August 18, 2012

Dreamland - 08-17-12 - Even MORE Unexplained Disappearances

Dreamland - 08-17-12 - Even MORE Unexplained Disappearances  <--

People are going missing all over the United States and the world, and far too many of the cases, especially when adults are involved, are barely investigated. Last April 10, David Paulides came on Dreamland to discuss this phenomenon with Whitley Strieber. They covered only the western United States. Now Dave is back, this time bringing even more chilling cases from the eastern US. People are, in fact, vanishing without a trace and yet our government agencies say nothing. Most of these cases take place in wilderness areas and there is now no question that something very strange is happening.

Coast to Coast AM - 08-17-12 - Creating a Ghost & Open Lines

Coast to Coast AM - 08-17-12 - Creating a Ghost & Open Lines  <--

Host: George Noory
Guests: Joshua P. Warren, Todd Lincoln, Open Lines

In the first half of the program, and after two years of silence, paranormal investigator Joshua P. Warren finally revealed details about the groundbreaking experiment he was hired by Warner Brothers to conduct to 'create a ghost.' (Related Images) He was joined in the first hour by Todd Lincoln, writer/director of Warner Brothers' new horror movie, The Apparition. Lincoln said his new film is inspired by experiments conducted in the 1970s by researchers who suggested that paranormal events happen because people believe in them. The group created a fictional back story for a man named Phillip and focused on manifesting him solely through the power of the mind, he explained. Strange things occurred which terrified the researchers and the experiment was halted, Lincoln added. In The Apparition a similar experiment summons an inhuman entity that gains its power from belief and fear, he noted.

Warren reported on his own attempt at creating a ghost using a lab setup, pointing out that "this actually worked." Components of the original Phillip experiment were combined with technology that amplified brain waves, he disclosed. The subject was asked to focus on a tiki doll and her thoughts were broadcast through equipment that magnified them into the equivalent of thousands of people thinking the same thing, Warren continued. Eventually, a huge harmonic-type field built up which damaged the equipment and ended the experiment, he recalled. According to Warren, seven days later he began to hear scratching sounds in the walls and saw a distorted human-shaped shadow walk down his staircase. In addition, objects were found inexplicably strewn about, the electrical system in Warren's building melted down, and other tenants claimed to have seen a shadowy being, he said. The implications to understand the nature of ghosts and the relationship between mind and environment are startling, Warren said.


During Open Lines, George offered a 'curse' hotline for people who have been cursed or placed a curse on someone else. Darnell in Detroit, Michigan, claimed to be assaulted daily by shadow beings that have been placed on him and his family by practitioners of voodoo in his neighborhood. Most recently a shadow being walked into his room and jumped into the bed, Darnell recounted. Chris from Toronto told George about the time in high school when he used magic to get even with bullies. Chris said he attempted to project his negative feelings into his assailants and gained some relief from their attacks but was also left with a huge karmic debt to repay. Al in Bristol, Pennsylvania, reported on his own ghostly encounter. According to Al, he heard the noise of pots rattling in the kitchen and turned to look down the hallway in that direction. When he did he saw what appeared to be the figure of a woman run into the hallway and through his daughter's bedroom door.

Coast to Coast AM - 08-16-12 - Mind Programming, UFOs & Sci-Fi Shows

Coast to Coast AM - 08-16-12 - Mind Programming, UFOs & Sci-Fi Shows  <--

Host: George Noory
Guests: Sonia Barrett, Robert M. Stanley, Marc Zicree

In the middle two hours, host/producer and founder of Sovereign Mind Radio, Sonia Barrett, argued that people's consciousness is kept in a continuous survival or fear mode. Deep down everyone is afraid of annihilation or not-existing, and this is part of the initial programming that was placed into humanity for control purposes, she explained. Humans at the "Level One" stage, experience a limited range of possibilities, and are not able to go beyond the protocols wired or programmed into the human mind, she continued, adding that a set of components are there, including religion, to ensure we don't step outside these boundaries.

However, most people don't think they're being controlled even though they have been programmed to take orders and be subservient, and to believe that someone outside ourselves knows what's best for us, Barrett commented. For instance, with health care, people seem to be conditioned for ill-health; they are overly dependent on doctors for quick fixes, and medications for the most minute things, she suggested. Further, we want reality to only be what we are comfortable with, which is another way the mind is limited, she noted. For more, check out a trailer for her forthcoming documentary, The Business of Disease.

Washington DC UFOs

First hour guest, UFO expert and editor of Unicus Magazine, Robert Stanley, talked about a slew of new UFO sightings over Washington DC this year. One of the sightings was by an airline pilot living in the area, he said. He also cited UFO photographs taken by Wilbur Allen which are "identical" to those taken during the July 1952 flyover in DC. Because of this consistent cluster of activity, Stanley has concluded that there's an interdimensional portal or underground base in the Washington DC area.

Sci-Fi Shows

Last hour guest, writer/producer Marc Zicree talked about his latest projects, and sci-fi shows such as the Twilight Zone. He is currently working on a Kickstarter-financed film series, Space Command, a space epic that will span over two centuries. Interestingly, he shared that Rod Serling was not the first choice to host his own Twilight Zone series, and that only after the network shot the pilot with a different host who didn't work out, was he able to convince them that he was the right person for the job.

August 16, 2012

Coast to Coast AM - 08-15-12 - Govt. & Ancient Relics

Coast to Coast AM - 08-15-12 - Govt. & Ancient Relics  <--

Host: George Noory
Guests: Nick Redfern, Jeff Belanger

Fortean reseacher Nick Redfern discussed how and why government agencies have, for decades, taken a clandestine and profound interest in numerous archaeological, historical, and religious mysteries. He stressed that government research into ancient mysteries is not a purely scientific endeavor. On the contrary, Redfern said, such investigations appear to be aimed at determining if ancient people had advanced technology and, if so, how to weaponize it. He also surmised that, should such discoveries be made, they would be kept secret to avoid opening "potentially problematic doors to the past." Over the course of the evening, he detailed the government's secret research into Noah's Ark and pyramids as well as esoteric anomalies like the Face on Mars and ancient Indian texts depicting nuclear war.

Redfern traced the U.S. government's interest in ancient mysteries back to 1947, when the Dead Sea Scrolls were discovered and drew the attention of the CIA. He explained that, a few months following the discovery, a mysterious Egyptian appeared at the American embassy in Syria and gave a portion of the relic to CIA agents stationed there. The identity of the Egyptian visitor remains a mystery as does the ultimate fate of the scroll he gifted to the CIA. As to the contents of the parchment, Redfern cited rumors which claim that it "related to the Book of Daniel and all sorts of references to strange dreams and prophecies." He theorized that such content would be of interest to the CIA, in light of their subsequent surveillance of noted 'prophets' in the 1950's and later research into remote viewing.

According to Redfern, antigravity was another possible technology that the government hoped to discover through its study of ancient mysteries. To that end, he observed that cultures throughout the world possess pyramid structures that were created with massive stones said to be "raised in the air via magical means." This supernatural feat, he noted, was often attributed to mystical music. As such, Redfern said, the military took a great interest in the concept, performed studies on "acoustic technology," and actually managed to lift small objects merely using sound. Additionally, he cited a meeting in the 1950's between Morris Jessup, an researcher who contended that such ancient monuments were created by levitation, and a secret government weapons group that was interested in his findings.

White House Ghosts & Time Slips

In the first hour, author and lecturer Jeff Belanger talked about White House ghosts as well as time slips. He credited the earliest recorded ghost story from the White House to Mary Todd Lincoln's claims of seeing the spirit of her son, who had actually died in the building. Chillingly, Belanger said that, nearly 50 years later, a military aide stationed at the White House wrote about how servants working there also reported encounters with the ghost of a small boy. Regarding time slips, where a person seems to briefly enter an era from the past, Belanger was intrigued by how the phenomenon could be applied to the ghost enigma. "Maybe some of these ghost experiences could be explained by time literally bumping into another time," he mused, "'then' bumping into 'now' and 'now' bumping into 'then.'"

August 15, 2012

Coast to Coast AM - 08-14-12 - Channeled Messages

Coast to Coast AM - 08-14-12 - Channeled Messages  <--

Host: George Noory
Guests: Wynn Free, Brother Michael Dimond

Author and researcher Wynn Free discussed his study of Edgar Cayce's works, as well as his own channeled sources of information who claim to be the "Elohim." Regarding Cayce's unfulfilled prophecy of great devastation and flooding coming to America, he concluded that this was one of the few predictions of Cayce's that came from a negative source, that sought to create fear rather than give out accurate information.

In a past incarnation in 10,500 BC, Cayce was called Ra-Ta, and was working with a group of graduated souls (called the Ra group) who used levitation to build the pyramids, Free detailed. "There are different timelines competing for control of this realm. One of those timelines has beings from other dimensions that were responsible for all those god-forms in Egypt," Free said. What happened in ancient Egypt was that the priests took over the occult knowledge, and then began gravitating to negative sources from lower timelines, he continued.

Joining the show for a segment, was Free's current Elohim channeler, a woman named Terry, whom he believes is the reincarnation of the Catholic saint, St. Catherine of Sienna. He suggested that a person can discern or evaluate channeled information to determine if it comes from a higher or positive source-- higher quality information empowers you rather than takes your power away, he explained. The Elohim, speaking through Terry, have provided details about how they created our realm, DNA, and the first life forms. Volunteers from this group soul have come here "to attempt to lift the vibration," he added. Wynn currently offers free conference calls, featuring dialogues from these sources.

Apocalypse & Catholic Church

First hour guest, Brother Michael Dimond spoke about 'End Times' as prophesied in the Book of Revelation, and said that one sign that the apocalypse is upon us is the counterfeit Catholic church. Specifically, he cited Pope Benedict as a false prophet; he believes he has committed a variety of heresies in recent times.

August 14, 2012

Coast to Coast AM - 08-13-12 - Phone & Smart Meter Dangers

Coast to Coast AM - 08-13-12 - Phone & Smart Meter Dangers  <--

Host: George Noory
Guests: Dr. Samuel Milham, Dr. Robert Rowen

Appearing during the middle two hours, specialist in occupational epidemiology, Dr. Samuel Milham, shared his contention that cellular and utility industries are misrepresenting the safety of cell phones, and smart meters that are being installed to residences. He first became suspicious about problems associated with electricity when he conducted occupational health studies in the 1960s, and discovered that electricians, appliance repair people and others who worked with electricity had "a systematic increase of cancer and other causes of death."

Regarding cell phones, there has been an association with brain tumors on the side of the head that the phone is held up to, he reported. Using the phone's speaker or texting is safer, and if holding the phone up to the head one should always leave a gap of at least 5/8th of an inch, he advised. Milham also cited physical and mental problems that can be related to the newer cordless DECT phones, which are constantly sending microwave emissions from their base.

Smart meters which are increasingly being added to homes by utility companies (often without residents' express permission) spread "dirty electricity," – a kind of electrical pollution, through their transmission of microwaves, and create a higher voltage in the ground, he warned. Part of the scheme is to have individual appliances feed usage data to the smart meter, and Milham suspects that utility companies may be planning to sell or monetize this information. For more, see a recap of Milham's appearance on the 12/8/10 show.

The last hour of the show featured Sound Off Open Lines.

Currency & Rights

First hour guest Dr. Robert Rowen talked about America's heritage, problems with the monetary system/currency, and the erosion of citizens' rights. He cited how Americans are regulated from the cradle to the grave-- "we're in a debtor's prison now, which is not a prison with bars-- it's a prison of regulations," he commented. Our currency, he explained, is created out-of-thin-air as debt owed by the government to a central bank-- the Federal Reserve Bank, which is considered a private corporation. Pointing toward 1933 as a pivotal year, he suggested that when Roosevelt and his Congress ended the gold standard in 1933, it was a theft from the American people.

August 13, 2012

Coast to Coast AM - 08-12-12 - Evolutionary Mysteries

Coast to Coast AM - 08-12-12 - Evolutionary Mysteries  <--

Host: Ian Punnett
Guests: David P. Barash, David Elkington

In the first half, Ian Punnett (Twitter) was joined by Prof. David Barash who discussed evolutionary mysteries and puzzles of human nature. Human brains grew much larger over a long period, but since the end of the Cro-Magnon era about 25,000 years ago, they have stayed about the same size, he reported, adding that it doesn't appear that smarter people (or those with larger brains) are having more kids than those with average intelligence. Interestingly, he noted that with medical advances, people with various ailments such as cancer and diabetes have been able to live longer and reproduce, which has led ironically, to an increase at the genetic level in the underlying genes that predispose us to diseases.

Evolutionary biologists have long debated the significance of music, visual art, dance, and other creative forms practiced cross-culturally, that seem to serve no evolutionary purpose. Barash suggested that one possibility is that in terms of sexual selection, the person who makes or appreciates art is showing off their excess brain power, which makes them more attractive to a partner. Another mystery he cited concerned the size of womens' breasts, which actually have no correlation between lactation and size.

Our current state of evolution is a product of natural selection and historical accident, Barash commented. As to why consciousness has evolved so strongly in humans, he proposed several hypotheses. One is that consciousness may simply be a byproduct of our brain, which developed to perform other skills; another is that we may need consciousness in order to understand how others see us-- an important skill as a social species.

Jordan Codices Update

Appearing during the third hour, religious scholar and Egyptologist, David Elkington, gave an update on the Jordan Codices, ancient books that could change the world’s view of biblical history. Found in a cave by Bedouins during a flash flood in Jordan, the codices are composed of lead and bound with lead wire. The texts, said to be written by 1st century Christians in Paleo-Hebrew, confirm that Christ did indeed exist, and that his role as described by the Gospels was accurate, he reported. Elkington said that the information found in the Codices will provoke debate and discussion about the origins of Christianity, and that he would be able to reveal much more in the coming weeks after the government of Jordan gave the go-ahead to release his findings.

August 12, 2012

Coast to Coast AM - 08-11-12 - Threats to Health & Liberty

Coast to Coast AM - 08-11-12 - Threats to Health & Liberty  <--

Host: John B. Wells
Guests: Mike Adams, Scott Portzline

John B. Wells was joined by Mike Adams, editor of Natural News, for a wide-ranging discussion on health and liberty related topics, including the globalist's agenda, population control, vaccinations, GMO foods, fluoride poisoning, and chemtrails.

In the first hour, nuclear energy expert Scott Portzline talked about the shutdown at the San Onofre Nuclear Power Plant and related issues.