Coast to Coast AM - 07-19-12 - Great Pyramid Theory <--
Host: George Noory
Guests: Steven Myers, Nora Gedgaudas
Author, lecturer and independent researcher, Steven Myers, has studied the Great Pyramid for over twenty years. During the middle two hours, he put forth his theory that the Pyramid was a functional machine and part of the infrastructure that served the ancient Egyptian civilization. Expanding on the concepts first proposed in the 1962 book, Pharaoh's Pump by Edward Kunkel, Myers said the original builders of the Pyramid used water locks along the Nile River to bring stones on barges to the building site, and the Great Pyramid was built level by level, with casing stones placed first. The casings were filled with water that possibly came from the ancient lake Maurice, he continued.
Rather than a tomb, the purpose of the Great Pyramid was for pumping water, which was used for irrigation, to power machinery, science experiments and other projects, Myers suggested. Damage over the years took out a lot of the moving parts, but there still remains a stone that slides in a slot up and down in an antechamber, and historians from the 1st century described a door on pivots that would open inward, he detailed. Myers believes the ancient Egyptians successfully changed the surrounding desert into a lush garden through the Great Pyramid, but eventually it malfunctioned due to structural damage in the King's Chamber and was unrepairable. For more, check out Myers' video series on how the Pyramid was built.
The last hour featured Open Lines, with updates on the breaking story of the Aurora, Colorado shooting at a movie theatre. George also proposed a consciousness experiment, asking the audience to concentrate on bringing rain to the drought-stricken Midwest within the next 48 hours.
Shape-Up America- Week 3
First hour guest, nutritional therapist Nora T. Gedgaudas, the 3rd weight loss expert in George Noory’s Shape Up America Campaign, argued that humans are basically designed to get their nutrition from complete sources like meat, fish, & eggs and what the USDA food pyramid suggests (6-11 servings of grains) is unhealthy. She also criticized the theory behind calories, which assumes the human body is a heat engine. Actually, the human body is a "complex biochemical factory and a calorie from a piece of bread is not going to get used the same way as a calorie from the protein or fat contained in a piece of fish," she explained. For more, view a recap from her 6/21/11 appearance, as well as material posted on her YouTube channel.
July 20, 2012
July 19, 2012
Coast to Coast AM - 07-18-12 - Privacy & Tracking
Coast to Coast AM - 07-18-12 - Privacy & Tracking <--
Host: George Noory
Guests: Katherine Albrecht, Arthur Rosengarten
Katherine Albrecht, a consumer privacy expert and VP of, the world's most private search engine, discussed the latest RFID technologies being used to track not only products but humans, and their movement and activity. She announced that Macy's is considering implementing RFID on a broad national scale, placing a unique RFID number in some 300,000 pairs of shoes. This RFID number could subsequently be read by devices such as IBM's proposed "person tracking unit," as well entered in a planned "Internet of things," in which every single product is tied to a unique number in a database, she reported. Albrecht characterized this as a privacy invasion, and said a response from Macy's spokesperson will be forthcoming-- updates will be posted at her blog.
Recently some 160,000 concert goers at the Coachella Music Festival had to wear RFID wristbands, and were likely unaware of the tracking technology, she reported. This is becoming the standard at music festivals, and "I'm guessing by the end of the year we'll have seen more than 1 million people place an RFID chip on their right hand in order to access a music venue," she continued. Albrecht, a Christian, warned that the technology is moving closer to the 'Mark of the Beast' prophesied in the Book of Revelation.
She also cited privacy concerns about Google, and Gmail in particular. Though the service is free, if you read the fine print, "what you will discover is that Google gives itself the right to read all of the email that you send and receive," and to use that material to determine your relationship with your correspondents and create very detailed entries into your database as well as those of the people you write to, she stated. While Google doesn't sell your information to third parties, they can use it to target you with specific ads based on your mail and search engine inquiries, she added.
Using Tarot Cards
First hour guest, psychologist Dr. Art Rosengarten spoke about how Tarot cards can be used for self-exploration and problem-solving. "Each Tarot reading is like a fingerprint...There's a set of 78 cards and each card in and of itself has a multitude of meanings," so when a person randomly selects a group of cards they get a unique experience, he said. Like a powerful dream, Tarot cards or any other oracle tool can slow you down and make you reflect about underlying or spiritual issues in your life, he added. <--
Host: George Noory
Guests: Katherine Albrecht, Arthur Rosengarten
Katherine Albrecht, a consumer privacy expert and VP of, the world's most private search engine, discussed the latest RFID technologies being used to track not only products but humans, and their movement and activity. She announced that Macy's is considering implementing RFID on a broad national scale, placing a unique RFID number in some 300,000 pairs of shoes. This RFID number could subsequently be read by devices such as IBM's proposed "person tracking unit," as well entered in a planned "Internet of things," in which every single product is tied to a unique number in a database, she reported. Albrecht characterized this as a privacy invasion, and said a response from Macy's spokesperson will be forthcoming-- updates will be posted at her blog.
Recently some 160,000 concert goers at the Coachella Music Festival had to wear RFID wristbands, and were likely unaware of the tracking technology, she reported. This is becoming the standard at music festivals, and "I'm guessing by the end of the year we'll have seen more than 1 million people place an RFID chip on their right hand in order to access a music venue," she continued. Albrecht, a Christian, warned that the technology is moving closer to the 'Mark of the Beast' prophesied in the Book of Revelation.
She also cited privacy concerns about Google, and Gmail in particular. Though the service is free, if you read the fine print, "what you will discover is that Google gives itself the right to read all of the email that you send and receive," and to use that material to determine your relationship with your correspondents and create very detailed entries into your database as well as those of the people you write to, she stated. While Google doesn't sell your information to third parties, they can use it to target you with specific ads based on your mail and search engine inquiries, she added.
Using Tarot Cards
First hour guest, psychologist Dr. Art Rosengarten spoke about how Tarot cards can be used for self-exploration and problem-solving. "Each Tarot reading is like a fingerprint...There's a set of 78 cards and each card in and of itself has a multitude of meanings," so when a person randomly selects a group of cards they get a unique experience, he said. Like a powerful dream, Tarot cards or any other oracle tool can slow you down and make you reflect about underlying or spiritual issues in your life, he added.
Coast to Coast AM
July 18, 2012
Coast to Coast AM - 07-17-12 - Watergate, Nixon & the Mafia
Coast to Coast AM - 07-17-12 - Watergate, Nixon & the Mafia <--
Host: George Noory
Guests: Lamar Waldron, Karna Small Bodman
Investigative reporter known as "The Ultimate JFK Historian," Lamar Waldron, discussed new information and documents that link the murders of Jimmy Hoffa, mob boss Sam Giancana, and Mafia don Johnny Rosselli to the Watergate scandal. These men, he revealed, all had ties to Richard Nixon as well as to JFK's assassination. Waldron dispelled what he considered myths about Watergate-- one of which was the idea that the cover-up was worse than the crime. There were actually four burglary attempts at the Watergate, and the same crew burglarized the Chilean embassy in Washington. According to Waldron, the Watergate burglaries were Nixon's attempt to retrieve files that revealed how he orchestrated the CIA and E. Howard Hunt to use the Mafia to try to kill Fidel Castro, before the 1960 election. As well as how he got a $500,000 bribe from some of those same mobsters.
The mobsters the CIA was secretly using in 1963 to attempt to kill Castro--Rosselli, Trafficante, and Carlos Marcello-- later confessed they were involved in the JFK assassination instead, said Waldron. If JFK hadn't decided to prosecute the Mafia, he'd still be alive, Waldron surmised. After Nixon's resignation, congressional investigations started exploring these Mafia plots in 1975, and Sam Giancana and Jimmy Hoffa were both murdered before they could testify.
Waldron revealed new information that Hoffa secretly visited Mafia boss Carlos Marcello at his thousand-acre spread outside of New Orleans, possibly just the day before he disappeared. He also talked about the missing "18-minute-gap," called the "smoking gun" of Nixon's Watergate tapes, and said it contained details about E. Howard Hunt, the Bay of Pigs, and the Mafia's involvement.
EMP Threat
First hour guest, novelist and former Reagan White House staff member Karna Small Bodman talked about the EMP (electromagnetic pulse) threat and what we can do about it. She outlined a possible scenario in which a militant group or a country that doesn't like America gets hold of a small nuclear device and attaches it to a delivery device like a SCUD missile, then detonates it 50 miles up in the air from a ship off the US coast. This would unleash a shockwave or EMP that would fry electronics on the ground, knock out the grid, and in a general sense, set us back to the year 1910, she warned. Bodman suggested that the US expand its missile defenses, develop back-up systems, harden the existing power grid, and remain vigilant about nuclear proliferation. <--
Host: George Noory
Guests: Lamar Waldron, Karna Small Bodman
Investigative reporter known as "The Ultimate JFK Historian," Lamar Waldron, discussed new information and documents that link the murders of Jimmy Hoffa, mob boss Sam Giancana, and Mafia don Johnny Rosselli to the Watergate scandal. These men, he revealed, all had ties to Richard Nixon as well as to JFK's assassination. Waldron dispelled what he considered myths about Watergate-- one of which was the idea that the cover-up was worse than the crime. There were actually four burglary attempts at the Watergate, and the same crew burglarized the Chilean embassy in Washington. According to Waldron, the Watergate burglaries were Nixon's attempt to retrieve files that revealed how he orchestrated the CIA and E. Howard Hunt to use the Mafia to try to kill Fidel Castro, before the 1960 election. As well as how he got a $500,000 bribe from some of those same mobsters.
The mobsters the CIA was secretly using in 1963 to attempt to kill Castro--Rosselli, Trafficante, and Carlos Marcello-- later confessed they were involved in the JFK assassination instead, said Waldron. If JFK hadn't decided to prosecute the Mafia, he'd still be alive, Waldron surmised. After Nixon's resignation, congressional investigations started exploring these Mafia plots in 1975, and Sam Giancana and Jimmy Hoffa were both murdered before they could testify.
Waldron revealed new information that Hoffa secretly visited Mafia boss Carlos Marcello at his thousand-acre spread outside of New Orleans, possibly just the day before he disappeared. He also talked about the missing "18-minute-gap," called the "smoking gun" of Nixon's Watergate tapes, and said it contained details about E. Howard Hunt, the Bay of Pigs, and the Mafia's involvement.
EMP Threat
First hour guest, novelist and former Reagan White House staff member Karna Small Bodman talked about the EMP (electromagnetic pulse) threat and what we can do about it. She outlined a possible scenario in which a militant group or a country that doesn't like America gets hold of a small nuclear device and attaches it to a delivery device like a SCUD missile, then detonates it 50 miles up in the air from a ship off the US coast. This would unleash a shockwave or EMP that would fry electronics on the ground, knock out the grid, and in a general sense, set us back to the year 1910, she warned. Bodman suggested that the US expand its missile defenses, develop back-up systems, harden the existing power grid, and remain vigilant about nuclear proliferation.
Coast to Coast AM
July 17, 2012
Coast to Coast AM - 07-16-12 - Higgs Boson & Ancient Texts - Inverted Spirituality
Coast to Coast AM - 07-16-12 - Higgs Boson & Ancient Texts - Inverted Spirituality <--
Host: George Noory
Guests: Charles Upton, Peter Canova
In the first half, authority on the teachings of ancient mystics, Peter Canova, talked about how the recent detection of the previously theoretical Higgs Boson particle bears similarity to how thousands of years ago, mystics described creation and the origin of matter. Physicists, he noted, suggest that as particles pass through the invisible 'Higgs Field' they slow down and acquire mass, which parallels the ancient Greeks' notion of the ether, a penetrating non-material field that filled the universe.
In the ancient Nag Hammadi gospels, the central creation myth referred to aeons-- divine energy currents. One of these currents, Sophia, left the vibration of the divine realm and entered another dimension called Chaos that was filled with unformed proto-matter. Upon entering, her divine energy was slowed and mattered coalesced around her. "This is a shockingly accurate depiction of what's happened in the Higgs Field," Canova commented. He also addressed the work of physicist David Bohm who observed that distant particles were in constant communication with each other. He theorized that at a deeper level of reality, particles don't have a separate reality but are part of a single unity, like a hologram. From this, Bohm extrapolated that our universe is a whole, but the human perspective views things in terms of separate objects.
In the latter half, author Charles Upton, a lifelong student of comparative religion and metaphysics, shared his contention that the Illuminati or globalist elites are attempting to manipulate spirituality to create a system which is the enemy of traditional religions, including Christianity and Islam. A process he called "counter-initiation" is enabling the Illuminati to move toward their plan, and includes syncretism-- the attempt to make one religion out of all religions, and spiritual evolutionism-- the notion that we are evolving to a higher spiritual level, he argued.
If the Illuminati can control a religion the size of Islam or the Catholic church, they can control billions of people, "and at the same time, they don't believe in God, they want the religions deconstructed; they want to do what they can to destroy them," he said. They may start out offering a kind of utopian promise, but then more and more has to be sacrificed to reach their goal, he continued. He also connected aspects of UFOs, Freemasons, and Knights Templar to a dark side of spirituality. For more, visit Upton's YouTube channel, which contains a set of his video talks and commentaries. <--
Host: George Noory
Guests: Charles Upton, Peter Canova
In the first half, authority on the teachings of ancient mystics, Peter Canova, talked about how the recent detection of the previously theoretical Higgs Boson particle bears similarity to how thousands of years ago, mystics described creation and the origin of matter. Physicists, he noted, suggest that as particles pass through the invisible 'Higgs Field' they slow down and acquire mass, which parallels the ancient Greeks' notion of the ether, a penetrating non-material field that filled the universe.
In the ancient Nag Hammadi gospels, the central creation myth referred to aeons-- divine energy currents. One of these currents, Sophia, left the vibration of the divine realm and entered another dimension called Chaos that was filled with unformed proto-matter. Upon entering, her divine energy was slowed and mattered coalesced around her. "This is a shockingly accurate depiction of what's happened in the Higgs Field," Canova commented. He also addressed the work of physicist David Bohm who observed that distant particles were in constant communication with each other. He theorized that at a deeper level of reality, particles don't have a separate reality but are part of a single unity, like a hologram. From this, Bohm extrapolated that our universe is a whole, but the human perspective views things in terms of separate objects.
In the latter half, author Charles Upton, a lifelong student of comparative religion and metaphysics, shared his contention that the Illuminati or globalist elites are attempting to manipulate spirituality to create a system which is the enemy of traditional religions, including Christianity and Islam. A process he called "counter-initiation" is enabling the Illuminati to move toward their plan, and includes syncretism-- the attempt to make one religion out of all religions, and spiritual evolutionism-- the notion that we are evolving to a higher spiritual level, he argued.
If the Illuminati can control a religion the size of Islam or the Catholic church, they can control billions of people, "and at the same time, they don't believe in God, they want the religions deconstructed; they want to do what they can to destroy them," he said. They may start out offering a kind of utopian promise, but then more and more has to be sacrificed to reach their goal, he continued. He also connected aspects of UFOs, Freemasons, and Knights Templar to a dark side of spirituality. For more, visit Upton's YouTube channel, which contains a set of his video talks and commentaries.
Coast to Coast AM
Coast to Coast AM - 07-15-12 - Reporting on the Paranormal
Coast to Coast AM - 07-15-12 - Reporting on the Paranormal <--
Host: George Knapp
Guests: Steve Volk, Jorge Martin
Reporter Steve Volk joined George Knapp to talk about his journalistic journey down various paranormal avenues. As a child, he grew up in a home that was haunted by strange inexplicable pounding noises. His sisters had blankets ripped off of them in their bedroom and saw an old woman appear. Eventually, his parents sought out a priest who came to their house and conducted prayers and holy water rituals. That night, though, things got worse than ever, with the banging noises growing much louder, and then coming down the stairs one step at a time. "When it hit the bottom step, it did so with a terrifically huge thud-- everything shook, and that was it. We actually never heard it again," he recounted. Interestingly, Volk went back to the house to interview the current owners and they didn't wish to speak about it-- believing that you give these things power if you talk about them.
Volk discussed the difference between the paranormal (explainable) and the supernatural (unexplainable), and how the two sometimes become conflated. He was critical of the "skeptics" movement exemplified by the Committee for Skeptical Inquiry (, suggesting that they don't approach investigations with an open mind. In particular, he singled out James Randi for misrepresenting his $1 million challenge, and conducting his own concerns with hypocrisy.
Volk reviewed his research into the late Elisabeth Kubler-Ross, known for her groundbreaking work on how we treat the terminally ill. She had uncovered many accounts of near-death experiences such as people seeing the 'tunnel,' but withheld a planned chapter on the topic from her book On Death and Dying, because she felt it would damage the credibility of her message. He also spoke about his look at the Stephenville UFO case, in which he found numerous locals that didn't want to talk about what they saw, as well as eyewitness Ricky Sorrells who said he was harassed by the military and told to keep quiet. For more, view Volk's blog on 'Fringe-ology.'
Castro, the Pope, & UFOs
First hour guest, Puerto Rico-based UFO researcher Jorge Martin, discussed a meeting he learned of between Fidel Castro and Pope John Paul II, in which they reportedly discussed the existence of life beyond Earth, and the Pope confirmed that it was probable. Martin also detailed how Castro had an interest in UFOs (a Cuban MiG was said to be shot down by a UFO), and was allegedly shown by Soviet authorities a captured alien spacecraft and the corpse of its pilot, during a visit to Russia. <--
Host: George Knapp
Guests: Steve Volk, Jorge Martin
Reporter Steve Volk joined George Knapp to talk about his journalistic journey down various paranormal avenues. As a child, he grew up in a home that was haunted by strange inexplicable pounding noises. His sisters had blankets ripped off of them in their bedroom and saw an old woman appear. Eventually, his parents sought out a priest who came to their house and conducted prayers and holy water rituals. That night, though, things got worse than ever, with the banging noises growing much louder, and then coming down the stairs one step at a time. "When it hit the bottom step, it did so with a terrifically huge thud-- everything shook, and that was it. We actually never heard it again," he recounted. Interestingly, Volk went back to the house to interview the current owners and they didn't wish to speak about it-- believing that you give these things power if you talk about them.
Volk discussed the difference between the paranormal (explainable) and the supernatural (unexplainable), and how the two sometimes become conflated. He was critical of the "skeptics" movement exemplified by the Committee for Skeptical Inquiry (, suggesting that they don't approach investigations with an open mind. In particular, he singled out James Randi for misrepresenting his $1 million challenge, and conducting his own concerns with hypocrisy.
Volk reviewed his research into the late Elisabeth Kubler-Ross, known for her groundbreaking work on how we treat the terminally ill. She had uncovered many accounts of near-death experiences such as people seeing the 'tunnel,' but withheld a planned chapter on the topic from her book On Death and Dying, because she felt it would damage the credibility of her message. He also spoke about his look at the Stephenville UFO case, in which he found numerous locals that didn't want to talk about what they saw, as well as eyewitness Ricky Sorrells who said he was harassed by the military and told to keep quiet. For more, view Volk's blog on 'Fringe-ology.'
Castro, the Pope, & UFOs
First hour guest, Puerto Rico-based UFO researcher Jorge Martin, discussed a meeting he learned of between Fidel Castro and Pope John Paul II, in which they reportedly discussed the existence of life beyond Earth, and the Pope confirmed that it was probable. Martin also detailed how Castro had an interest in UFOs (a Cuban MiG was said to be shot down by a UFO), and was allegedly shown by Soviet authorities a captured alien spacecraft and the corpse of its pilot, during a visit to Russia.
Coast to Coast AM
July 15, 2012
Coast to Coast AM - 07-14-12 - Anarcho-Primitivism
Coast to Coast AM - 07-14-12 - Anarcho-Primitivism <--
Host: John B. Wells
Guests: John Zerzan, Jeffrey M. Smith
John B. Wells welcomed intellectual leader of the anarcho-primitivist movement John Zerzan, who discussed his controversial opinions on the ills of technology and how it is responsible for destroying human communities.
In the first hour, food expert Jeffrey Smith commented on genetically-modified (GM) seeds and crops, as well as news that biotech companies may gain immunity from federal law. <--
Host: John B. Wells
Guests: John Zerzan, Jeffrey M. Smith
John B. Wells welcomed intellectual leader of the anarcho-primitivist movement John Zerzan, who discussed his controversial opinions on the ills of technology and how it is responsible for destroying human communities.
In the first hour, food expert Jeffrey Smith commented on genetically-modified (GM) seeds and crops, as well as news that biotech companies may gain immunity from federal law.
Coast to Coast AM