November 10, 2012

Coast to Coast AM - 11-09-12 - Unscreened Open Lines

Coast to Coast AM - 11-09-12 - Unscreened Open Lines  <--

Host: John B. Wells
Guests: Open Lines

Filling for in for George, John B. Wells hosted 4 hours of unscreened Open Lines, which he dubbed 'Naked Lines.' John in Mansfield, Ohio, phoned in to inform listeners on how low-frequency, electromagnetic broadcasts are being used against the populace. "They're using mind control on everybody," he revealed. John said evidence for mind control can be seen in a person's eyes—they look dead. He further suggested that the election and re-election of Barack Obama was a result of this mind control effort.

Clarisse in Italy warned against globalists within our political and social circles who are intentionally planting the seeds for a New World Order. According to Clarisse, true freedom is an illusion and globalist-inspired laws are akin to black magic spells. She encouraged listeners to wake up and take united action against those plotting the world government.

Chris, a tarot reader from Toronto, told John about a scam involving some unethical tarot readers who make people believe they are cursed in order to extract money from them. Chris said in one case the victim was bilked for $10,000 for curse removal services. "You shouldn't be forking over your savings account, especially in times like these," he cautioned, noting that there are much better ways to deal with life's difficulties (or curses).

Dave in Cliffside Park, New Jersey, briefly shared his experiences in the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy as well as his various UFO sightings. Dave said Sandy knocked out power in his 31-story high-rise for three days and he only recently got his internet connection back. He recounted the time when he was 17 years old and watched in awe with a friend as a giant flying rectangle flew overhead. He claimed to have witnessed a UFO in the shape of a diamond in 1988. Dave disclosed that he contacted the local FAA about it and was told that particular craft actually landed on their runway.

Coast to Coast AM - 11-08-12 - ET Contacts & Intervention

Coast to Coast AM - 11-08-12 - ET Contacts & Intervention  <--

Host: John B. Wells
Guests: Robert Potter, Craig Hulet

Filling for in for George, John B. Wells was joined by Robert Potter, who has been experiencing UFO contacts since 1975 with (the late) Dr. Fred Bell in Laguna Beach. Potter said he's been working with a man who goes by the code name "Cobra," who's been releasing information in regards to an ET/Inner Earth or "Agarthan" network that's helping our planet to heal. There's a "galactic enforcement codex" being enacted due to regressive ETs' (Greys, Reptilians etc.) genetic manipulation of humans-- the positive ETs, who are part of a Galactic Federation, are arriving to help us remove the "hostile force that has been here for 26,000 years," he said. The Earth has been in a semi-quarantine position because we were infiltrated by these forces during the Atlantean/Lemurian times, which led to a destructive planetary war, he continued.

As we move through the Galactic Plane, and more light is hitting our planet, humans have evolved, "and we're beginning to reestablish our galactic humanity, and our membership to the Galactic Federation," Potter announced. The hostile forces or "lower astral beings" are being cleared out by various higher dimensional beings & spaceships, and the underground bases of the Illuminati and secret cabals "have been cut off at the knees, and their attempts to create WWIII have been thwarted," he related. Yet, the negative forces have used such things as chemtrails, vaccinations, HAARP, and GMO foods to genetically alter humanity, he lamented.

Potter described some of the encounters that he and Fred Bell had with Semjase, a Pleiadian being of light, as well as accounts from contactees such as Frank Stranges, Alex Collier, and Norm Paulsen. The displays of space fleets/UFOs, which began increasing in intensity around 1991 in Mexico City, "are part of the process of identification and preparation for open interplanetary exchange," he noted.

Murder & Money Laundering

First hour guest, analyst of geopolitics and foreign policy, Craig B. Hulet, talked about a report that the murder of a CNBC Exec's children was related to CNBC highlighting a lawsuit about an international money laundering case, involving $43 trillion. While the main suspect in the murders is the children's nanny, Hulet noted that the killings involved tremendous force, which suggested to him it was done by Special Ops. Further, shortly before or after the time of the murder, CNBC took down the story on the money laundering case from their website, he said.

Dreamland - 11-09-12 - The Real Wolfmen

Dreamland - 11-09-12 - The Real Wolfmen  <--

Linda Godfrey is one of the few researchers exploring the possibility that cryptic creatures other than Bigfoot are also roaming the forests of North America. Specifically, she has found what appears to be evidence of something that she has come to call Real Wolfmen. This week on Dreamland, she describes her research and her encounters deep in the forest, which range from the terrifying to the transcendental. Her chilling story of deep woods journeys will fascinate you.

November 8, 2012

Coast to Coast AM - 11-07-12 - Science of the Paranormal

Coast to Coast AM - 11-07-12 - Science of the Paranormal  <--

Host: George Noory
Guests: Maureen Caudill, Dr. Jeffrey Meldrum

Computer scientist, specializing in artificial intelligence and neural networks, Maureen Caudill, has worked on such advanced projects as DARPA. She discussed both anecdotal and empirical evidence to prove the existence (and power) of various phenomena, including psychokinesis, remote viewing, energy healing, telepathy, precognition, and reincarnation. Culling research from academic studies conducted over the last decade, she concluded that "our world is richer than just the physical reality around us," but mainstream scientists often try to dismiss evidence for the paranormal because it undermines their materialist viewpoint.

She described an interesting study done in China in which telekinesis was demonstrated by a teenage male who reportedly used his mind to move a folded up piece of paper out of a film canister to a location 20 ft. away. Caudill shared her own experiment trying to get a seed to sprout in her palm. During the process, she felt a mild electric shock, and the seed actually disappeared from her hand. Accessing or manipulating the chi or subtle energy field may be a factor in telekinesis, she suggested.

Paranormal and psychic phenomena seem to function on a different set of rules, operating out of time, and/or space, she commented. For instance, remote viewers could be tapping into scalar fields, a kind of all-at-once consciousness, in which information can be gleaned from any location in the universe instantly, she explained. Caudill also cited some fascinating cases of interspecies telepathy. A talking parrot named N'Kisi was said to wake her owner up from sleep, and then describe what she'd just been dreaming!

Bigfoot Aerial Search

First hour guest, scientist and author Dr. Jeffrey Meldrum talked about a plan to conduct an aerial search for Bigfoot using a blimp. The idea, which is the brainchild of William Barnes, who had his own Bigfoot encounter, would involve the use of an unmanned aerial drone. Because of the drone's silent, stealthy maneuverability it could be more likely to observe the creature in its natural habitat than a team on foot, Meldrum explained. The vehicle would also contain high end imaging optics to record its findings. Funding is currently sought for the endeavor, with donations accepted at The Falcon Project website.

November 7, 2012

Coast to Coast AM - 11-06-12 - 2012 Election Special

Coast to Coast AM - 11-06-12 - 2012 Election Special  <--

Host: George Noory
Guests: John M. Curtis, Greg Hunter, Michael Shedlock, Glynis McCants, John Hogue, Jerome Corsi, Bev Harris

George Noory hosted a special 5-hour show (download Hour 5 mp3) with coverage of the presidential election results, featuring a variety of guests offering their analysis of the outcome and what it means for the United States. Starting the night off, analyst John M. Curtis cited Romney's choice of Paul Ryan as being too far to the right, and that he would have done better if he'd chosen someone like NJ Governor Chris Christie to be his running mate. Curtis also suggested that Romney was hurt by running on the theme that the US economy was dire, when data suggested that such areas as housing, the auto industry, and the stock market had recovered.

Investigative reporter Greg Hunter lamented that while $6 billion was spent by both parties getting their message out during the election cycle, they ignored the most pressing issue facing Americans-- a coming financial crisis, brought on by the Federal Reserve printing $85 billion every month. This open-ended currency creation will lead to a U.S. bond market collapse, and a massive interest rate spike that will wreck the economy, he warned. For more, view his recent article. Financial analyst Mish Shedlock talked about how "late deciders" moved toward Obama, when Romney's momentum stalled after Hurricane Sandy. In terms of the economy, he cited a negative effect of Obamacare, in which corporations employing more than 50 people, such as chain restaurants, are reducing worker's hours to skirt health coverage requirements.

Numerologist Glynis McCants, who correctly predicted Obama's victory, talked about how in 2013 Obama is going into a Personal Year of 9, which usually means clearing one's space for new beginnings. She also noted that 2013 is a "6" year which relates to family and business. "The cycle of 6 is power; it's magnetic. I see it as a good cycle for everybody who felt this year they couldn't get it together...they have another chance," she enthused. Author Jerome Corsi, who'd been traveling with the Romney campaign, spoke about the wide division in the United States between the two parties, and rural and urban voters. He credited Obama's advisors for putting together an effective ground game, and getting out the votes they needed. But, he noted, Obama's supporters could in be in for a shock if "sequestration" (forced budget cuts) go into effect in January.

Researcher Bev Harris spoke about election and voting issues. She was critical of the way some of the network's called certain results. For instance, the Tennessee results were announced before they would have had time to count any votes-- and this was a state that had no exit polls. She also noted that in the close race of Ohio, there were over 200,000 provisional ballots that won't be counted until November 17th. Appearing during the 4th hour, prophecy expert John Hogue reviewed his correct prediction of Obama's victory, and suggested that because of the deep problems America is facing, we may see Congress working together more, and being less obstructionist to the opposing party. The last hour of the show featured Open Lines.

November 6, 2012

Coast to Coast AM - 11-05-12 - Lost Mayan Technology

Coast to Coast AM - 11-05-12 - Lost Mayan Technology  <--

Host: George Noory
Guests: James O'Kon, Katherine Albrecht

Structural engineer, James O'Kon, in addition to designing award-winning projects in major cities, has also spent 40 years investigating Maya engineering feats and lost Maya technology. He discussed damage from Hurricane Sandy, as well as how many important discoveries in Mayan ruins have been overlooked by archeologists. Regarding the damage from Sandy, developers have typically ignored suggestions not to build where the water level is too low. Now, they need to put in sea walls or structures, as well as build the sand dunes back up to protect the vulnerable areas, he said.

The Maya civilization was one of the longest in history, and they developed complex sciences including astronomy, and mathematics, as well as their own written language. O'Kon is particularly impressed by their "quadripartite cosmic philosophy," dividing the cosmos into four vertical elements, which they set into motion with time. This kind of approach is similar to today's space-time continuum model, he marveled. "They absolutely used this to determine all their future and past events, and this mindset...kick-started their technology, and agronomy," he continued, adding that 60% of the food in the world today, such as corn, originally came from the Maya.

The tools the Maya used have not been widely recognized by archeologists, O'Kon declared. According to his research, they fabricated tools from a type of jade that is harder than iron, tougher than steel, and facilitated drilling and chiseling precise sculptures and structures. Their infrastructure was also quite sophisticated, with paved and elevated roads (which could withstand floods) running hundreds of miles, and used for trade, he noted. O'Kon also talked about a recent discovery in Guatemala in what may have been a studio for Mayan astronomers. The uncovered calculations and murals indicated a Mayan calendar with 17 "baktun" cycles which would run an additional 1,124 years after the end date of December 21, 2012 in the calendar with 13 baktuns.

Audio Surveillance in Baltimore

First hour guest, privacy advocate Katherine Albrecht reported on audio surveillance on the Baltimore bus system, and related issues. The audio recording capability, which is being added on to the video system already in place, represents an invasion of people's privacy, and such surveillance has not been found to reduce crime, she suggested. The ACLU may wage a lawsuit against the Maryland Transit Administration over the use of microphones, arguing that bus riders don't have a choice in allowing their conversations to be recorded.

Coast to Coast AM - 11-04-12 - Kabbalah Secrets

Coast to Coast AM - 11-04-12 - Kabbalah Secrets  <--

Host: George Noory
Guests: Gershon Winkler, Lorna Byrne

Rabbi Gershon Winkler discussed his work on Jewish shamanism, as well as translating and teaching rarely studied dimensions of the Kabbalah, and other ancient manuscripts which describe realities beyond the known, including the 7 underworlds and their spirit gatekeepers. One of the foundations for the Kabbalah is the Zohar, an early medieval set of books that compiled ancient wisdom and mystery teachings. The word Kabbalah means "receiving," he noted. "Mystery wisdom is something that you do not seek...but comes to you when you are open to receive," instead of having a closed mind filled with previous patterns of thought, he explained.

In the Kabbalah tradition, one can do a shamanic journey to the 7 underworlds, realms within the Earth that can be visited while in a spiritual state, and which serve to reveal aspects of the self. Each realm has a gatekeeper that requires the visitor to surrender different attributes of themselves if they want to enter. The lowest underworld has an absence of light, another has two-headed creatures; the fourth level has beings of wizardry that share information about maneuvering the physical world with physical energy, he outlined. According to the tradition, upon arriving at the end of the 7th underworld, you reach the gate of the 7th heaven, which joins the underworld in a circular fashion.

There are good spirits, and bad spirits, Winkler reported. The problem is that when people dabble unknowingly in the occult they can open a portal in which these spirits can come through. Sometimes people can get possessed by spirits of the deceased, who have trouble making the transition to Other Side. A Rabbi could then conduct an exorcism that would serve as a healing ritual for both parties and help the spirit to cross over, he said. Regarding hauntings, he noted that abandoned places can become a magnet for darker spirit entities. Winkler also pointed out some interesting similarities between Native American spirituality and Kabbalah teachings.

Seeing Angels

First hour guest, author Lorna Byrne talked about her lifelong contact with angels. When she first began to see angels as a young child, they told her to keep it secret, as people wouldn't understand. Angels actually do have wings, she revealed, though she said she doesn't always see this aspect of them. Everyone has a guardian angel, and these angels love to be around us because our souls are a speck of light of God, Byrne shared.

November 4, 2012

Coast to Coast AM - 11-03-12 - Pseudoscience

Coast to Coast AM - 11-03-12 - Pseudoscience  <--

Host: John B. Wells
Guests: James Roger Brown, Glynis McCants

Conducting a five-hour broadcast, John B. Wells was joined by sociologist and analysis methodologist James Roger Brown for a discussion of his work documenting pseudoscience, science fraud, structural corruption, and organized crime in government agencies and programs.

In the first hour, numerologist Glynis McCants talked about numerological patterns, significant dates, and what she sees ahead for the election.