July 14, 2012

Dreamland - 07-12-12 - Was Mars Murdered

Dreamland - 07-12-12 - Was Mars Murdered

http://www.mediafire.com/?1ctwve1znpb3czp  <--

Riveting new information about Mars this week. Why are there indications that an enormous nuclear explosion might have taken place on Mars eons ago? What caused Cydonia to look like an archaeological site? Was Mars ever earthlike? Dr. John Brandenburg lays out evidence for a huge nuclear explosion that essentially destroyed life on Mars.

Dr. Brandenburg was one of the early researchers on the Cydonia project, and is now Senior Propulsion Scientist at the Orbital Technologies Corporation.

In this wide ranging interview, he tells us what he thinks might have happened to Mars in the distant past and why it is so universally associated in human legend with war and catastrophe.

Whitley Strieber and John Brandenburg have known each other for years, ever since Whitley became involved in the Mars project and contributed the funds that made the first analysis of the Mars face, conducted by Drs. Mark Carlotto and Brian O'Leary, possible.

As never before, this interview will open a completely new door for you into Mars's mysterious past.

Coast to Coast AM - 07-13-12 - Paranormal Friday the 13th

Coast to Coast AM - 07-13-12 - Paranormal Friday the 13th

http://www.mediafire.com/?tumbeg07gqmd7dg  <--

Host: George Noory
Guests: Kristy Robinett

In the first half, medium, paranormal investigator, and author of Ghosts of Southeast Michigan, Kristy Robinett, discussed the connections of Friday the 13th with hauntings, superstitions and the paranormal. Friday the 13th gets a bad rap, in part, because the number '13' feels odd to people, she said. Then, there is media hype surrounding the number, as well as strange ancient legends about witches gathering with the devil in groups of 13 on Fridays, Robinett added. The bad luck aspect of day has more to do with one's state of mind, she suggested, noting how people pour energy into advancing the notion that it is unlucky. Robinett cited an informal survey she conducted that found about 10% of people are more cautious on a Friday the 13th.

Her first paranormal experience occurred as a young girl, when she was visited by her deceased great-grandmother and told that her grandmother was soon to die. Robinett recalled being punished for sharing this information with her parents, and learning to keep her abilities 'in the closet.' As communication from the other side increased, Robinett said she sought the help of a Lutheran priest, who was astonished when she contacted his secret son and told her to seek the help of a medium. Robinett shared some of her negative paranormal encounters, including an experience living in a house with a demon, and investigating a haunted house where blood came up from the floor and spontaneous fires broke out. Sage smudging can sometimes backfire when cleansing a house, she revealed, adding that an unwelcome entity should be treated like a squatter and ordered out of the house.

During Open Lines, Kim from Omaha, Nebraska, told George about undergoing aggressive brain surgery and having an amazing near death experience on a Friday the 13th. "We looked at that as being a lucky day because my life was saved," she noted. More about Kim's remarkable story can be found at inaflash.org. Jason in San Diego phoned in to share his encounter with what may have been the 'old hag.' According to Jason, his afternoon nap was disturbed by a crushing heaviness on this upper body. "It felt like a pressure or weight right on the top of my chest... and I heard a woman's voice," he said. Steven from Bowling Green, Kentucky, spoke about losing his father and seeing an apparition of him standing at the foot of his bed. Steven revealed that his two sisters had similar sightings, and they were all suspicious of the being appearing before them. "It was a counterfeit type of an entity that was using [my father's] form... to try somehow to manipulate me," he explained.

July 13, 2012

Coast to Coast AM - 07-12-12 - CIA & Roswell

Coast to Coast AM - 07-12-12 - CIA & Roswell

http://www.mediafire.com/?7333jqabkx77d1p  <--

Host: George Noory
Guests: Chase Brandon, Gregg McBride, Lionel Fanthorpe

In the middle two hours, former CIA agent Chase Brandon discussed his work at the secretive agency, as well as his claims of viewing a box that contained materials about the Roswell crash. The CIA operates in a highly compartmentalized need-to-know basis, so often agents aren't briefed or aware of others' missions. Though in a sense, CIA agents are trained to lie and steal for the American govt., it was his belief that the organization was not involved in the JFK assassination or other events/conspiracies that brought about deliberate harm to the United States, such as 9-11.

Brandon said he encountered a box labeled "Roswell" at the Historical Intelligence Collection, which is part of the CIA's research library. The box contained materials such as photographs and documents (not alien artifacts or body parts), and while he would not specifically describe the content, he said what he viewed confirmed to him his previous belief that Roswell had been a genuine UFO crash. The material, however, was not evidence that the CIA was involved in a cover-up, he added. For more on Brandon, check out a recap of his appearance on the 6/23/12 show.

Shape-Up America Week 2

Tipping the scales at over 450 pounds, Gregg McBride managed to lose 250 pounds and keep it off. In the first hour, Gregg kicked off week 2 of George Noory's Shape Up America Campaign with tips and encouragement to help the overweight face the changes needed to begin a long-term weight loss project. Rather than denying yourself specific foods, portion control is important, and people might benefit from measuring out their food when they are first getting started, he said. Drinking lots of water helps detox, and having a big glass of it a half-hour before a meal can reduce the appetite, he continued. Taking daily walks, and eliminating calories from liquids such as soda and juice were among his other tips.

Wales UFO Cases

Last hour guest, author and ufologist Lionel Fanthorpe commented on the release of the Wales UFO files (see article below). One of the most noteworthy sightings covered in the released material concerned a 2005 incident near Rhossili Bay, in which a ghostly craft that resembled a prototype of the German WWII Luftwaffe jet was seen. He conjectured that this incident might represent a kind of time slip/time glitch, where different time strands cross each other. Also contained in the Wales files, were reports about the Dyfed Triangle case which involved sightings of craft, and a silver alien shape.

July 12, 2012

Coast to Coast AM - 07-11-12 - Urantia Revelations

Coast to Coast AM - 07-11-12 - Urantia Revelations

http://www.mediafire.com/?k601xknlhhf69d5  <--

Host: George Noory
Guests: Byron Belitsos, John R. Lott

Noted author, editor and publisher, Byron Belitsos, discussed revelations from the celestial authors of the mysterious Urantia Book, including newer material transmitted by channels such as Jerry Lane. The original Urantia Book is infused with divine truths like the Bible or the Koran, and contains four sections-- one is about God, theology and the angelic hierarchy, the second is about our local universe with about 4 million inhabited planets, the third covers the history of humanity and Earth, and the last section is about the life and teachings of Jesus, Belitsos detailed.

According to the book, Earth (or Urantia which is their name for our planet) has a unique history, in which a "Lucifer Rebellion" took place 200,000 years ago, with a large number of angels going over to the dark side. Among the tenets in the book is that a divine spark dwells within each person, and our soul is created through our free will decisions, and grows and evolves, Belitsos detailed. The 11:11 time prompt (people frequently seeing this number on a clock) is connected to a group of 1,111 angels, who did not go over to the dark side in the Lucifer Rebellion, he said. These "midwayer angels" dwell on our planet, and when digital clocks began, they started to use the prompt to remind people of their presence, Belitsos explained.

During the third hour, Jerry Lane spoke about his ability to transmit and receive supplemental material from the "two creator beings" named in the Urantia Book-- "Christ Michael" and "Mother Spirit." They view humans as unique beings who co-create their own reality while growing a soul, Lane said. Part of his supplemental transmission included indications that a planetary collapse is coming as an outgrowth of the Lucifer Rebellion, but this is a necessary reboot of the planet. Halbert Katzen, who works to verify the history and science of the Urantia Book, also phoned in during the third hour, to discuss his research into the Urantia accounts of Adam & Eve, and the Garden of Eden.

UN Arms Treaty

First hour guest, research scientist John Lott expressed concern over a proposed UN 'Arms Trade Treaty' which would impose increased regulation on individual gun ownership. One provision would allow arms transfers to only UN member nations. Taiwan is not a UN member, and China put that in so the US could not sell arms to them, he observed. A stated goal of the Treaty is to stop terrorist groups or armed insurrections but these groups tend to get their weapons from governments rather than individuals, he commented.

July 11, 2012

Coast to Coast AM - 07-10-12 - Tesla, Energy, & Reincarnation

Coast to Coast AM - 07-10-12 - Tesla, Energy, & Reincarnation

http://www.mediafire.com/?b0h1xak2hzznndx  <--

Host: George Noory
Guests: Sterling D. Allan, James Rollins, Patrick Flanagan

CEO of Pure Energy Systems Inc., Sterling D. Allan, discussed the work of scientific genius Nikola Tesla and the numerous ways he manipulated electricity, as well as what types of promising new and emerging energy technologies are on the horizon. Patrick Flanagan, who believes he may be the reincarnation of Tesla, joined the conversation in hours 3 & 4. Tesla's Wardenclyffe Tower both received and broadcast energy, but such technology could possibly be recreated today with a much smaller device instead of the Tower, that would tap into the etheric energy as needed, Allan noted. He also spoke about Tesla's reported electric automobile, a modified Pierce-Arrow car that harnessed free energy from an antenna, and could go 90mph and run for hundreds of miles at a time.

Allan noted that Flanagan had recently been honored by the Chinese government for his work on developing a product akin to Hunza water, which has been associated with longevity. A child prodigy with eidetic memory, Flanagan said he began to have recall of his life as Nikola Tesla at an early age (see article below). He followed up on some of Tesla's devices, and a number of them could be operated with lower power today, he noted. "I have over 300 inventions, they're all very unique-- the kind of inventions that no one's ever seen before," Flanagan stated.

Flanagan spoke about his recall of Tesla's involvement in the Philadelphia Experiment, and confirmed that many of the bizarre claims about what happened there were true. He spoke out against the misuse of Tesla technology and his own inventions for the purpose of military weaponry. Beyond his own past life recall as Tesla, Flanagan said his son also remembered his previous life as a man named Wing who was married to a woman named Smokey Angel, living in Cocoa Beach, FL. The Flanagans were able to contact her and confirm the veracity of this claim, and she subsequently came to live with them. The author of the 1973 book, Pyramid Power, Flanagan said he spent 30 years channeling the wisdom of a Persian Master, and once did so live on the Tom Snyder show.

Life Extension

First hour guest, practicing veterinarian and best-selling author, James Rollins, discussed his research on life extension and the quest for immortality. As the population ages, the costs of Alzheimer's and age-related ailments will grow astronomically, and this is one motivation for research to stave off these problems. IBM in collaboration with Swiss scientists is attempting to reverse engineer the mammalian brain at the molecular level, which will allow them to look closely at brain ailments, as well as consciousness, he reported. In coming years, with replacement body parts and other techniques, life expectancy could increase dramatically. But if people are living to 200-300 years will life lose some of its value?, Rollins pondered.

July 10, 2012

Coast to Coast AM - 07-09-12 - DNA Research

Coast to Coast AM - 07-09-12 - DNA Research

http://www.mediafire.com/?8w1ru14wjlccq09  <--

Host: George Noory
Guests: Bryan Sykes, Seth Shostak

Professor of Human Genetics at the University of Oxford since 1997, Bryan Sykes, discussed some of his fascinating DNA research findings, including his study of American genetics. The United States' population contains a convergence of DNA from a number of continents, with interesting crossovers such as some African Americans having European genes. According to earlier research (not done by Skyes), Native Americans actually originated from Siberia, China, and even Europe, but the DNA blood testing that yielded these results was done without their consent, and thus raised controversy and ire, he detailed. Interestingly, some people from Britain have been found to have Native American genes, he added.

Sykes described his work on the "Seven Daughters of Eve." Astonishingly, almost everyone in Europe has mitochondrial (maternal) DNA they inherited from one of seven actual women who lived between 10,000 and 45,000 years ago. Additionally, there are "36 maternal ancestors spread throughout the world," he noted. It's suspected that Genghis Khan also established a legacy, with his particular Y chromosome shared among some 15 million males in Asia. The Y (male) chromosome in general has been subject to more degeneration and mutation than the X (female) chromosome, and if this continues males might eventually become extinct, he warned.

In his latest project, Sykes is doing DNA testing of suspected Yeti and Bigfoot hair samples in tandem with the University of Lausanne in Switzerland. So far, some of the samples have turned out to be from bears. If the results indicate an unknown species, he said could compare DNA sequences and place the species somewhere on the evolutionary tree, such as between chimps and humans. Recent evidence has shown that in addition to Neanderthals, there were other human-type species living concurrently with homo sapiens, and Sykes posited that Bigfoot and Yeti might be "small relic populations of these other human species."

SETI Update

First hour guest, SETI astronomer Seth Shostak spoke about SETI's latest targets which are mostly in the constellation Cygnus-- mirroring the direction the Kepler Telescope is looking in for planets that might be Earth-like. He believes Kepler will find such planets in the next few years, and that they might not be particularly rare. He also reacted to Stephen Hawking's concern over the risks in contacting an alien civilization. Shostak noted that because we've been broadcasting various signals such as FM and radar for decades which go out into space, aliens could already be aware of us, regardless of whether we intentionally try to contact them or not.

July 9, 2012

Coast to Coast AM - 07-08-12 - Messengers & Intuition

Coast to Coast AM - 07-08-12 - Messengers & Intuition

http://www.mediafire.com/?i787rxf6y76vky3  <--

Host: Ian Punnett
Guests: Dr. Judith Orloff, Bear Woznick

Ian Punnett welcomed medical intuitive and board certified psychiatrist, Dr. Judith Orloff, who discussed what messengers in our lives --in the form of angels, ghosts and dreams-- are trying to tell us. She explained that connecting with these outside forces is akin to "tapping into a world larger than ourselves, the unseen, for guidance, for energy, and for protection." As such, she was critical of mainstream medicine which focuses on the "linear mind," since it overlooks the supernatural elements which "help us along the way as we travel on this Earth." Ultimately, Orloff credited intuition as a means of connecting to these external guides by functioning in a "non-linear way" and allowing consciousness to expand.

On how to harness intuition and receive insights from these outside forces, Orloff advised people to simply close their eyes and ask one question. From there, she said, "go inward" and wait for an answer. According to her, the solution can then arrive via images, impressions, sights, smells, or even sounds. She stressed that one should not immediately analyze the information as they receive it, and, instead, they should merely write it down and then later see how it applies to the question. "To get used to problem solving in that way," she mused, "you may be tapping into that wisdom or you can experiment with finding your outer guides." Additionally, she noted that the "hypnagogic state" between being asleep and awake is a particularly strong time for experiencing visitations from outside forces.

While these messages can be powerful, Orloff emphasized that the recipient must "tap into our gut and our inner wisdom and defer to that," rather than strictly following these mysterious insights. She noted that this is because "there are many things out there that are impish and that want to cause trouble" by misleading humans. Therefore, she said, one must be discerning about how they follow this external advice. To that end, Orloff claimed that a positive intuitive feeling may give the experiencer the feeling of "energy going up," goosebumps, chills of recognition, or deja vu. Negative external advice, she said, can make people feel uneasy, tired, or even sick. Should one experience such feelings from outside messages, Orloff warned not to follow their direction because "you're body is giving you important information there."

Surfing & Spirituality

In the first hour, World champion Tandem surfer, Bear Woznick, talked about surfing, spirituality, and rites of passage. "When you're riding a wave," he reflected, "you're detached from all things society wants you to be." Woznick, who said he sets a physical challenge for himself every year, lamented that, in contemporary times, men seem to lack cultural rites of passage to challenge their inner resolve. "You really don't know who you are until you come to an end of yourself," he said, "where you have to cross the threshold of courage or you go further than you can in terms of endurance." Therefore, he suggested that people challenge themselves and seize upon these "now moments" to develop greater spiritual growth.

July 8, 2012

Coast to Coast AM - 07-07-12 - MERLIN Project - Prophecy & Hidden Agendas

Coast to Coast AM - 07-07-12 - MERLIN Project - Prophecy & Hidden Agendas

http://www.mediafire.com/?ewxgm24pj3qawri  <--

Host: John B. Wells
Guests: Paul Guercio, Stan Johnson

John B. Wells welcomed futurist Paul Guercio for an update on the MERLIN Project in the first half. Then, radio host and pastor Stan Johnson, discussed the nature of time, prophecy for the United States, and why he believes CERN has a hidden agenda to open a wormhole to other dimensions.