Dreamland - 08-24-12 - Saucers, Swastikas and Psyops
http://www.mediafire.com/?hejjv54rsxr5a7y <--
Joseph Farrell tells the chilling story of his research into a vast underground of advanced aerospace technologies and hidden psychological operations. Nazi scientists, rogue elements within the intelligence community and drug cartels all figure in a nightmarish web that is pursuing an unholy agenda of world domination and the destruction of human freedom. What is "weltanshauungskrieg" and how does it affect your life right now?
August 25, 2012
Coast to Coast AM - 08-24-12 - Free Speech Threats & Government Tyranny
Coast to Coast AM - 08-24-12 - Free Speech Threats & Government Tyranny
http://www.mediafire.com/?kv69ek90kwjbmnq <--
Host: John B. Wells
Guests: Open Lines, Alex Jones
Filling in for George, John B. Wells welcomed radio host Alex Jones for a discussion on threats to free speech as well as gun control, and the corporate takeover of America. Jones detailed the recent arrest of a Marine veteran who posted anti-government writings on his Facebook page and warned that it is part of a larger agenda presently unfolding. He surmised that a "purge of our military veterans is taking place" because they both understand their rights and are trained as well as willing to fight for their freedom. However, he said, it is not just veterans who are facing this type of persecution. "All over the country," he lamented, "they're grabbing all sorts of people that criticize the government, even mildly."
Jones also contended that the presence of drones in American skies is the first step in a plan which will lead to "ground robots that, at first, will just face scan and surveil people." However, the ultimate goal of integrating these machines into society will be to weaponize them against people in the event that police and the military refuse to fire on their fellow citizens. Beyond that, Jones stressed that a "mega Big Brother system" is being created via the integration of "smart meters" in a myriad of technological devices as well as data collection via websites and computers. "Evil, for the first time in history, has been given tools that it's never had before," he declared.
In light of this emerging tyrannical state, Jones offered a number of solutions to combat the globalist agenda. He advocated for more participation in local elections, where the outcomes are far less likely to be controlled by corporate interests, as well as spreading the news about nefarious government plans via blogs and social media. That said, Jones observed that there needs to be an attitudinal change in people where they embrace learning about politics and history so that they are better intellectually armed to combat attempts to take away freedom. To that end, he decried violence against the government, noting the globalists want America to fall into a civil war, and, instead, called for a "revolution of intellectual understanding."
http://www.mediafire.com/?kv69ek90kwjbmnq <--
Host: John B. Wells
Guests: Open Lines, Alex Jones
Filling in for George, John B. Wells welcomed radio host Alex Jones for a discussion on threats to free speech as well as gun control, and the corporate takeover of America. Jones detailed the recent arrest of a Marine veteran who posted anti-government writings on his Facebook page and warned that it is part of a larger agenda presently unfolding. He surmised that a "purge of our military veterans is taking place" because they both understand their rights and are trained as well as willing to fight for their freedom. However, he said, it is not just veterans who are facing this type of persecution. "All over the country," he lamented, "they're grabbing all sorts of people that criticize the government, even mildly."
Jones also contended that the presence of drones in American skies is the first step in a plan which will lead to "ground robots that, at first, will just face scan and surveil people." However, the ultimate goal of integrating these machines into society will be to weaponize them against people in the event that police and the military refuse to fire on their fellow citizens. Beyond that, Jones stressed that a "mega Big Brother system" is being created via the integration of "smart meters" in a myriad of technological devices as well as data collection via websites and computers. "Evil, for the first time in history, has been given tools that it's never had before," he declared.
In light of this emerging tyrannical state, Jones offered a number of solutions to combat the globalist agenda. He advocated for more participation in local elections, where the outcomes are far less likely to be controlled by corporate interests, as well as spreading the news about nefarious government plans via blogs and social media. That said, Jones observed that there needs to be an attitudinal change in people where they embrace learning about politics and history so that they are better intellectually armed to combat attempts to take away freedom. To that end, he decried violence against the government, noting the globalists want America to fall into a civil war, and, instead, called for a "revolution of intellectual understanding."
Coast to Coast AM
August 24, 2012
Coast to Coast AM - 08-23-12 - Psychic Tricks & Scole Experiments
Coast to Coast AM - 08-23-12 - Psychic Tricks & Scole Experiments
http://www.mediafire.com/?zmk972nj2ui9anl <--
Host: George Noory
Guests: Mark Edward, Tim Coleman, Robin Foy
In the first half, professional mentalist and magician Mark Edward talked about his new book Psychic Blues, which looks at the business side of psychics (rather than the spiritual), and examines the cons, tricks of the trade, and people that defraud the public. There is no actual evidence that people speak with spirits of the deceased, or successfully aid the police in investigation cases, he claimed. The art of being a psychic involves techniques such as cold reading and observing body language, or even digging up information about a client via the Internet, he detailed. They also use what is called in mentalism "the scattershot technique,"-- i.e. throwing something at the wall to see if anything sticks. An example of this is when a psychic is speaking to a group, and mentions the name Helen for instance, and the odds are the name will mean something to at least one person.
Another technique psychics use is "muscle reading," gleaning information from a person's ideomotor or unconscious physical responses, Edward revealed. He critiqued the current bout of paranormal-themed reality shows, contending that show writers cobble ghostly story lines together based on something they find in the footage such as a squeaky chair. As far as TV shows featuring psychics, he suggested that many of the misses of the psychics are left on the cutting room floor, making them appear much more accurate than they really are. Edward believes that 85% of psychics are outright charlatans, and the other 15% are delusional or mentally disturbed.
In the second half of the show, we heard the other side of the Other Side! Paranormal investigator & documentary producer, Tim Coleman and one of the world's leading experts in physical mediumship, Robin Foy, discussed the Scole Experiment, called one of the most successful examples of physical mediumship and afterlife communication ever. Foy was one of the participants of the experiments which took place over a five-year period in the 1990s in Scole, a small village in Norfolk, UK. Spirit personalities were said to take over the body of mediums and speak through them, and over 1,000 hours of recordings were made. There were also "spirit voices" heard through an amplifier, and messages from a "Trans-Dimensional Communication Device," the design of which reportedly came from the spirit of Thomas Edison.
The experiments at Scole yielded photographic and video evidence (see below), and images appeared on sealed film rolls, without being shot by a camera, according to Foy. There were also spirit materializations, apports (objects appearing out of thin air), and levitation, he continued. At some of the Scole sessions, scientists were present, and witnessed orbs or spirit lights moving in and out of the bodies of the participants, Coleman said. He also talked about his study of Marcello Bacci, an Italian medium and "direct radio voice," whom he believes is able to receive spirit voices, often of deceased children that are recognized by their parents, through his old tube radio.
http://www.mediafire.com/?zmk972nj2ui9anl <--
Host: George Noory
Guests: Mark Edward, Tim Coleman, Robin Foy
In the first half, professional mentalist and magician Mark Edward talked about his new book Psychic Blues, which looks at the business side of psychics (rather than the spiritual), and examines the cons, tricks of the trade, and people that defraud the public. There is no actual evidence that people speak with spirits of the deceased, or successfully aid the police in investigation cases, he claimed. The art of being a psychic involves techniques such as cold reading and observing body language, or even digging up information about a client via the Internet, he detailed. They also use what is called in mentalism "the scattershot technique,"-- i.e. throwing something at the wall to see if anything sticks. An example of this is when a psychic is speaking to a group, and mentions the name Helen for instance, and the odds are the name will mean something to at least one person.
Another technique psychics use is "muscle reading," gleaning information from a person's ideomotor or unconscious physical responses, Edward revealed. He critiqued the current bout of paranormal-themed reality shows, contending that show writers cobble ghostly story lines together based on something they find in the footage such as a squeaky chair. As far as TV shows featuring psychics, he suggested that many of the misses of the psychics are left on the cutting room floor, making them appear much more accurate than they really are. Edward believes that 85% of psychics are outright charlatans, and the other 15% are delusional or mentally disturbed.
In the second half of the show, we heard the other side of the Other Side! Paranormal investigator & documentary producer, Tim Coleman and one of the world's leading experts in physical mediumship, Robin Foy, discussed the Scole Experiment, called one of the most successful examples of physical mediumship and afterlife communication ever. Foy was one of the participants of the experiments which took place over a five-year period in the 1990s in Scole, a small village in Norfolk, UK. Spirit personalities were said to take over the body of mediums and speak through them, and over 1,000 hours of recordings were made. There were also "spirit voices" heard through an amplifier, and messages from a "Trans-Dimensional Communication Device," the design of which reportedly came from the spirit of Thomas Edison.
The experiments at Scole yielded photographic and video evidence (see below), and images appeared on sealed film rolls, without being shot by a camera, according to Foy. There were also spirit materializations, apports (objects appearing out of thin air), and levitation, he continued. At some of the Scole sessions, scientists were present, and witnessed orbs or spirit lights moving in and out of the bodies of the participants, Coleman said. He also talked about his study of Marcello Bacci, an Italian medium and "direct radio voice," whom he believes is able to receive spirit voices, often of deceased children that are recognized by their parents, through his old tube radio.
Coast to Coast AM
August 23, 2012
Coast to Coast AM - 08-22-12 - Solar Weather & Exploring Evil
Coast to Coast AM - 08-22-12 - Solar Weather & Exploring Evil
http://www.mediafire.com/?t6w2t1o5q6htsna <--
Host: George Noory
Guests: Ramon E. Lopez, Clarissa Pinkola Estes
In the first half, Prof. Ramon E. Lopez talked about space weather, sun cycles and potential solar storms that could knock out the power grids, satellites, and communications. The solar magnetic field transfers the roiling energy of the sun into electrical energy, which heats the upper atmosphere of the sun, which then becomes so hot that it travels out into space as the solar wind, he explained. As the solar wind streams past the Earth's magnetic field, some of its energy is captured, and released as electric currents that flow down to the polar regions. If this current is strong enough then it will cause the upper atmosphere to light up in what we see as the Aurora Borealis or Northern Lights, he continued.
In the past few years, we've gained an increasing ability to predict space weather-- in fact there's a Space Weather Prediction Center in Boulder, Colorado, Lopez reported. Yet, satellite data currently only gives us a one-hour lead time on how activity from the sun may affect Earth, he noted. Super magnetic storms have been occurring on the sun throughout history, but it's only in recent times that they could have a significant impact on us by damaging our technology. He cited a solar event from 1859 in which the telegraph system was knocked out for a week. North America's power grid is particularly vulnerable to solar flare damage, he warned. Lopez's book Storms from the Sun is available as a free PDF download from the National Academies Press.
Scholar, award-winning poet, Jungian psychoanalyst, and cantadora (keeper of the old stories in the Latina tradition), Dr. Clarissa Pinkola Estes discussed manifestations of evil on both psychological and spiritual levels, and in relation to shooting incidents such as Columbine. She defined evil as a profoundly inhumane action or neglect toward innocent beings who are vulnerable. Evil people often seem to have no conscience, and have no reaction to the pain they cause others, she detailed. She believes the cause of this condition is genetic-- they lack a certain locus of control in the psyche that evaluates reality, in the same way that others do.
On a metaphysical level, some cases of evil could be considered "walk-ins," in which the person is no longer there, and a malignant spirit has entered their body and taken over their mind, Estes stated. "In terms of my experience in doing therapy all these years... if there is some type of aberration that is really inhumane in an individual who otherwise is a good person...it usually comes from an early childhood [psychological] wound," she said, adding that some believe that forces that swirl in this world can feed off of you without your direct knowledge initially, and eventually take your mind over. She noted that there is some similarity of exorcism rituals to "scream therapy." Interestingly, she suggested that the opposite of evil is not good, but informed love and consciousness, and doing what's necessary to create boundaries that will keep people from harming one another.
http://www.mediafire.com/?t6w2t1o5q6htsna <--
Host: George Noory
Guests: Ramon E. Lopez, Clarissa Pinkola Estes
In the first half, Prof. Ramon E. Lopez talked about space weather, sun cycles and potential solar storms that could knock out the power grids, satellites, and communications. The solar magnetic field transfers the roiling energy of the sun into electrical energy, which heats the upper atmosphere of the sun, which then becomes so hot that it travels out into space as the solar wind, he explained. As the solar wind streams past the Earth's magnetic field, some of its energy is captured, and released as electric currents that flow down to the polar regions. If this current is strong enough then it will cause the upper atmosphere to light up in what we see as the Aurora Borealis or Northern Lights, he continued.
In the past few years, we've gained an increasing ability to predict space weather-- in fact there's a Space Weather Prediction Center in Boulder, Colorado, Lopez reported. Yet, satellite data currently only gives us a one-hour lead time on how activity from the sun may affect Earth, he noted. Super magnetic storms have been occurring on the sun throughout history, but it's only in recent times that they could have a significant impact on us by damaging our technology. He cited a solar event from 1859 in which the telegraph system was knocked out for a week. North America's power grid is particularly vulnerable to solar flare damage, he warned. Lopez's book Storms from the Sun is available as a free PDF download from the National Academies Press.
Scholar, award-winning poet, Jungian psychoanalyst, and cantadora (keeper of the old stories in the Latina tradition), Dr. Clarissa Pinkola Estes discussed manifestations of evil on both psychological and spiritual levels, and in relation to shooting incidents such as Columbine. She defined evil as a profoundly inhumane action or neglect toward innocent beings who are vulnerable. Evil people often seem to have no conscience, and have no reaction to the pain they cause others, she detailed. She believes the cause of this condition is genetic-- they lack a certain locus of control in the psyche that evaluates reality, in the same way that others do.
On a metaphysical level, some cases of evil could be considered "walk-ins," in which the person is no longer there, and a malignant spirit has entered their body and taken over their mind, Estes stated. "In terms of my experience in doing therapy all these years... if there is some type of aberration that is really inhumane in an individual who otherwise is a good person...it usually comes from an early childhood [psychological] wound," she said, adding that some believe that forces that swirl in this world can feed off of you without your direct knowledge initially, and eventually take your mind over. She noted that there is some similarity of exorcism rituals to "scream therapy." Interestingly, she suggested that the opposite of evil is not good, but informed love and consciousness, and doing what's necessary to create boundaries that will keep people from harming one another.
Coast to Coast AM
August 22, 2012
Coast to Coast AM - 08-21-12 - Chemtrails & Weather
Coast to Coast AM - 08-21-12 - Chemtrails & Weather
http://www.mediafire.com/?jm8e3d2r5vst2u5 <--
Host: George Noory
Guests: Michael Murphy, William R. Forstchen
Appearing during the middle two hours, journalist, filmmaker and political activist Michael Murphy discussed how chemtrails are allowing corporations to manipulate natural systems including weather and soil, for their own gain. Chemtrails are chemicals that are sprayed out of airplanes for the goal of "geo-engineering" the planet. Specifically, aluminum and other chemical particulates are used to block the sun, create artificial clouds, and generally cause a cooling effect, he continued. But these chemicals have been found to be toxic to human health, and the ecology, and are associated with respiratory problems and other medical issues, he noted.
"Geo-engineers are very open that their programs will disrupt weather patterns," he said, pinning the recent drought over parts of the US on their actions. Particulates introduced into the sky act as "cloud condensation nuclei," causing rain to drift away from areas it normally would go, he explained. Such "corporatized" weather control in which new environmental circumstances are created, allows goods and services to be specifically tailored, such as Monsanto's "abiotic seeds," which are said to grow in drought conditions, Murphy revealed.
Further, he cited commodities trading done by "disaster capitalists," as well as in the derivatives market, in which they use inside knowledge of weather manipulation and control in order to make money, sometimes by betting that certain crops will fail. For more, check out this trailer from Murphy's new documentary, "Why in the World Are They Spraying?"
The last hour of the show featured Open Lines.
Possible EMP Attack
First hour guest, history professor William R. Forstchen commented on a potential EMP attack that Israel might stage on Iran. An electromagnetic pulse detonation high in the atmosphere could fry all power and communication grids below. He believes that such a confrontation would escalate, and other countries like the US and possibly Russia would be dragged into the conflict.
http://www.mediafire.com/?jm8e3d2r5vst2u5 <--
Host: George Noory
Guests: Michael Murphy, William R. Forstchen
Appearing during the middle two hours, journalist, filmmaker and political activist Michael Murphy discussed how chemtrails are allowing corporations to manipulate natural systems including weather and soil, for their own gain. Chemtrails are chemicals that are sprayed out of airplanes for the goal of "geo-engineering" the planet. Specifically, aluminum and other chemical particulates are used to block the sun, create artificial clouds, and generally cause a cooling effect, he continued. But these chemicals have been found to be toxic to human health, and the ecology, and are associated with respiratory problems and other medical issues, he noted.
"Geo-engineers are very open that their programs will disrupt weather patterns," he said, pinning the recent drought over parts of the US on their actions. Particulates introduced into the sky act as "cloud condensation nuclei," causing rain to drift away from areas it normally would go, he explained. Such "corporatized" weather control in which new environmental circumstances are created, allows goods and services to be specifically tailored, such as Monsanto's "abiotic seeds," which are said to grow in drought conditions, Murphy revealed.
Further, he cited commodities trading done by "disaster capitalists," as well as in the derivatives market, in which they use inside knowledge of weather manipulation and control in order to make money, sometimes by betting that certain crops will fail. For more, check out this trailer from Murphy's new documentary, "Why in the World Are They Spraying?"
The last hour of the show featured Open Lines.
Possible EMP Attack
First hour guest, history professor William R. Forstchen commented on a potential EMP attack that Israel might stage on Iran. An electromagnetic pulse detonation high in the atmosphere could fry all power and communication grids below. He believes that such a confrontation would escalate, and other countries like the US and possibly Russia would be dragged into the conflict.
Coast to Coast AM
August 21, 2012
Coast to Coast AM - 08-20-12 - Vet Illnesses & Cover-Ups
Coast to Coast AM - 08-20-12 - Vet Illnesses & Cover-Ups
http://www.mediafire.com/?803n3qcszckuzl8 <--
Host: George Noory
Guests: Richard Belzer, Joyce Riley
In the first half, registered nurse and talk show host, Joyce Riley, talked about war vets' illnesses and increased rate of suicide. Among troops, suicides are up 22% from a year go, and this past July was the worst month on record. We have a military that has more deaths from suicides than from war, she noted. The problem is even more severe, if you include those who aren't tracked in studies-- the Guard and Reserve, and vets who have left the military, Riley added. The Dept. of Defense denies any involvement, and says those who killed themselves were just troubled people, she said. They do however hand off money for the VA to research the problem, who in turn report that they can't single out a cause, so they give funding to the Rand Corp. and Instit. of Medicine and other organizations to further look at the problem, and yet nothing is done to actually help the soldiers, Riley bemoaned.
She cited a variety issues that contribute to vet's suicides and illnesses. In addition to family problems that can develop during a soldier's absence, vets are exposed to contaminants while working in depleted uranium areas. They can develop breathing problems, headaches, and cardiovascular issues but are told to "man up" and prescribed various psychotropic medications, she continued. The website ssristories.com documents crimes and suicides involving soldiers who were on these types of drugs. Riley also discussed a Report to the Secretary of the Dept. of Veteran Affairs, which documented the deleterious effects of Agent Orange in Viet Nam. She's encouraged Viet Nam vets to show this document to the VA, in order to raise the issue of compensation.
In the latter half, stand-up comedian, actor, and author, Richard Belzer, (best known for his role as John Munch on the hit NBC show, Law & Order: Special Victims Unit) discussed his new book, Dead Wrong, co-written with researcher David Wayne, which looks at various controversial cover-ups. Rather than commit suicide, Marilyn Monroe was actually murdered, he asserted. The first police officer on the scene declared that it was a "staged suicide," and "it's literally impossible that she swallowed the pills they say that killed her because there were no refractive crystals in her digestive system," Belzer reported. He believes she was murdered to embarrass the Kennedys (Bobby Kennedy was said to visit Marilyn on her last day), and subsequently the murder scene was cleaned up, so it would not be investigated as a murder, and bring attention to the Kennedys.
He detailed how in 1999 a jury in Tennessee found that the US govt. was involved in the assassination of Martin Luther King. James Earl Ray's rifle didn't match the bullet that killed Dr. King, he added. Belzer also described the case of Frank Olson, an Army specialist who in 1953, protested some of the post-war interrogation techniques, and was then given LSD without his knowledge by the government, and subsequently was thought to have committed suicide. It took his family years to get his body exhumed "to prove that he was in fact murdered," and the government had to reach a settlement with the family, he revealed.
http://www.mediafire.com/?803n3qcszckuzl8 <--
Host: George Noory
Guests: Richard Belzer, Joyce Riley
In the first half, registered nurse and talk show host, Joyce Riley, talked about war vets' illnesses and increased rate of suicide. Among troops, suicides are up 22% from a year go, and this past July was the worst month on record. We have a military that has more deaths from suicides than from war, she noted. The problem is even more severe, if you include those who aren't tracked in studies-- the Guard and Reserve, and vets who have left the military, Riley added. The Dept. of Defense denies any involvement, and says those who killed themselves were just troubled people, she said. They do however hand off money for the VA to research the problem, who in turn report that they can't single out a cause, so they give funding to the Rand Corp. and Instit. of Medicine and other organizations to further look at the problem, and yet nothing is done to actually help the soldiers, Riley bemoaned.
She cited a variety issues that contribute to vet's suicides and illnesses. In addition to family problems that can develop during a soldier's absence, vets are exposed to contaminants while working in depleted uranium areas. They can develop breathing problems, headaches, and cardiovascular issues but are told to "man up" and prescribed various psychotropic medications, she continued. The website ssristories.com documents crimes and suicides involving soldiers who were on these types of drugs. Riley also discussed a Report to the Secretary of the Dept. of Veteran Affairs, which documented the deleterious effects of Agent Orange in Viet Nam. She's encouraged Viet Nam vets to show this document to the VA, in order to raise the issue of compensation.
In the latter half, stand-up comedian, actor, and author, Richard Belzer, (best known for his role as John Munch on the hit NBC show, Law & Order: Special Victims Unit) discussed his new book, Dead Wrong, co-written with researcher David Wayne, which looks at various controversial cover-ups. Rather than commit suicide, Marilyn Monroe was actually murdered, he asserted. The first police officer on the scene declared that it was a "staged suicide," and "it's literally impossible that she swallowed the pills they say that killed her because there were no refractive crystals in her digestive system," Belzer reported. He believes she was murdered to embarrass the Kennedys (Bobby Kennedy was said to visit Marilyn on her last day), and subsequently the murder scene was cleaned up, so it would not be investigated as a murder, and bring attention to the Kennedys.
He detailed how in 1999 a jury in Tennessee found that the US govt. was involved in the assassination of Martin Luther King. James Earl Ray's rifle didn't match the bullet that killed Dr. King, he added. Belzer also described the case of Frank Olson, an Army specialist who in 1953, protested some of the post-war interrogation techniques, and was then given LSD without his knowledge by the government, and subsequently was thought to have committed suicide. It took his family years to get his body exhumed "to prove that he was in fact murdered," and the government had to reach a settlement with the family, he revealed.
Coast to Coast AM
August 20, 2012
Coast to Coast AM - 08-19-12 - Mysterious Lore & Disappearances
Coast to Coast AM - 08-19-12 - Mysterious Lore & Disappearances
http://www.mediafire.com/?mdv7a3dtl54rfb9 <--
Host: George Knapp
Guests: Whitley Strieber, David Paulides
Author Whitley Strieber spoke about his new ebook, The Secret of Orenda, and researcher David Paulides joined part of the conversation to discuss mysterious disappearances and abductions. Strieber noted that in addition to the strange missing person cases that Paulides has documented, there have also been incidents on Indonesian islands. Alan Lamers told Whitley when he was working on the island of Sulaweisi, he was warned not to wear bright colors, but a person in his party ended up ignoring those instructions, and something unknown scratched him and he became very ill. Lamers also reported that a friend of his son went missing in the area, but was eventually found in a disturbed state. He described seeing odd animals and "strange menacing small creatures following them."
In some of the cases Paulides has investigated in the US, the people who went missing were also wearing bright colors. Pennsylvania has more children missing from the late 1930s to the early 1950s "than anywhere in the US, in any time frame, probably times a magnitude of three," Paulides detailed, adding that the cases tended to occur in clusters in which people inexplicably disappeared from remote locations. Paulides shared a recent episode involving a hunter in Oregon, who said when he was out in the wilds, he suddenly walked (or was pushed) into what seemed like a glass pane that felt like another dimension, before he pulled back. Strieber compared such reports to his own alien abduction experiences, and wondered if someone was setting up a colony or breakaway civilization with the missing people.
Whitley's new novel, Secret of Orenda (Orenda is from the Iroquois meaning fruitful) was inspired by being in an isolated area in the Adirondacks in upstate New York, and imagining that "maybe there's someone still back there, living by the old ways." In the book, he posits a civilization dating back to the time of the mound builders, who had connections to powers such as levitation, and a mystical understanding of nature. In the latter part of the program, he also talked about climate change, and global warming.
http://www.mediafire.com/?mdv7a3dtl54rfb9 <--
Host: George Knapp
Guests: Whitley Strieber, David Paulides
Author Whitley Strieber spoke about his new ebook, The Secret of Orenda, and researcher David Paulides joined part of the conversation to discuss mysterious disappearances and abductions. Strieber noted that in addition to the strange missing person cases that Paulides has documented, there have also been incidents on Indonesian islands. Alan Lamers told Whitley when he was working on the island of Sulaweisi, he was warned not to wear bright colors, but a person in his party ended up ignoring those instructions, and something unknown scratched him and he became very ill. Lamers also reported that a friend of his son went missing in the area, but was eventually found in a disturbed state. He described seeing odd animals and "strange menacing small creatures following them."
In some of the cases Paulides has investigated in the US, the people who went missing were also wearing bright colors. Pennsylvania has more children missing from the late 1930s to the early 1950s "than anywhere in the US, in any time frame, probably times a magnitude of three," Paulides detailed, adding that the cases tended to occur in clusters in which people inexplicably disappeared from remote locations. Paulides shared a recent episode involving a hunter in Oregon, who said when he was out in the wilds, he suddenly walked (or was pushed) into what seemed like a glass pane that felt like another dimension, before he pulled back. Strieber compared such reports to his own alien abduction experiences, and wondered if someone was setting up a colony or breakaway civilization with the missing people.
Whitley's new novel, Secret of Orenda (Orenda is from the Iroquois meaning fruitful) was inspired by being in an isolated area in the Adirondacks in upstate New York, and imagining that "maybe there's someone still back there, living by the old ways." In the book, he posits a civilization dating back to the time of the mound builders, who had connections to powers such as levitation, and a mystical understanding of nature. In the latter part of the program, he also talked about climate change, and global warming.
Coast to Coast AM
August 19, 2012
Coast to Coast AM - 08-18-12 - Middle East & China
Coast to Coast AM - 08-18-12 - Middle East & China
http://www.mediafire.com/?nf3okcafdz5pqw5 <--
Host: John B. Wells
Guests: Frank Wuco, Frank Vernuccio
Joining John B. Wells in the first half, CEO of Red Mind Solutions and retired Naval Intelligence Officer, Frank Wuco, discussed the situation in the Middle East. In the final two hours, New York analyst and radio host Frank Vernuccio talked about the threat of Chinese espionage and cyber attacks.
http://www.mediafire.com/?nf3okcafdz5pqw5 <--
Host: John B. Wells
Guests: Frank Wuco, Frank Vernuccio
Joining John B. Wells in the first half, CEO of Red Mind Solutions and retired Naval Intelligence Officer, Frank Wuco, discussed the situation in the Middle East. In the final two hours, New York analyst and radio host Frank Vernuccio talked about the threat of Chinese espionage and cyber attacks.
Coast to Coast AM