Coast to Coast AM - 10-03-12 - Solar Cataclysms <--
Host: George Noory
Guests: Lawrence Joseph, Greg Hartley, Robert P. Watson
Journalist and science consultant Lawrence E. Joseph discussed how fluctuations in the sun's behavior provoke shifts not only in the climate, but also in our personal lives. He explained why he believes it's time for human beings to stop taking the sun for granted by assuming it will shine with unwavering intensity until it burns out billions of years from now. A landmark report by the National Academy of Sciences called Severe Space Weather Events concluded that if a solar blast hit, such as the ones from 1859 or 1921, "up to 130 million Americans could be without electrical power for months, or years," he warned.
And while in June 2010, the US House of Representatives voted unanimously to take the steps necessary to protect the power grid from a solar EMP, the bill was scuttled in the Senate. Joseph suspects this may have been due to the utility industry lobby, who resent regulatory incursion into their territory. He would like to see this important issue revived as a topic during the presidential debates.
People suffer from not getting enough sun, or getting too much sun, he noted. "The sun empowers us, the sun destroys us. It heals our bodies, it sickens our bodies. It's the greatest, most magnificent, most terrible constant in human history," Joseph declared. He shared his "Moody Sun Hypothesis," which suggests that our star is surprisingly turbulent with solar weather conditions, and can exert a great influence upon us, when it undergoes changes. Curiously, it's been discovered that the sun has been sending a "secret warning" via piles of medical waste-- radioactive isotopes decay a little more slowly when a sunspot is about to issue a flare, he detailed. If we established monitoring stations using this type of knowledge, it could give us up to two days warning of an incoming flare, he proposed.
Presidential Debate
Political commentator Prof. Robert Watson (1st half-hour) and body language expert Greg Hartley (2nd half-hour) offered analysis of the first 2012 presidential debate. There were no knockout blows or major gaffes, and both candidates were competent debaters, though the advantage went to Romney who was more aggressive, said Watson. Romney may get a slight bump in the polls as a result of the debate, he added. Obama showed some signs of "fight or flight," with at times a stammered voice, and scattered thinking, and may not have been as prepared as Romney, Hartley commented.
October 4, 2012
October 3, 2012
Coast to Coast AM - 10-02-12 - Space Travel & Creature Forensics
Coast to Coast AM - 10-02-12 - Space Travel & Creature Forensics <--
Host: George Noory
Guests: William Louis McDonald, L. A. Marzulli
Appearing during the middle two hours, forensic artist and alternative investigator, Bill McDonald, shared updates on several of his projects including the biology of the Loch Ness monster, as well as how advances in molecular medicine and nanotechnology will facilitate future long distance space travel beyond the orbit of Mars. Biological beings cannot survive deep space travels or warp drive, as they will acquire brittle bone disease and irreversible tissue damage, he said. So, one solution, he detailed, is using applied nanotechnology, which is to say loading millions of microscopic nano-assemblers, microsurgical bots and nanites with default medical support programming into each individual space traveler.
Such technology would in effect turn the astronauts into cybernetic organisms or cyborgs, he noted. This correlates with reports of certain 'Grey' ETs who've been described as being partly robotic, as well descriptions of the Roswell craft and aliens, in which the vehicle and flight crew were said to be merged into a "combined being," McDonald cited.
Regarding his research into Nessie and sea monsters, he posited that certain types of eels could occasionally produce a single rare individual that is truly a giant aquatic monster, feeding both in the water and crawling around on land (see related illustration below). He correlated his theory to the work of Jeremy Wade of the River Monsters TV show, who has located a number of giant fish that could eat or kill a person. McDonald also touched on his wife Lori's investigations into ghosts and the paranormal.
The last hour featured Open Lines.
Mounds & the Nephilim
First hour guest, researcher L.A. Marzulli discussed his exploration of ancient mounds and circles in the Ohio Valley. He believes some of these circles, which predate Native Americans, were built by the Nephilim (the spawn of Fallen Angels and Earth women), as 7 to 10 ft. skeletons were excavated from the site in the late 19th century. He reported that a number of people living near the mounds have experienced demonic or poltergeist activity, and also spoke about his investigation of a recent crop formation in the area. <--
Host: George Noory
Guests: William Louis McDonald, L. A. Marzulli
Appearing during the middle two hours, forensic artist and alternative investigator, Bill McDonald, shared updates on several of his projects including the biology of the Loch Ness monster, as well as how advances in molecular medicine and nanotechnology will facilitate future long distance space travel beyond the orbit of Mars. Biological beings cannot survive deep space travels or warp drive, as they will acquire brittle bone disease and irreversible tissue damage, he said. So, one solution, he detailed, is using applied nanotechnology, which is to say loading millions of microscopic nano-assemblers, microsurgical bots and nanites with default medical support programming into each individual space traveler.
Such technology would in effect turn the astronauts into cybernetic organisms or cyborgs, he noted. This correlates with reports of certain 'Grey' ETs who've been described as being partly robotic, as well descriptions of the Roswell craft and aliens, in which the vehicle and flight crew were said to be merged into a "combined being," McDonald cited.
Regarding his research into Nessie and sea monsters, he posited that certain types of eels could occasionally produce a single rare individual that is truly a giant aquatic monster, feeding both in the water and crawling around on land (see related illustration below). He correlated his theory to the work of Jeremy Wade of the River Monsters TV show, who has located a number of giant fish that could eat or kill a person. McDonald also touched on his wife Lori's investigations into ghosts and the paranormal.
The last hour featured Open Lines.
Mounds & the Nephilim
First hour guest, researcher L.A. Marzulli discussed his exploration of ancient mounds and circles in the Ohio Valley. He believes some of these circles, which predate Native Americans, were built by the Nephilim (the spawn of Fallen Angels and Earth women), as 7 to 10 ft. skeletons were excavated from the site in the late 19th century. He reported that a number of people living near the mounds have experienced demonic or poltergeist activity, and also spoke about his investigation of a recent crop formation in the area.
Coast to Coast AM
October 2, 2012
Coast to Coast AM - 10-01-12 - Past Lives & Healing
Coast to Coast AM - 10-01-12 - Past Lives & Healing <--
Host: George Noory
Guests: Dr. Brian Weiss, Charles Shults III
One of the world's foremost authorities on past-life regression therapy, Dr. Brian Weiss, discussed incredible true stories of miracles and healings occurring after past live regressions, as well as how this tool can be used to improve our lives, evolve spiritually, and ultimately understand that there is no need to fear death. A traditionally trained psychiatrist, Weiss was initially astonished when one of his patients began recalling past-life traumas that seemed to hold the key to her phobias and anxieties. He subsequently developed a hypnosis technique of 10-15 minutes of progressive relaxation that gently sets people up to revisit their previous lives. About 80% of his patients that have undergone this technique do recall past lives, he reported.
Among the cases he cited that involved healing, was a woman who had severe psoriasis. She recalled a previous life where she was burned as a witch during the Inquisition. "She'd been bound and tied to the stake with rope, particularly around her legs where her psoriasis was the worst." After she emotionally recalled the incident, her psoriasis condition completely disappeared, even though she'd been plagued by it for many years, he said. A similar case involved a radiologist who had chronic back pain that he needed to take medication to control. After his hypnosis, in which he remembered being lanced in the back during a Middle Ages battle, his back pain disappeared and has never returned, Weiss stated.
The process of remembering seems to have some kind of healing or clearing effect, for physical as well as psychological problems, he noted. "Some of it is just realizing, 'oh this happened before, it's of the past, not the future,'" and they stop worrying about a certain phobia or problem, he explained. Weiss also mentioned cases of xenoglossy, when people speak languages that are unknown to them, such as when he worked with a Chinese woman and her translator. The woman didn't know English, but began to speak it fluently when she was regressed to a past life in America in the 19th century. Another fascinating incident involved twin 3-year-olds in Manhattan who spoke a private language. The parents took them to a linguist who informed them that their children were speaking Aramaic, a mostly extinct language they would have had no way of learning.
Science Updates
First hour guest, aerospace and defense systems developer Sir Charles Shults shared various science updates. He spoke about the idea that we could be living in a simulation of the universe. Such a notion isn't entirely out of the question, he commented, pointing toward the increasingly sophisticated computer models and video games developed in the last few years. "It doesn't take a lot of imagination to think that if we were to take a step toward quantum computing, we could make those games so realistic, they could compete with reality," he said. Shults also talked about advances in self-driving or robotic cars, dissolvable electronics that can be injected into the body, the space elevator, and 4-D crystals. <--
Host: George Noory
Guests: Dr. Brian Weiss, Charles Shults III
One of the world's foremost authorities on past-life regression therapy, Dr. Brian Weiss, discussed incredible true stories of miracles and healings occurring after past live regressions, as well as how this tool can be used to improve our lives, evolve spiritually, and ultimately understand that there is no need to fear death. A traditionally trained psychiatrist, Weiss was initially astonished when one of his patients began recalling past-life traumas that seemed to hold the key to her phobias and anxieties. He subsequently developed a hypnosis technique of 10-15 minutes of progressive relaxation that gently sets people up to revisit their previous lives. About 80% of his patients that have undergone this technique do recall past lives, he reported.
Among the cases he cited that involved healing, was a woman who had severe psoriasis. She recalled a previous life where she was burned as a witch during the Inquisition. "She'd been bound and tied to the stake with rope, particularly around her legs where her psoriasis was the worst." After she emotionally recalled the incident, her psoriasis condition completely disappeared, even though she'd been plagued by it for many years, he said. A similar case involved a radiologist who had chronic back pain that he needed to take medication to control. After his hypnosis, in which he remembered being lanced in the back during a Middle Ages battle, his back pain disappeared and has never returned, Weiss stated.
The process of remembering seems to have some kind of healing or clearing effect, for physical as well as psychological problems, he noted. "Some of it is just realizing, 'oh this happened before, it's of the past, not the future,'" and they stop worrying about a certain phobia or problem, he explained. Weiss also mentioned cases of xenoglossy, when people speak languages that are unknown to them, such as when he worked with a Chinese woman and her translator. The woman didn't know English, but began to speak it fluently when she was regressed to a past life in America in the 19th century. Another fascinating incident involved twin 3-year-olds in Manhattan who spoke a private language. The parents took them to a linguist who informed them that their children were speaking Aramaic, a mostly extinct language they would have had no way of learning.
Science Updates
First hour guest, aerospace and defense systems developer Sir Charles Shults shared various science updates. He spoke about the idea that we could be living in a simulation of the universe. Such a notion isn't entirely out of the question, he commented, pointing toward the increasingly sophisticated computer models and video games developed in the last few years. "It doesn't take a lot of imagination to think that if we were to take a step toward quantum computing, we could make those games so realistic, they could compete with reality," he said. Shults also talked about advances in self-driving or robotic cars, dissolvable electronics that can be injected into the body, the space elevator, and 4-D crystals.
Coast to Coast AM
October 1, 2012
Dreamland - 09-28-12 - Witness Interviewed WHILE HE IS TAPING A UFO
Dreamland - 09-28-12 - Witness Interviewed WHILE HE IS TAPING A UFO <--
In 2007, Randy Bell had a close encounter of the third kind. Since then, he had found that UFOs often show up in his life, and he has not only got the videotape to prove it, Oregon MUFON has done an exceptional report on one of his sightings. There is little question about the authenticity of what Randy Bell is witnessing, and, in this interview, he talks to us as he is actually videotaping a UFO. We discover the story behind Randy Bell's experiences. Why is this happening to him? What took place in 2007 that so profoundly changed his life? Where does he think it will go from here? We believe this to be the first time that a close encounter witness has ever been interviewed while actually videotaping an unknown object. <--
In 2007, Randy Bell had a close encounter of the third kind. Since then, he had found that UFOs often show up in his life, and he has not only got the videotape to prove it, Oregon MUFON has done an exceptional report on one of his sightings. There is little question about the authenticity of what Randy Bell is witnessing, and, in this interview, he talks to us as he is actually videotaping a UFO. We discover the story behind Randy Bell's experiences. Why is this happening to him? What took place in 2007 that so profoundly changed his life? Where does he think it will go from here? We believe this to be the first time that a close encounter witness has ever been interviewed while actually videotaping an unknown object.
Coast to Coast AM - 09-30-12 - Distressing NDEs
Coast to Coast AM - 09-30-12 - Distressing NDEs <--
Host: George Knapp
Guests: Nancy Evans Bush, Mark Allin, Jeff Ritzmann
In the latter half, Nancy Evans Bush talked about her distressing Near Death Experience, and shared stories of others who've had similar NDEs without a white glowing light of love. In her NDE, which took place in the early 1960s while anesthetized during the delivery of her second child, she was shot out into space. There, she saw black & white circles that began telepathically communicating to her. Their message to her was "you don't exist and you never did exist...Your life was a joke. Earth was a joke and you were allowed to believe it was real, but it never was real. And this is what there is-- just this big empty space." She argued passionately with the beings to confirm the validity of her existence. Upon her return from this annihilating experience, she kept quiet for years, until she began working for an organization that studies NDEs.
One's emotional response to an NDE varies from person to person, she reported. According to her studies, 1 out of 5 people who have NDEs are distressed by them. Many of these people are terrified even under pleasant heaven-like circumstances, because they've been pulled out of their bodies. Regarding her type of NDE, she noted that someone with a Buddhist perspective might not be so disarmed to find themselves in a featureless void.
A minority of distressing NDEs involve people finding themselves in a hell-like environment, which can be hot or cold, and have a bleak landscape. Rather than demonic entities, experiencers typically describe seeing shadowy, psychologically menacing somber-looking people, whose faces are either obscured or without features, Evans Bush detailed. People that return from hellish NDEs often turn to religion to seek out solutions or changes, she noted.
Investigating a UFO Photo
In the second hour, Mark Allin and Jeff Ritzmann from Above Top Secret discussed the authenticity of a UFO photo taken by a professional photographer from Germany while she was vacationing in Crete. Ritzmann, a photo analyst, described what looks like a lopsided disc or dome in the image, and determined that it was symmetrical in nature, which rules out a floating object like a balloon, or a bird. The amount of atmospheric hazing indicates the object is some distance away and of substantial size, he continued. Allin added that a friend of his in law enforcement ran the photo in a proprietary software program, and determined that it had not been digitally altered. <--
Host: George Knapp
Guests: Nancy Evans Bush, Mark Allin, Jeff Ritzmann
In the latter half, Nancy Evans Bush talked about her distressing Near Death Experience, and shared stories of others who've had similar NDEs without a white glowing light of love. In her NDE, which took place in the early 1960s while anesthetized during the delivery of her second child, she was shot out into space. There, she saw black & white circles that began telepathically communicating to her. Their message to her was "you don't exist and you never did exist...Your life was a joke. Earth was a joke and you were allowed to believe it was real, but it never was real. And this is what there is-- just this big empty space." She argued passionately with the beings to confirm the validity of her existence. Upon her return from this annihilating experience, she kept quiet for years, until she began working for an organization that studies NDEs.
One's emotional response to an NDE varies from person to person, she reported. According to her studies, 1 out of 5 people who have NDEs are distressed by them. Many of these people are terrified even under pleasant heaven-like circumstances, because they've been pulled out of their bodies. Regarding her type of NDE, she noted that someone with a Buddhist perspective might not be so disarmed to find themselves in a featureless void.
A minority of distressing NDEs involve people finding themselves in a hell-like environment, which can be hot or cold, and have a bleak landscape. Rather than demonic entities, experiencers typically describe seeing shadowy, psychologically menacing somber-looking people, whose faces are either obscured or without features, Evans Bush detailed. People that return from hellish NDEs often turn to religion to seek out solutions or changes, she noted.
Investigating a UFO Photo
In the second hour, Mark Allin and Jeff Ritzmann from Above Top Secret discussed the authenticity of a UFO photo taken by a professional photographer from Germany while she was vacationing in Crete. Ritzmann, a photo analyst, described what looks like a lopsided disc or dome in the image, and determined that it was symmetrical in nature, which rules out a floating object like a balloon, or a bird. The amount of atmospheric hazing indicates the object is some distance away and of substantial size, he continued. Allin added that a friend of his in law enforcement ran the photo in a proprietary software program, and determined that it had not been digitally altered.
Coast to Coast AM
Coast to Coast AM - 09-29-12 - Agenda 21
Coast to Coast AM - 09-29-12 - Agenda 21 <--
Host: John B. Wells
Guests: William Jasper, Rosa Koire
In the first half, William Jasper, a United Nations expert and Senior Editor for The New American magazine (a publication of the John Birch Society), commented on the UN's Agenda 21—a plan he described as a "sweeping grab for power on a global level to micromanage and regiment every aspect of human life on the planet." The authors of the massive document are mostly from UN environmental organizations at the forefront of promoting global governance for the purposes of sustainable development, he revealed.
Those promoting 'sustainable development' are typically socialists, communists, Marxists, and fascists, who believe the state should own and control all assets, Jasper continued. They are antagonistic toward the United States, free enterprise, and the idea of constitutional limits on government, he said, adding that "you can depend on the United Nations to be overwhelmingly, viciously anti-American and anti-freedom." Ultimately, Agenda 21 provides a master plan that encompasses all aspects of life, demanding dictatorial power over the planet and everyone on it, Jasper warned.
During the latter half, Rosa Koire of Democrats Against Agenda 21 weighed in with her views on the UN's globalist plan to control everything. "This is not a left or a right issue... freedom is non-partisan," she declared. Koire, a commercial real estate appraiser, said ten years ago she began noticing limits on what people could do with their land by right, which made her job determining the worth of property nearly impossible. She eventually connected the limits on land usage to Agenda 21, which she identified as a plan to inventory and control all land, water, plants, animals, and human beings in the world.
As an example of what is happening now in America, Koire pointed to satellite mapping of timber on conservation easements. NASA flyovers occur every 16 days and can determine if a single tree has been cut down, she disclosed. Should Agenda 21 be fully implemented people will be moved into densely packed city centers and have their mobility severely restricted, she cautioned. There will be no access to food and water, no employment, and education will become outcome-based with the goal of producing good global citizens, Koire added. She recommended her book, BEHIND THE GREEN MASK: U.N. Agenda 21, for those who wish to learn more about the plan and how to stop it. <--
Host: John B. Wells
Guests: William Jasper, Rosa Koire
In the first half, William Jasper, a United Nations expert and Senior Editor for The New American magazine (a publication of the John Birch Society), commented on the UN's Agenda 21—a plan he described as a "sweeping grab for power on a global level to micromanage and regiment every aspect of human life on the planet." The authors of the massive document are mostly from UN environmental organizations at the forefront of promoting global governance for the purposes of sustainable development, he revealed.
Those promoting 'sustainable development' are typically socialists, communists, Marxists, and fascists, who believe the state should own and control all assets, Jasper continued. They are antagonistic toward the United States, free enterprise, and the idea of constitutional limits on government, he said, adding that "you can depend on the United Nations to be overwhelmingly, viciously anti-American and anti-freedom." Ultimately, Agenda 21 provides a master plan that encompasses all aspects of life, demanding dictatorial power over the planet and everyone on it, Jasper warned.
During the latter half, Rosa Koire of Democrats Against Agenda 21 weighed in with her views on the UN's globalist plan to control everything. "This is not a left or a right issue... freedom is non-partisan," she declared. Koire, a commercial real estate appraiser, said ten years ago she began noticing limits on what people could do with their land by right, which made her job determining the worth of property nearly impossible. She eventually connected the limits on land usage to Agenda 21, which she identified as a plan to inventory and control all land, water, plants, animals, and human beings in the world.
As an example of what is happening now in America, Koire pointed to satellite mapping of timber on conservation easements. NASA flyovers occur every 16 days and can determine if a single tree has been cut down, she disclosed. Should Agenda 21 be fully implemented people will be moved into densely packed city centers and have their mobility severely restricted, she cautioned. There will be no access to food and water, no employment, and education will become outcome-based with the goal of producing good global citizens, Koire added. She recommended her book, BEHIND THE GREEN MASK: U.N. Agenda 21, for those who wish to learn more about the plan and how to stop it.
Coast to Coast AM
Coast to Coast AM - 09-28-12 - Fighting the NDAA
Coast to Coast AM - 09-28-12 - Fighting the NDAA <--
Host: John B. Wells
Guests: Stephen Miller, Dan Johnson
Filling in for George, John B. Wells was joined for the entire show by law expert Stephen Miller and Dan Johnson, founder of PANDA (People Against the National Defense Act), for a discussion on the controversial NDAA and other issues impacting freedom.
"We are heading toward the last stand for America as we are close to the edge a police state," warned Johnson. The NDAA has been enacted for the last 48 years to provide funding for the military but the latest iteration is the most dangerous, as it authorizes the indefinite detention of American citizens without charge or trial, he explained. America has actually been under a declared state of national emergency since 1933, which means the Constitution is no longer in effect, Miller added.
Johnson spoke about Section 1022 of the NDAA, which authorizes the President to waive the military custody requirement of the act. The waiver does nothing to quell the powers granted under the NDAA, he said, noting that the powerful elite are reluctant to give up any of their powers. The younger generation is not easily fooled so the elite are moving quickly to further their agenda, Miller suggested.
Johnson credited the Ron Paul revolution and the Internet with waking up his generation. Miller revealed how the government has terrorized and surveilled him, even to the point of zapping his radio prior to tonight's interview. "I don't think they are happy about what we're doing," he offered. Miller also commented on how Agenda 21 makes Michigan a Constitution-free zone. Johnson agreed, pointing out that "much of the country is under a Constitution-free zone." <--
Host: John B. Wells
Guests: Stephen Miller, Dan Johnson
Filling in for George, John B. Wells was joined for the entire show by law expert Stephen Miller and Dan Johnson, founder of PANDA (People Against the National Defense Act), for a discussion on the controversial NDAA and other issues impacting freedom.
"We are heading toward the last stand for America as we are close to the edge a police state," warned Johnson. The NDAA has been enacted for the last 48 years to provide funding for the military but the latest iteration is the most dangerous, as it authorizes the indefinite detention of American citizens without charge or trial, he explained. America has actually been under a declared state of national emergency since 1933, which means the Constitution is no longer in effect, Miller added.
Johnson spoke about Section 1022 of the NDAA, which authorizes the President to waive the military custody requirement of the act. The waiver does nothing to quell the powers granted under the NDAA, he said, noting that the powerful elite are reluctant to give up any of their powers. The younger generation is not easily fooled so the elite are moving quickly to further their agenda, Miller suggested.
Johnson credited the Ron Paul revolution and the Internet with waking up his generation. Miller revealed how the government has terrorized and surveilled him, even to the point of zapping his radio prior to tonight's interview. "I don't think they are happy about what we're doing," he offered. Miller also commented on how Agenda 21 makes Michigan a Constitution-free zone. Johnson agreed, pointing out that "much of the country is under a Constitution-free zone."
Coast to Coast AM