggested Aurora, Colorado shooter James Holmes may have been a black ops victim in a staged event meant to undermine the second amendment and advance gun control legislation. According to Tolces, this legislation is in direct conflict with the vision of the Founding Fathers who desired a nation of armed citizens as insurance against government tyranny.

James Holmes could have been a victim of a DNA-based form of mind control, he suggested. Tolces said he first learned about such a mind control technique after decoding secret Russian spy documents. Based on patented voice-to-skull (V2K) technology originally proposed to help the deaf hear, bio-coded directed energy is specifically tuned to an individual's DNA algorithm and can be used to make that person hear voices, he explained. These non-stop voices can go on for weeks at a time and ultimately drive a person to act on the psychologically defeating message, Tolces speculated. He claimed to have had clients who were victimized by this technology.

Tolces also commented on the NSA's new multi-billion dollar data center in Utah and provided some background as to why the facility was constructed. In the wake of 9/11, President Bush allowed NSA supercomputers at Fort Meade to tap into major telecom providers to monitor communications, he said. The Fort Meade location eventually ran out of power so construction on a new facility began, Tolces continued. "Every phone call that you make, every email that you send, every text message, all that information now is going into the supercomputers in this new location," he warned. Bank statements, credit card purchases, stock market accounts, IRS tax filings, medical records, and passport/travel information will also be stored and data mined there, he added. This is a massive fourth amendment violation and will likely be used to control people in power, Tolces contended.