Coast to Coast AM - 11-14-12 - Hopi Legends & Prophecy <--
Host: George Noory
Guests: Gary A. David, Tony Burroughs
Archeo-astronomer and independent researcher on the American Southwest, Gary A. David, talked about legends and prophecies of the Hopi. Descendants of ancient Pueblo Peoples who constructed large housing complexes in Arizona and New Mexico, the Hopi combined spirituality, mythology, and ritual practice along with keen astronomical observations. Based on his studies, David has concluded that the Hopi mirrored the positioning of the Orion constellation in the pattern and location of their villages.
A Hopi god named Masau'u was said to direct their migrations, and tell them where to build their pueblos. Masau'u was considered both the god of the Underworld, and the earthly plane, and somewhat similar to the Egyptian resurrection god Osiris, though he was described as having a rather alien appearance, David detailed. The Hopi also speak of the Ant People, who according to legend, rescued their tribe during two major cataclysms, bringing them down into underground caverns during massive flooding. Interestingly, he noted that in a kiva (Hopi underground prayer chamber), a wall mural depicts a creature that looks like Mothman.
He also cited Hopi lore of "flying shields," which resemble descriptions of modern flying saucers, and were said to be piloted by Sky gods or Kachinas. David explained that Hopi prophecy views our current time as being close to the end of the 4th World, and how a number of Hopi 'end time' visions may have already come to pass. While the 4th World ends in catastrophe, particularly for America, a 5th World will arise, and continue the cycle, he said. David also shared the story of a purported Lost City in the Grand Canyon, which contained anomalous artifacts. A 1909 article that ran in the Arizona Gazette reported that the discovery was made by G.E. Kincaid, working for the Smithsonian.
Intention Practices
First hour guest, co-founder of a grassroots movement that started 'Intenders Circles' around the world, Tony Burroughs, talked about how to use intention to manifest good in your life. He explained that setting intentions, such as when you first wake up in the morning, can help achieve a more positive outcome for your day. His intention process bears some similarity to the 'Law of Attraction' (as popularized in the The Secret), but includes lining up your intentions with the "highest good," as well as practicing intention within communities rather than just by yourself.
November 15, 2012
November 14, 2012
Coast to Coast AM - 11-13-12 - Physics Breakthroughs
Coast to Coast AM - 11-13-12 - Physics Breakthroughs <--
Host: George Noory
Guests: Sean Carroll, Drew Zahn
Theoretical physicist at Cal Tech, Sean Carroll, discussed why he believes the discovery of the Higgs boson is perhaps the greatest breakthrough in our understanding of the universe since the splitting of the atom, and how it is launching particle physics on a new era of discovery. "What really matters to us is not the Higgs boson, but something called the Higgs field that fills space...the bosons that we detect as particles are just little vibrations in that field," he explained. By detecting a Higgs-like boson through experiments at the Large Hadron Collider at CERN, we were able to demonstrate the existence of the Higgs field, he reported. The search for such a particle has been going on for decades, Carroll noted, and its discovery was a cause for celebration in the physics community.
While the Higgs discovery doesn't particularly lead to new technological applications, its significance has to do with understanding how the particles that form our existence work together, he pointed out. "If it weren't for the Higgs, electrons would be massless; they'd be like photons moving at the speed of light-- they wouldn't stick together in atoms...there wouldn't be planets or stars, there would not be you and me," he continued.
Carroll cited dark matter as the next big target after the Higgs boson. We've detected its gravitational field, and can see its effect on light traveling through the universe, and various stars. Dark matter is clearly exerting a force, but we don't know what it is yet, he said. Carroll also shared his theory that our universe may have been born out of larger universe, and touched on such topics as black holes, string theory, and hidden additional dimensions that might affect particle physics.
Secession Petitions
First hour guest, WND columnist Drew Zahn talked about his report that citizens in some US states have been signing petitions to secede from the union. The online petitions, via the White House's We the People website, have spread across 30 states, and so far have received some 60,000 signatures in Texas, and 27,000 in Louisiana. While the petitions may not rock Washington, they represent a growing number of citizens who are dissatisfied with the federal government, and could become more active in their protestations, Zahn commented. <--
Host: George Noory
Guests: Sean Carroll, Drew Zahn
Theoretical physicist at Cal Tech, Sean Carroll, discussed why he believes the discovery of the Higgs boson is perhaps the greatest breakthrough in our understanding of the universe since the splitting of the atom, and how it is launching particle physics on a new era of discovery. "What really matters to us is not the Higgs boson, but something called the Higgs field that fills space...the bosons that we detect as particles are just little vibrations in that field," he explained. By detecting a Higgs-like boson through experiments at the Large Hadron Collider at CERN, we were able to demonstrate the existence of the Higgs field, he reported. The search for such a particle has been going on for decades, Carroll noted, and its discovery was a cause for celebration in the physics community.
While the Higgs discovery doesn't particularly lead to new technological applications, its significance has to do with understanding how the particles that form our existence work together, he pointed out. "If it weren't for the Higgs, electrons would be massless; they'd be like photons moving at the speed of light-- they wouldn't stick together in atoms...there wouldn't be planets or stars, there would not be you and me," he continued.
Carroll cited dark matter as the next big target after the Higgs boson. We've detected its gravitational field, and can see its effect on light traveling through the universe, and various stars. Dark matter is clearly exerting a force, but we don't know what it is yet, he said. Carroll also shared his theory that our universe may have been born out of larger universe, and touched on such topics as black holes, string theory, and hidden additional dimensions that might affect particle physics.
Secession Petitions
First hour guest, WND columnist Drew Zahn talked about his report that citizens in some US states have been signing petitions to secede from the union. The online petitions, via the White House's We the People website, have spread across 30 states, and so far have received some 60,000 signatures in Texas, and 27,000 in Louisiana. While the petitions may not rock Washington, they represent a growing number of citizens who are dissatisfied with the federal government, and could become more active in their protestations, Zahn commented.
Coast to Coast AM
November 13, 2012
Coast to Coast AM - 11-12-12 - UFO Encounters & Evidence
Coast to Coast AM - 11-12-12 - UFO Encounters & Evidence <--
Host: George Noory
Guests: Wilbur Allen, Dr. Peter Breggin
Former White House/Air Force One engineer for ABC News, Wilbur Allen, has been a contactee since childhood, when he was implanted. Since then, he has forensically documented sightings and anomalies. He discussed his recent trips to investigate Area 51 and Sedona, his telepathic encounters with UFOs, and analysis of various sightings. In the Sedona desert, while documenting the sky late at night, he said he saw an object come out of "warp," and dogs and coyotes immediately started howling. Then "something drew blood from my finger and left a very unusual puncture wound," he detailed.
In video footage shot in Rachel, Nevada, he made the statement 'show it to me,' and 15 seconds later an aerial object appeared, which he believes demonstrates telepathy between humans & ET. Additionally, while shooting at the perimeter of Area 51, he heard a disembodied voice commanding him to pack his stuff and get out. At Area 51, the military is working with assimilated alien technology, and have operational craft, possibly built with the assistance of ETs, Allen surmised. He has further concluded that the aliens have the ability to bend space and time in their travels, as well as cloak their ships.
Yet in recent years, camera sensitivity has increased 10 fold, allowing some cloaked ships to be caught on camera, particularly in high speed shutter images shot at 1/8000th of a second, Allen commented. He also stated that UFOs seen on the India/China border which were reported as yellowish spheres, as well as a recent sighting in Denver, match some of the images that he took in Washington DC. He conjectured that repeated sightings in various locations may have to do with specific portals.
Increased Stress Levels
First hour guest, Dr. Peter Breggin talked about the high levels of psychological stress people have been facing, as a result of Hurricane Sandy, and other issues. "I think people, more and more, feel like they're not in control of what they're doing, that they're not in control of their children...that they can't choose where they want to work," he cited as explanations for increased stress. He also noted that the problem seems to be exacerbated in urban settings, as opposed to small towns. Dr. Breggin suggested that people look for things they can control, and not allow themselves to get paralyzed by feeling overwhelmed. <--
Host: George Noory
Guests: Wilbur Allen, Dr. Peter Breggin
Former White House/Air Force One engineer for ABC News, Wilbur Allen, has been a contactee since childhood, when he was implanted. Since then, he has forensically documented sightings and anomalies. He discussed his recent trips to investigate Area 51 and Sedona, his telepathic encounters with UFOs, and analysis of various sightings. In the Sedona desert, while documenting the sky late at night, he said he saw an object come out of "warp," and dogs and coyotes immediately started howling. Then "something drew blood from my finger and left a very unusual puncture wound," he detailed.
In video footage shot in Rachel, Nevada, he made the statement 'show it to me,' and 15 seconds later an aerial object appeared, which he believes demonstrates telepathy between humans & ET. Additionally, while shooting at the perimeter of Area 51, he heard a disembodied voice commanding him to pack his stuff and get out. At Area 51, the military is working with assimilated alien technology, and have operational craft, possibly built with the assistance of ETs, Allen surmised. He has further concluded that the aliens have the ability to bend space and time in their travels, as well as cloak their ships.
Yet in recent years, camera sensitivity has increased 10 fold, allowing some cloaked ships to be caught on camera, particularly in high speed shutter images shot at 1/8000th of a second, Allen commented. He also stated that UFOs seen on the India/China border which were reported as yellowish spheres, as well as a recent sighting in Denver, match some of the images that he took in Washington DC. He conjectured that repeated sightings in various locations may have to do with specific portals.
Increased Stress Levels
First hour guest, Dr. Peter Breggin talked about the high levels of psychological stress people have been facing, as a result of Hurricane Sandy, and other issues. "I think people, more and more, feel like they're not in control of what they're doing, that they're not in control of their children...that they can't choose where they want to work," he cited as explanations for increased stress. He also noted that the problem seems to be exacerbated in urban settings, as opposed to small towns. Dr. Breggin suggested that people look for things they can control, and not allow themselves to get paralyzed by feeling overwhelmed.
Coast to Coast AM
November 12, 2012
Coast to Coast AM - 11-11-12 - The Ratline & Mormon Origins
Coast to Coast AM - 11-11-12 - The Ratline & Mormon Origins <--
Host: Ian Punnett
Guests: Peter Levenda, Marie Forleo, Dannion Brinkley, Bill Kleinedler
During the middle two hours, Ian Punnett was joined by author Peter Levenda, who provided an update on his book Ratline, which contends that Adolf Hitler escaped from Germany during the end of WWII, and discussed his new book The Angel and the Sorcerer, which examines the "occult origins of Mormonism."
He revealed that, since the publication of Ratline, "a number of people have come out of woodwork with little bits of information" regarding the underground network used to facilitate the escape of high ranking Nazis and their resources from Germany at the end of the war. According to Levenda, Portugal was responsible for hiding an astounding 44 tons of gold that had been plundered by the Nazi's. He cited Allied documents which contended that a mere 4 tons of that looted treasure were repatriated to victimized nations, while the remaining treasure was spirited away to Macau, a Portuguese colony located within China. Ultimately, Levenda claimed, the massive trove of ill-gotten gold was absorbed by the Chinese government in the 1950's.
Levenda also detailed his new research into the "occult origins" of Mormonism, which he called "the quintessential American religion." To that end, he noted that Freemasonic ideas influenced the formation of America, and, as such, Levenda mused that "it's almost inevitable that there would be a religious movement based on some of those same ideas and that's what you have with Mormonism." Additionally, he pointed to the use of alchemical practices by Joseph Smith in the early creation of the religion and suggested that the founder of Mormonism codified a number of "New Age" concepts into the doctrine of the religion. Ultimately, Levenda stressed that his work is not meant to be an attack on the religion and aims to "expose Mormonism to those who have heard a lot of rumors and who don't understand it very well."
Building Better Businesses
In the first half hour, marketing and lifestyle expert, Marie Forleo, talked about business methods which are resonating with consumers during the financial downturn. She observed that the economic meltdown has resulted in people becoming very distrustful of large companies. Therefore, Forleo said, business leaders who exhibit transparency and "reveal a little bit about who you are and what you believe in" will experience greater success. Additionally, she foresees companies and CEOs who "believe in a bigger purpose beyond their own wallets" as more economically sustainable going into the future.
Honoring our Veterans
In the latter half of the first hour, author and hospice volunteer Dannion Brinkley addressed how we can help veterans to heal and reintegrate back into normal life. Making his 14th annual Coast appearance on Veteran's Day, Brinkley lamented that many veterans are dying alone and declared that "we have a requirement, spiritually and morally, as a country to be there for them now that they need us." Stressing the paramount importance of caring for our veterans as they grow older, he noted that, over the next 10 years, the combined veterans from WWII, Korea, and Vietnam will pass away at a staggering 100,000 every 30 days.
Later, Brinkley was joined by US veteran and artist, Bill Kleinedler, who talked about the supernatural experience he had while serving in Iraq. He recalled how, after setting up a temporary clinic and providing medical assistance to Iraqis, his convoy was en route back to the base when his Humvee was struck by an IED. The resulting explosion caused a massive fire inside the vehicle. During the resulting chaos, Kleinedler saw a sphere of "brilliant light" which floated around him. From within the sphere, a clear, calm, and peaceful voice told him "you need to get out of the truck." As he struggled to escape the wreck, the voice became more urgent until he became free. <--
Host: Ian Punnett
Guests: Peter Levenda, Marie Forleo, Dannion Brinkley, Bill Kleinedler
During the middle two hours, Ian Punnett was joined by author Peter Levenda, who provided an update on his book Ratline, which contends that Adolf Hitler escaped from Germany during the end of WWII, and discussed his new book The Angel and the Sorcerer, which examines the "occult origins of Mormonism."
He revealed that, since the publication of Ratline, "a number of people have come out of woodwork with little bits of information" regarding the underground network used to facilitate the escape of high ranking Nazis and their resources from Germany at the end of the war. According to Levenda, Portugal was responsible for hiding an astounding 44 tons of gold that had been plundered by the Nazi's. He cited Allied documents which contended that a mere 4 tons of that looted treasure were repatriated to victimized nations, while the remaining treasure was spirited away to Macau, a Portuguese colony located within China. Ultimately, Levenda claimed, the massive trove of ill-gotten gold was absorbed by the Chinese government in the 1950's.
Levenda also detailed his new research into the "occult origins" of Mormonism, which he called "the quintessential American religion." To that end, he noted that Freemasonic ideas influenced the formation of America, and, as such, Levenda mused that "it's almost inevitable that there would be a religious movement based on some of those same ideas and that's what you have with Mormonism." Additionally, he pointed to the use of alchemical practices by Joseph Smith in the early creation of the religion and suggested that the founder of Mormonism codified a number of "New Age" concepts into the doctrine of the religion. Ultimately, Levenda stressed that his work is not meant to be an attack on the religion and aims to "expose Mormonism to those who have heard a lot of rumors and who don't understand it very well."
Building Better Businesses
In the first half hour, marketing and lifestyle expert, Marie Forleo, talked about business methods which are resonating with consumers during the financial downturn. She observed that the economic meltdown has resulted in people becoming very distrustful of large companies. Therefore, Forleo said, business leaders who exhibit transparency and "reveal a little bit about who you are and what you believe in" will experience greater success. Additionally, she foresees companies and CEOs who "believe in a bigger purpose beyond their own wallets" as more economically sustainable going into the future.
Honoring our Veterans
In the latter half of the first hour, author and hospice volunteer Dannion Brinkley addressed how we can help veterans to heal and reintegrate back into normal life. Making his 14th annual Coast appearance on Veteran's Day, Brinkley lamented that many veterans are dying alone and declared that "we have a requirement, spiritually and morally, as a country to be there for them now that they need us." Stressing the paramount importance of caring for our veterans as they grow older, he noted that, over the next 10 years, the combined veterans from WWII, Korea, and Vietnam will pass away at a staggering 100,000 every 30 days.
Later, Brinkley was joined by US veteran and artist, Bill Kleinedler, who talked about the supernatural experience he had while serving in Iraq. He recalled how, after setting up a temporary clinic and providing medical assistance to Iraqis, his convoy was en route back to the base when his Humvee was struck by an IED. The resulting explosion caused a massive fire inside the vehicle. During the resulting chaos, Kleinedler saw a sphere of "brilliant light" which floated around him. From within the sphere, a clear, calm, and peaceful voice told him "you need to get out of the truck." As he struggled to escape the wreck, the voice became more urgent until he became free.
Coast to Coast AM
November 11, 2012
Coast to Coast AM - 11-10-12 - Rethinking Knowledge
Coast to Coast AM - 11-10-12 - Rethinking Knowledge <--
Host: John B. Wells
Guests: David Weinberger, Douglas Dietrich
We used to know how to know. We got our answers from books or experts. But in the Internet age, there’s more knowledge than ever, and nobody agrees on anything. Researcher and author David Weinberger joined John B. Wells to discuss how business, science, education, and the govt. are learning to use networked knowledge to understand more, and make smarter decisions than they could previously.
In the first hour, renegade military historian Douglas Dietrich offered his thoughts in light of Veterans Day. <--
Host: John B. Wells
Guests: David Weinberger, Douglas Dietrich
We used to know how to know. We got our answers from books or experts. But in the Internet age, there’s more knowledge than ever, and nobody agrees on anything. Researcher and author David Weinberger joined John B. Wells to discuss how business, science, education, and the govt. are learning to use networked knowledge to understand more, and make smarter decisions than they could previously.
In the first hour, renegade military historian Douglas Dietrich offered his thoughts in light of Veterans Day.
Coast to Coast AM
November 10, 2012
Coast to Coast AM - 11-09-12 - Unscreened Open Lines
Coast to Coast AM - 11-09-12 - Unscreened Open Lines <--
Host: John B. Wells
Guests: Open Lines
Filling for in for George, John B. Wells hosted 4 hours of unscreened Open Lines, which he dubbed 'Naked Lines.' John in Mansfield, Ohio, phoned in to inform listeners on how low-frequency, electromagnetic broadcasts are being used against the populace. "They're using mind control on everybody," he revealed. John said evidence for mind control can be seen in a person's eyes—they look dead. He further suggested that the election and re-election of Barack Obama was a result of this mind control effort.
Clarisse in Italy warned against globalists within our political and social circles who are intentionally planting the seeds for a New World Order. According to Clarisse, true freedom is an illusion and globalist-inspired laws are akin to black magic spells. She encouraged listeners to wake up and take united action against those plotting the world government.
Chris, a tarot reader from Toronto, told John about a scam involving some unethical tarot readers who make people believe they are cursed in order to extract money from them. Chris said in one case the victim was bilked for $10,000 for curse removal services. "You shouldn't be forking over your savings account, especially in times like these," he cautioned, noting that there are much better ways to deal with life's difficulties (or curses).
Dave in Cliffside Park, New Jersey, briefly shared his experiences in the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy as well as his various UFO sightings. Dave said Sandy knocked out power in his 31-story high-rise for three days and he only recently got his internet connection back. He recounted the time when he was 17 years old and watched in awe with a friend as a giant flying rectangle flew overhead. He claimed to have witnessed a UFO in the shape of a diamond in 1988. Dave disclosed that he contacted the local FAA about it and was told that particular craft actually landed on their runway. <--
Host: John B. Wells
Guests: Open Lines
Filling for in for George, John B. Wells hosted 4 hours of unscreened Open Lines, which he dubbed 'Naked Lines.' John in Mansfield, Ohio, phoned in to inform listeners on how low-frequency, electromagnetic broadcasts are being used against the populace. "They're using mind control on everybody," he revealed. John said evidence for mind control can be seen in a person's eyes—they look dead. He further suggested that the election and re-election of Barack Obama was a result of this mind control effort.
Clarisse in Italy warned against globalists within our political and social circles who are intentionally planting the seeds for a New World Order. According to Clarisse, true freedom is an illusion and globalist-inspired laws are akin to black magic spells. She encouraged listeners to wake up and take united action against those plotting the world government.
Chris, a tarot reader from Toronto, told John about a scam involving some unethical tarot readers who make people believe they are cursed in order to extract money from them. Chris said in one case the victim was bilked for $10,000 for curse removal services. "You shouldn't be forking over your savings account, especially in times like these," he cautioned, noting that there are much better ways to deal with life's difficulties (or curses).
Dave in Cliffside Park, New Jersey, briefly shared his experiences in the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy as well as his various UFO sightings. Dave said Sandy knocked out power in his 31-story high-rise for three days and he only recently got his internet connection back. He recounted the time when he was 17 years old and watched in awe with a friend as a giant flying rectangle flew overhead. He claimed to have witnessed a UFO in the shape of a diamond in 1988. Dave disclosed that he contacted the local FAA about it and was told that particular craft actually landed on their runway.
Coast to Coast AM
Coast to Coast AM - 11-08-12 - ET Contacts & Intervention
Coast to Coast AM - 11-08-12 - ET Contacts & Intervention <--
Host: John B. Wells
Guests: Robert Potter, Craig Hulet
Filling for in for George, John B. Wells was joined by Robert Potter, who has been experiencing UFO contacts since 1975 with (the late) Dr. Fred Bell in Laguna Beach. Potter said he's been working with a man who goes by the code name "Cobra," who's been releasing information in regards to an ET/Inner Earth or "Agarthan" network that's helping our planet to heal. There's a "galactic enforcement codex" being enacted due to regressive ETs' (Greys, Reptilians etc.) genetic manipulation of humans-- the positive ETs, who are part of a Galactic Federation, are arriving to help us remove the "hostile force that has been here for 26,000 years," he said. The Earth has been in a semi-quarantine position because we were infiltrated by these forces during the Atlantean/Lemurian times, which led to a destructive planetary war, he continued.
As we move through the Galactic Plane, and more light is hitting our planet, humans have evolved, "and we're beginning to reestablish our galactic humanity, and our membership to the Galactic Federation," Potter announced. The hostile forces or "lower astral beings" are being cleared out by various higher dimensional beings & spaceships, and the underground bases of the Illuminati and secret cabals "have been cut off at the knees, and their attempts to create WWIII have been thwarted," he related. Yet, the negative forces have used such things as chemtrails, vaccinations, HAARP, and GMO foods to genetically alter humanity, he lamented.
Potter described some of the encounters that he and Fred Bell had with Semjase, a Pleiadian being of light, as well as accounts from contactees such as Frank Stranges, Alex Collier, and Norm Paulsen. The displays of space fleets/UFOs, which began increasing in intensity around 1991 in Mexico City, "are part of the process of identification and preparation for open interplanetary exchange," he noted.
Murder & Money Laundering
First hour guest, analyst of geopolitics and foreign policy, Craig B. Hulet, talked about a report that the murder of a CNBC Exec's children was related to CNBC highlighting a lawsuit about an international money laundering case, involving $43 trillion. While the main suspect in the murders is the children's nanny, Hulet noted that the killings involved tremendous force, which suggested to him it was done by Special Ops. Further, shortly before or after the time of the murder, CNBC took down the story on the money laundering case from their website, he said. <--
Host: John B. Wells
Guests: Robert Potter, Craig Hulet
Filling for in for George, John B. Wells was joined by Robert Potter, who has been experiencing UFO contacts since 1975 with (the late) Dr. Fred Bell in Laguna Beach. Potter said he's been working with a man who goes by the code name "Cobra," who's been releasing information in regards to an ET/Inner Earth or "Agarthan" network that's helping our planet to heal. There's a "galactic enforcement codex" being enacted due to regressive ETs' (Greys, Reptilians etc.) genetic manipulation of humans-- the positive ETs, who are part of a Galactic Federation, are arriving to help us remove the "hostile force that has been here for 26,000 years," he said. The Earth has been in a semi-quarantine position because we were infiltrated by these forces during the Atlantean/Lemurian times, which led to a destructive planetary war, he continued.
As we move through the Galactic Plane, and more light is hitting our planet, humans have evolved, "and we're beginning to reestablish our galactic humanity, and our membership to the Galactic Federation," Potter announced. The hostile forces or "lower astral beings" are being cleared out by various higher dimensional beings & spaceships, and the underground bases of the Illuminati and secret cabals "have been cut off at the knees, and their attempts to create WWIII have been thwarted," he related. Yet, the negative forces have used such things as chemtrails, vaccinations, HAARP, and GMO foods to genetically alter humanity, he lamented.
Potter described some of the encounters that he and Fred Bell had with Semjase, a Pleiadian being of light, as well as accounts from contactees such as Frank Stranges, Alex Collier, and Norm Paulsen. The displays of space fleets/UFOs, which began increasing in intensity around 1991 in Mexico City, "are part of the process of identification and preparation for open interplanetary exchange," he noted.
Murder & Money Laundering
First hour guest, analyst of geopolitics and foreign policy, Craig B. Hulet, talked about a report that the murder of a CNBC Exec's children was related to CNBC highlighting a lawsuit about an international money laundering case, involving $43 trillion. While the main suspect in the murders is the children's nanny, Hulet noted that the killings involved tremendous force, which suggested to him it was done by Special Ops. Further, shortly before or after the time of the murder, CNBC took down the story on the money laundering case from their website, he said.
Coast to Coast AM
Dreamland - 11-09-12 - The Real Wolfmen
Dreamland - 11-09-12 - The Real Wolfmen <--
Linda Godfrey is one of the few researchers exploring the possibility that cryptic creatures other than Bigfoot are also roaming the forests of North America. Specifically, she has found what appears to be evidence of something that she has come to call Real Wolfmen. This week on Dreamland, she describes her research and her encounters deep in the forest, which range from the terrifying to the transcendental. Her chilling story of deep woods journeys will fascinate you. <--
Linda Godfrey is one of the few researchers exploring the possibility that cryptic creatures other than Bigfoot are also roaming the forests of North America. Specifically, she has found what appears to be evidence of something that she has come to call Real Wolfmen. This week on Dreamland, she describes her research and her encounters deep in the forest, which range from the terrifying to the transcendental. Her chilling story of deep woods journeys will fascinate you.
November 8, 2012
Coast to Coast AM - 11-07-12 - Science of the Paranormal
Coast to Coast AM - 11-07-12 - Science of the Paranormal <--
Host: George Noory
Guests: Maureen Caudill, Dr. Jeffrey Meldrum
Computer scientist, specializing in artificial intelligence and neural networks, Maureen Caudill, has worked on such advanced projects as DARPA. She discussed both anecdotal and empirical evidence to prove the existence (and power) of various phenomena, including psychokinesis, remote viewing, energy healing, telepathy, precognition, and reincarnation. Culling research from academic studies conducted over the last decade, she concluded that "our world is richer than just the physical reality around us," but mainstream scientists often try to dismiss evidence for the paranormal because it undermines their materialist viewpoint.
She described an interesting study done in China in which telekinesis was demonstrated by a teenage male who reportedly used his mind to move a folded up piece of paper out of a film canister to a location 20 ft. away. Caudill shared her own experiment trying to get a seed to sprout in her palm. During the process, she felt a mild electric shock, and the seed actually disappeared from her hand. Accessing or manipulating the chi or subtle energy field may be a factor in telekinesis, she suggested.
Paranormal and psychic phenomena seem to function on a different set of rules, operating out of time, and/or space, she commented. For instance, remote viewers could be tapping into scalar fields, a kind of all-at-once consciousness, in which information can be gleaned from any location in the universe instantly, she explained. Caudill also cited some fascinating cases of interspecies telepathy. A talking parrot named N'Kisi was said to wake her owner up from sleep, and then describe what she'd just been dreaming!
Bigfoot Aerial Search
First hour guest, scientist and author Dr. Jeffrey Meldrum talked about a plan to conduct an aerial search for Bigfoot using a blimp. The idea, which is the brainchild of William Barnes, who had his own Bigfoot encounter, would involve the use of an unmanned aerial drone. Because of the drone's silent, stealthy maneuverability it could be more likely to observe the creature in its natural habitat than a team on foot, Meldrum explained. The vehicle would also contain high end imaging optics to record its findings. Funding is currently sought for the endeavor, with donations accepted at The Falcon Project website. <--
Host: George Noory
Guests: Maureen Caudill, Dr. Jeffrey Meldrum
Computer scientist, specializing in artificial intelligence and neural networks, Maureen Caudill, has worked on such advanced projects as DARPA. She discussed both anecdotal and empirical evidence to prove the existence (and power) of various phenomena, including psychokinesis, remote viewing, energy healing, telepathy, precognition, and reincarnation. Culling research from academic studies conducted over the last decade, she concluded that "our world is richer than just the physical reality around us," but mainstream scientists often try to dismiss evidence for the paranormal because it undermines their materialist viewpoint.
She described an interesting study done in China in which telekinesis was demonstrated by a teenage male who reportedly used his mind to move a folded up piece of paper out of a film canister to a location 20 ft. away. Caudill shared her own experiment trying to get a seed to sprout in her palm. During the process, she felt a mild electric shock, and the seed actually disappeared from her hand. Accessing or manipulating the chi or subtle energy field may be a factor in telekinesis, she suggested.
Paranormal and psychic phenomena seem to function on a different set of rules, operating out of time, and/or space, she commented. For instance, remote viewers could be tapping into scalar fields, a kind of all-at-once consciousness, in which information can be gleaned from any location in the universe instantly, she explained. Caudill also cited some fascinating cases of interspecies telepathy. A talking parrot named N'Kisi was said to wake her owner up from sleep, and then describe what she'd just been dreaming!
Bigfoot Aerial Search
First hour guest, scientist and author Dr. Jeffrey Meldrum talked about a plan to conduct an aerial search for Bigfoot using a blimp. The idea, which is the brainchild of William Barnes, who had his own Bigfoot encounter, would involve the use of an unmanned aerial drone. Because of the drone's silent, stealthy maneuverability it could be more likely to observe the creature in its natural habitat than a team on foot, Meldrum explained. The vehicle would also contain high end imaging optics to record its findings. Funding is currently sought for the endeavor, with donations accepted at The Falcon Project website.
Coast to Coast AM
November 7, 2012
Coast to Coast AM - 11-06-12 - 2012 Election Special
Coast to Coast AM - 11-06-12 - 2012 Election Special <--
Host: George Noory
Guests: John M. Curtis, Greg Hunter, Michael Shedlock, Glynis McCants, John Hogue, Jerome Corsi, Bev Harris
George Noory hosted a special 5-hour show (download Hour 5 mp3) with coverage of the presidential election results, featuring a variety of guests offering their analysis of the outcome and what it means for the United States. Starting the night off, analyst John M. Curtis cited Romney's choice of Paul Ryan as being too far to the right, and that he would have done better if he'd chosen someone like NJ Governor Chris Christie to be his running mate. Curtis also suggested that Romney was hurt by running on the theme that the US economy was dire, when data suggested that such areas as housing, the auto industry, and the stock market had recovered.
Investigative reporter Greg Hunter lamented that while $6 billion was spent by both parties getting their message out during the election cycle, they ignored the most pressing issue facing Americans-- a coming financial crisis, brought on by the Federal Reserve printing $85 billion every month. This open-ended currency creation will lead to a U.S. bond market collapse, and a massive interest rate spike that will wreck the economy, he warned. For more, view his recent article. Financial analyst Mish Shedlock talked about how "late deciders" moved toward Obama, when Romney's momentum stalled after Hurricane Sandy. In terms of the economy, he cited a negative effect of Obamacare, in which corporations employing more than 50 people, such as chain restaurants, are reducing worker's hours to skirt health coverage requirements.
Numerologist Glynis McCants, who correctly predicted Obama's victory, talked about how in 2013 Obama is going into a Personal Year of 9, which usually means clearing one's space for new beginnings. She also noted that 2013 is a "6" year which relates to family and business. "The cycle of 6 is power; it's magnetic. I see it as a good cycle for everybody who felt this year they couldn't get it together...they have another chance," she enthused. Author Jerome Corsi, who'd been traveling with the Romney campaign, spoke about the wide division in the United States between the two parties, and rural and urban voters. He credited Obama's advisors for putting together an effective ground game, and getting out the votes they needed. But, he noted, Obama's supporters could in be in for a shock if "sequestration" (forced budget cuts) go into effect in January.
Researcher Bev Harris spoke about election and voting issues. She was critical of the way some of the network's called certain results. For instance, the Tennessee results were announced before they would have had time to count any votes-- and this was a state that had no exit polls. She also noted that in the close race of Ohio, there were over 200,000 provisional ballots that won't be counted until November 17th. Appearing during the 4th hour, prophecy expert John Hogue reviewed his correct prediction of Obama's victory, and suggested that because of the deep problems America is facing, we may see Congress working together more, and being less obstructionist to the opposing party. The last hour of the show featured Open Lines. <--
Host: George Noory
Guests: John M. Curtis, Greg Hunter, Michael Shedlock, Glynis McCants, John Hogue, Jerome Corsi, Bev Harris
George Noory hosted a special 5-hour show (download Hour 5 mp3) with coverage of the presidential election results, featuring a variety of guests offering their analysis of the outcome and what it means for the United States. Starting the night off, analyst John M. Curtis cited Romney's choice of Paul Ryan as being too far to the right, and that he would have done better if he'd chosen someone like NJ Governor Chris Christie to be his running mate. Curtis also suggested that Romney was hurt by running on the theme that the US economy was dire, when data suggested that such areas as housing, the auto industry, and the stock market had recovered.
Investigative reporter Greg Hunter lamented that while $6 billion was spent by both parties getting their message out during the election cycle, they ignored the most pressing issue facing Americans-- a coming financial crisis, brought on by the Federal Reserve printing $85 billion every month. This open-ended currency creation will lead to a U.S. bond market collapse, and a massive interest rate spike that will wreck the economy, he warned. For more, view his recent article. Financial analyst Mish Shedlock talked about how "late deciders" moved toward Obama, when Romney's momentum stalled after Hurricane Sandy. In terms of the economy, he cited a negative effect of Obamacare, in which corporations employing more than 50 people, such as chain restaurants, are reducing worker's hours to skirt health coverage requirements.
Numerologist Glynis McCants, who correctly predicted Obama's victory, talked about how in 2013 Obama is going into a Personal Year of 9, which usually means clearing one's space for new beginnings. She also noted that 2013 is a "6" year which relates to family and business. "The cycle of 6 is power; it's magnetic. I see it as a good cycle for everybody who felt this year they couldn't get it together...they have another chance," she enthused. Author Jerome Corsi, who'd been traveling with the Romney campaign, spoke about the wide division in the United States between the two parties, and rural and urban voters. He credited Obama's advisors for putting together an effective ground game, and getting out the votes they needed. But, he noted, Obama's supporters could in be in for a shock if "sequestration" (forced budget cuts) go into effect in January.
Researcher Bev Harris spoke about election and voting issues. She was critical of the way some of the network's called certain results. For instance, the Tennessee results were announced before they would have had time to count any votes-- and this was a state that had no exit polls. She also noted that in the close race of Ohio, there were over 200,000 provisional ballots that won't be counted until November 17th. Appearing during the 4th hour, prophecy expert John Hogue reviewed his correct prediction of Obama's victory, and suggested that because of the deep problems America is facing, we may see Congress working together more, and being less obstructionist to the opposing party. The last hour of the show featured Open Lines.
Coast to Coast AM
November 6, 2012
Coast to Coast AM - 11-05-12 - Lost Mayan Technology
Coast to Coast AM - 11-05-12 - Lost Mayan Technology <--
Host: George Noory
Guests: James O'Kon, Katherine Albrecht
Structural engineer, James O'Kon, in addition to designing award-winning projects in major cities, has also spent 40 years investigating Maya engineering feats and lost Maya technology. He discussed damage from Hurricane Sandy, as well as how many important discoveries in Mayan ruins have been overlooked by archeologists. Regarding the damage from Sandy, developers have typically ignored suggestions not to build where the water level is too low. Now, they need to put in sea walls or structures, as well as build the sand dunes back up to protect the vulnerable areas, he said.
The Maya civilization was one of the longest in history, and they developed complex sciences including astronomy, and mathematics, as well as their own written language. O'Kon is particularly impressed by their "quadripartite cosmic philosophy," dividing the cosmos into four vertical elements, which they set into motion with time. This kind of approach is similar to today's space-time continuum model, he marveled. "They absolutely used this to determine all their future and past events, and this mindset...kick-started their technology, and agronomy," he continued, adding that 60% of the food in the world today, such as corn, originally came from the Maya.
The tools the Maya used have not been widely recognized by archeologists, O'Kon declared. According to his research, they fabricated tools from a type of jade that is harder than iron, tougher than steel, and facilitated drilling and chiseling precise sculptures and structures. Their infrastructure was also quite sophisticated, with paved and elevated roads (which could withstand floods) running hundreds of miles, and used for trade, he noted. O'Kon also talked about a recent discovery in Guatemala in what may have been a studio for Mayan astronomers. The uncovered calculations and murals indicated a Mayan calendar with 17 "baktun" cycles which would run an additional 1,124 years after the end date of December 21, 2012 in the calendar with 13 baktuns.
Audio Surveillance in Baltimore
First hour guest, privacy advocate Katherine Albrecht reported on audio surveillance on the Baltimore bus system, and related issues. The audio recording capability, which is being added on to the video system already in place, represents an invasion of people's privacy, and such surveillance has not been found to reduce crime, she suggested. The ACLU may wage a lawsuit against the Maryland Transit Administration over the use of microphones, arguing that bus riders don't have a choice in allowing their conversations to be recorded. <--
Host: George Noory
Guests: James O'Kon, Katherine Albrecht
Structural engineer, James O'Kon, in addition to designing award-winning projects in major cities, has also spent 40 years investigating Maya engineering feats and lost Maya technology. He discussed damage from Hurricane Sandy, as well as how many important discoveries in Mayan ruins have been overlooked by archeologists. Regarding the damage from Sandy, developers have typically ignored suggestions not to build where the water level is too low. Now, they need to put in sea walls or structures, as well as build the sand dunes back up to protect the vulnerable areas, he said.
The Maya civilization was one of the longest in history, and they developed complex sciences including astronomy, and mathematics, as well as their own written language. O'Kon is particularly impressed by their "quadripartite cosmic philosophy," dividing the cosmos into four vertical elements, which they set into motion with time. This kind of approach is similar to today's space-time continuum model, he marveled. "They absolutely used this to determine all their future and past events, and this mindset...kick-started their technology, and agronomy," he continued, adding that 60% of the food in the world today, such as corn, originally came from the Maya.
The tools the Maya used have not been widely recognized by archeologists, O'Kon declared. According to his research, they fabricated tools from a type of jade that is harder than iron, tougher than steel, and facilitated drilling and chiseling precise sculptures and structures. Their infrastructure was also quite sophisticated, with paved and elevated roads (which could withstand floods) running hundreds of miles, and used for trade, he noted. O'Kon also talked about a recent discovery in Guatemala in what may have been a studio for Mayan astronomers. The uncovered calculations and murals indicated a Mayan calendar with 17 "baktun" cycles which would run an additional 1,124 years after the end date of December 21, 2012 in the calendar with 13 baktuns.
Audio Surveillance in Baltimore
First hour guest, privacy advocate Katherine Albrecht reported on audio surveillance on the Baltimore bus system, and related issues. The audio recording capability, which is being added on to the video system already in place, represents an invasion of people's privacy, and such surveillance has not been found to reduce crime, she suggested. The ACLU may wage a lawsuit against the Maryland Transit Administration over the use of microphones, arguing that bus riders don't have a choice in allowing their conversations to be recorded.
Coast to Coast AM
Coast to Coast AM - 11-04-12 - Kabbalah Secrets
Coast to Coast AM - 11-04-12 - Kabbalah Secrets <--
Host: George Noory
Guests: Gershon Winkler, Lorna Byrne
Rabbi Gershon Winkler discussed his work on Jewish shamanism, as well as translating and teaching rarely studied dimensions of the Kabbalah, and other ancient manuscripts which describe realities beyond the known, including the 7 underworlds and their spirit gatekeepers. One of the foundations for the Kabbalah is the Zohar, an early medieval set of books that compiled ancient wisdom and mystery teachings. The word Kabbalah means "receiving," he noted. "Mystery wisdom is something that you do not seek...but comes to you when you are open to receive," instead of having a closed mind filled with previous patterns of thought, he explained.
In the Kabbalah tradition, one can do a shamanic journey to the 7 underworlds, realms within the Earth that can be visited while in a spiritual state, and which serve to reveal aspects of the self. Each realm has a gatekeeper that requires the visitor to surrender different attributes of themselves if they want to enter. The lowest underworld has an absence of light, another has two-headed creatures; the fourth level has beings of wizardry that share information about maneuvering the physical world with physical energy, he outlined. According to the tradition, upon arriving at the end of the 7th underworld, you reach the gate of the 7th heaven, which joins the underworld in a circular fashion.
There are good spirits, and bad spirits, Winkler reported. The problem is that when people dabble unknowingly in the occult they can open a portal in which these spirits can come through. Sometimes people can get possessed by spirits of the deceased, who have trouble making the transition to Other Side. A Rabbi could then conduct an exorcism that would serve as a healing ritual for both parties and help the spirit to cross over, he said. Regarding hauntings, he noted that abandoned places can become a magnet for darker spirit entities. Winkler also pointed out some interesting similarities between Native American spirituality and Kabbalah teachings.
Seeing Angels
First hour guest, author Lorna Byrne talked about her lifelong contact with angels. When she first began to see angels as a young child, they told her to keep it secret, as people wouldn't understand. Angels actually do have wings, she revealed, though she said she doesn't always see this aspect of them. Everyone has a guardian angel, and these angels love to be around us because our souls are a speck of light of God, Byrne shared. <--
Host: George Noory
Guests: Gershon Winkler, Lorna Byrne
Rabbi Gershon Winkler discussed his work on Jewish shamanism, as well as translating and teaching rarely studied dimensions of the Kabbalah, and other ancient manuscripts which describe realities beyond the known, including the 7 underworlds and their spirit gatekeepers. One of the foundations for the Kabbalah is the Zohar, an early medieval set of books that compiled ancient wisdom and mystery teachings. The word Kabbalah means "receiving," he noted. "Mystery wisdom is something that you do not seek...but comes to you when you are open to receive," instead of having a closed mind filled with previous patterns of thought, he explained.
In the Kabbalah tradition, one can do a shamanic journey to the 7 underworlds, realms within the Earth that can be visited while in a spiritual state, and which serve to reveal aspects of the self. Each realm has a gatekeeper that requires the visitor to surrender different attributes of themselves if they want to enter. The lowest underworld has an absence of light, another has two-headed creatures; the fourth level has beings of wizardry that share information about maneuvering the physical world with physical energy, he outlined. According to the tradition, upon arriving at the end of the 7th underworld, you reach the gate of the 7th heaven, which joins the underworld in a circular fashion.
There are good spirits, and bad spirits, Winkler reported. The problem is that when people dabble unknowingly in the occult they can open a portal in which these spirits can come through. Sometimes people can get possessed by spirits of the deceased, who have trouble making the transition to Other Side. A Rabbi could then conduct an exorcism that would serve as a healing ritual for both parties and help the spirit to cross over, he said. Regarding hauntings, he noted that abandoned places can become a magnet for darker spirit entities. Winkler also pointed out some interesting similarities between Native American spirituality and Kabbalah teachings.
Seeing Angels
First hour guest, author Lorna Byrne talked about her lifelong contact with angels. When she first began to see angels as a young child, they told her to keep it secret, as people wouldn't understand. Angels actually do have wings, she revealed, though she said she doesn't always see this aspect of them. Everyone has a guardian angel, and these angels love to be around us because our souls are a speck of light of God, Byrne shared.
Coast to Coast AM
November 4, 2012
Coast to Coast AM - 11-03-12 - Pseudoscience
Coast to Coast AM - 11-03-12 - Pseudoscience <--
Host: John B. Wells
Guests: James Roger Brown, Glynis McCants
Conducting a five-hour broadcast, John B. Wells was joined by sociologist and analysis methodologist James Roger Brown for a discussion of his work documenting pseudoscience, science fraud, structural corruption, and organized crime in government agencies and programs.
In the first hour, numerologist Glynis McCants talked about numerological patterns, significant dates, and what she sees ahead for the election. <--
Host: John B. Wells
Guests: James Roger Brown, Glynis McCants
Conducting a five-hour broadcast, John B. Wells was joined by sociologist and analysis methodologist James Roger Brown for a discussion of his work documenting pseudoscience, science fraud, structural corruption, and organized crime in government agencies and programs.
In the first hour, numerologist Glynis McCants talked about numerological patterns, significant dates, and what she sees ahead for the election.
Coast to Coast AM
November 3, 2012
Dreamland - 11-02-12 - An Extraordinary Event
Dreamland - 11-02-12 - An Extraordinary Event <--
This weekend, we present one of the most exciting and memorable stories in the history of the program. On October 18, 2012, amateur astronomer Allen Epling in Kentucky took video of a cylindrical object that was at an altitude of 50,000 to 100,000 feet. Almost at once the object was dismissed as a child's toy balloon, a lie that raced around the media at breakneck speed. BUT, what nobody knew until this program, professional pilot and photographer Bill Richards saw and photographed the same or an identical object over upstate New York less that 48 hours later.
Here, Linda Moulton Howe interviews BOTH the astronomer and the pilot, who provide detailed descriptions of what must have been an enormous object that remained stationary in the sky for hours in both cases. The fact that it remained stationary at such a high altitude means that it was absolutely not a balloon, because it was in the path of the jet stream which flows at speeds of 100 to 400 miles an hour. <--
This weekend, we present one of the most exciting and memorable stories in the history of the program. On October 18, 2012, amateur astronomer Allen Epling in Kentucky took video of a cylindrical object that was at an altitude of 50,000 to 100,000 feet. Almost at once the object was dismissed as a child's toy balloon, a lie that raced around the media at breakneck speed. BUT, what nobody knew until this program, professional pilot and photographer Bill Richards saw and photographed the same or an identical object over upstate New York less that 48 hours later.
Here, Linda Moulton Howe interviews BOTH the astronomer and the pilot, who provide detailed descriptions of what must have been an enormous object that remained stationary in the sky for hours in both cases. The fact that it remained stationary at such a high altitude means that it was absolutely not a balloon, because it was in the path of the jet stream which flows at speeds of 100 to 400 miles an hour.
Coast to Coast AM - 11-02-12 - Mars Update & Open Lines
Coast to Coast AM - 11-02-12 - Mars Update & Open Lines <--
Host: George Noory
Guests: Open Lines, Richard C. Hoagland
Open Lines kicked off with a call from Jim in Spring Ridge, Louisiana, who told George about an unusual clay tablet he inherited from his brother. Etched into the tablet are images depicting what appear to be an Anunnaki god or king with a crown atop his head fighting against two creatures with human heads, wings, and clawed feet, he explained. Jim admitted that he does not know if the tablet is genuine. Toby from Fresno, California, briefly shared his theory which places the biblical figure Noah in the Atlantean age. The great flood associated with Noah wiped out Atlantis as it was located in a valley, he speculated.
Monica in Ocala, Florida, described her heart-stopping encounter with a shadow person. Monica remembered being at a friend's house late one night when she saw what appeared to be a dark shadow race across the opening to a bedroom. According to Monica, another friend stopped by and described seeing a similar shadowy figure in the home on the previous night. Chris from Urbana, Ohio, revealed that he and a friend use to practice 'the craft' as young teens and it apparently opened a door to allowing them to see some rather frightening entities. Chris recalled being pursued by tall shadow creatures with slanted red eyes.
Vanessa in New York was thankful to be calling from the phone in her apartment, as it had been out for several days due to the destructive aftermath of Hurricane Sandy. She simply wanted to acknowledge a man named Eric who had traveled from Connecticut to her neighborhood with a portable generator to help residents there without power. A caller named Constantine, who said he became frustrated with a stalled three-hour line for gas in Queens, New York, announced that he traveled to Connecticut to buy gas. There are no lines or gas rationing there in that state all along Interstate 95, he reported.
During the first half of the program, Richard C. Hoagland commented on NASA's announcement about the Curiosity rover finding no trace of methane on Mars. Curiosity landed in the southern hemisphere during Martian winter so detecting methane would be like finding an apple on a tree in New Jersey in wintertime, he explained. According to Hoagland, the Mars Express Orbiter, as well as several terrestrial scientists, have observed methane signatures on the Red Planet. He suggested that methane on Mars likely varies with the seasons and may still be detected as Curiosity continues its ongoing measurements of the planet. Hoagland also spoke about new images from Curiosity that reveal what he believes are Martian artifacts. These images appear to show a tennis shoe, a 100-ft long bent metal plate, and a four-sided pyramidal capping stone, he said. <--
Host: George Noory
Guests: Open Lines, Richard C. Hoagland
Open Lines kicked off with a call from Jim in Spring Ridge, Louisiana, who told George about an unusual clay tablet he inherited from his brother. Etched into the tablet are images depicting what appear to be an Anunnaki god or king with a crown atop his head fighting against two creatures with human heads, wings, and clawed feet, he explained. Jim admitted that he does not know if the tablet is genuine. Toby from Fresno, California, briefly shared his theory which places the biblical figure Noah in the Atlantean age. The great flood associated with Noah wiped out Atlantis as it was located in a valley, he speculated.
Monica in Ocala, Florida, described her heart-stopping encounter with a shadow person. Monica remembered being at a friend's house late one night when she saw what appeared to be a dark shadow race across the opening to a bedroom. According to Monica, another friend stopped by and described seeing a similar shadowy figure in the home on the previous night. Chris from Urbana, Ohio, revealed that he and a friend use to practice 'the craft' as young teens and it apparently opened a door to allowing them to see some rather frightening entities. Chris recalled being pursued by tall shadow creatures with slanted red eyes.
Vanessa in New York was thankful to be calling from the phone in her apartment, as it had been out for several days due to the destructive aftermath of Hurricane Sandy. She simply wanted to acknowledge a man named Eric who had traveled from Connecticut to her neighborhood with a portable generator to help residents there without power. A caller named Constantine, who said he became frustrated with a stalled three-hour line for gas in Queens, New York, announced that he traveled to Connecticut to buy gas. There are no lines or gas rationing there in that state all along Interstate 95, he reported.
During the first half of the program, Richard C. Hoagland commented on NASA's announcement about the Curiosity rover finding no trace of methane on Mars. Curiosity landed in the southern hemisphere during Martian winter so detecting methane would be like finding an apple on a tree in New Jersey in wintertime, he explained. According to Hoagland, the Mars Express Orbiter, as well as several terrestrial scientists, have observed methane signatures on the Red Planet. He suggested that methane on Mars likely varies with the seasons and may still be detected as Curiosity continues its ongoing measurements of the planet. Hoagland also spoke about new images from Curiosity that reveal what he believes are Martian artifacts. These images appear to show a tennis shoe, a 100-ft long bent metal plate, and a four-sided pyramidal capping stone, he said.
Coast to Coast AM
Coast to Coast AM - 11-01-12 - Natural Remedies & Health
Coast to Coast AM - 11-01-12 - Natural Remedies & Health <--
Host: George Noory
Guests: Ty Bollinger, Dr. Michael Farley, Bev Harris
Author and health freedom advocate, Ty Bollinger, joined by naturopathic doctor, Michael Farley in the third hour, discussed their recently published book, "Work With Your Doctor To Diagnose and Cure 27 Ailments With Natural and Safe Methods," as well as the dangers of GMO foods, and vaccinations. The United States has a high rate of infant mortality, and Bollinger believes this is due to fatal reactions from vaccines. "The USA has more childhood vaccines than any other country in the developed world, and we have the highest number of deaths per thousand births," he cited. The long term effects of genetically modified foods have not been extensively looked at, but one recent study found that rats fed GMO corn developed cancerous tumors, 70% of the females died prematurely, and all of them suffered organ damage, he reported.
Bollinger also detailed a case of a woman with a MRSA infection who said she successfully treated herself by consuming Manuka honey, which has antibacterial properties. Dr. Farley spoke about the importance of the digestive system with its beneficial bacteria, in maintaining overall wellness and a healthy immune system. Regarding diabetes, a calorie restricted diet over the course of 30 days has been successful in reversing the condition, and the supplements of Vitamins C, A, & B, CoQ10 and cinnamon are helpful, Bollinger stated.
Farley also stressed the necessity for cholesterol in the body, which is a needed precursor for hormones, and a primary part of cell walls. Cholesterol is not the cause of heart disease, he continued, but serves to plug leaky arteries or lesions in the arteries. It's actually sugars (from white bread, sweets etc.) in the form of insulin that causes the lesions in the arterial wall, but cholesterol gets the blame, he explained. Addressing the problem of low cholesterol, Farley suggested it's related to bile not secreting properly, and can be remedied by a tablespoon of olive oil, and tablespoon of lemon juice 3x a day.
Voting System Issues
First hour guest, researcher Bev Harris shared updates on voting system issues in the United States. It's possible that voting machine technicians/programmers could alter election results, and election officials would have no way to monitor this, she noted. She also lamented that the state of Colorado had recently passed legislation that all their election records would be made off-limits to media and watchdog groups for a period of 45 days following the election. <--
Host: George Noory
Guests: Ty Bollinger, Dr. Michael Farley, Bev Harris
Author and health freedom advocate, Ty Bollinger, joined by naturopathic doctor, Michael Farley in the third hour, discussed their recently published book, "Work With Your Doctor To Diagnose and Cure 27 Ailments With Natural and Safe Methods," as well as the dangers of GMO foods, and vaccinations. The United States has a high rate of infant mortality, and Bollinger believes this is due to fatal reactions from vaccines. "The USA has more childhood vaccines than any other country in the developed world, and we have the highest number of deaths per thousand births," he cited. The long term effects of genetically modified foods have not been extensively looked at, but one recent study found that rats fed GMO corn developed cancerous tumors, 70% of the females died prematurely, and all of them suffered organ damage, he reported.
Bollinger also detailed a case of a woman with a MRSA infection who said she successfully treated herself by consuming Manuka honey, which has antibacterial properties. Dr. Farley spoke about the importance of the digestive system with its beneficial bacteria, in maintaining overall wellness and a healthy immune system. Regarding diabetes, a calorie restricted diet over the course of 30 days has been successful in reversing the condition, and the supplements of Vitamins C, A, & B, CoQ10 and cinnamon are helpful, Bollinger stated.
Farley also stressed the necessity for cholesterol in the body, which is a needed precursor for hormones, and a primary part of cell walls. Cholesterol is not the cause of heart disease, he continued, but serves to plug leaky arteries or lesions in the arteries. It's actually sugars (from white bread, sweets etc.) in the form of insulin that causes the lesions in the arterial wall, but cholesterol gets the blame, he explained. Addressing the problem of low cholesterol, Farley suggested it's related to bile not secreting properly, and can be remedied by a tablespoon of olive oil, and tablespoon of lemon juice 3x a day.
Voting System Issues
First hour guest, researcher Bev Harris shared updates on voting system issues in the United States. It's possible that voting machine technicians/programmers could alter election results, and election officials would have no way to monitor this, she noted. She also lamented that the state of Colorado had recently passed legislation that all their election records would be made off-limits to media and watchdog groups for a period of 45 days following the election.
Coast to Coast AM
November 1, 2012
Coast to Coast AM - 10-31-12 - Ghost to Ghost 2012
Coast to Coast AM - 10-31-12 - Ghost to Ghost 2012 <--
Host: George Noory
Guests: Open Lines, Joel Skousen
George Noory hosted the annual "Ghost to Ghost AM" Halloween show, where callers and guests shared tales of ghostly encounters and contact with the afterworld. Brian in Ohio recalled crossing paths with a ghost while helping his friend's family move into a new home. After moving all of the furniture into the house, they decided to retire for the night and planned to bring over the kitchen appliances the next day. As such, only a wood burning stove was in the new kitchen. That evening, Brian heard banging noises, went to investigate the sounds, and saw an old woman cooking on the stove. He asked her what she was doing and the woman replied "making breakfast." Terrified, Brian screamed, and woke up everyone in the house. At that point, the woman disappeared, but, eerily, the bacon and eggs that she was cooking were left behind.
Stu in Arizona recounted a ghost story which happened to his friend forty years ago. The man was driving home one night and a white '61 Chevy began following him very closely. Perturbed, he stopped at a red light and the other car pulled up beside him. When he looked over to look at the driver, he was stunned to see that "there was nobody in the car. It was empty." Stu's friend then sped up to 110 miles per hour, but the car kept pace with him until he sped into an S-curve and lost his ghostly tormentor. After driving onward, his curiosity overcame him, so he turned around to see what became of the car. However, upon arriving at the curve, there was "no sign that a car had even been there." Stu admitted that he had been skeptical of the story until he began hearing the same version of the tale from other people that didn't know his friend and they all described the exact same white '61 Chevy.
Other tales from the evening included Mike in Montana, who was staying at a cabin with his friends when they were tormented by a fierce rattling of the doorknob. One of his frightened friends shot at the door, which stopped the rattling, but when they opened it, all they saw was a coat of fresh snowfall and no sign that anyone had been outside. Mitch in Ohio revealed that, during his teenage years, he saw a headless figure in an old army uniform. Frozen in shock, Mitch stared at the entity, which slowly raised its arm and pointed at him. Recovering from the fright, he ran off into the woods, where he watched the figure wander off into a nearby field. Also during the program, paranormal investigator Rosemary Ellen Guiley as well as modern day warlock Christian Day shared their most frightening experiences and George presented his reading of the H.G. Wells story The Inexperienced Ghost in the final half hour.
Sandy & the NWO
In the first hour, political scientist and expert in relocation for personal security, Joel Skousen, discussed Hurricane Sandy as well as the globalist agenda for a New World Order. Regarding Sandy, he observed that the majority of damage has been the result of flooding and suggested that it will take about 3 months for the area to fully recover from the disaster. He also noted that the hurricane exemplified a key area of concern for survival situations, because it struck "high density population centers" which created tremendous competition for supplies. On the subject of the New World Order, Skousen contended that an impending war with Iran will be used as an excuse for an economic meltdown in the United States and to also forward a globalist agenda to "create an image that the West is the bully of the world." <--
Host: George Noory
Guests: Open Lines, Joel Skousen
George Noory hosted the annual "Ghost to Ghost AM" Halloween show, where callers and guests shared tales of ghostly encounters and contact with the afterworld. Brian in Ohio recalled crossing paths with a ghost while helping his friend's family move into a new home. After moving all of the furniture into the house, they decided to retire for the night and planned to bring over the kitchen appliances the next day. As such, only a wood burning stove was in the new kitchen. That evening, Brian heard banging noises, went to investigate the sounds, and saw an old woman cooking on the stove. He asked her what she was doing and the woman replied "making breakfast." Terrified, Brian screamed, and woke up everyone in the house. At that point, the woman disappeared, but, eerily, the bacon and eggs that she was cooking were left behind.
Stu in Arizona recounted a ghost story which happened to his friend forty years ago. The man was driving home one night and a white '61 Chevy began following him very closely. Perturbed, he stopped at a red light and the other car pulled up beside him. When he looked over to look at the driver, he was stunned to see that "there was nobody in the car. It was empty." Stu's friend then sped up to 110 miles per hour, but the car kept pace with him until he sped into an S-curve and lost his ghostly tormentor. After driving onward, his curiosity overcame him, so he turned around to see what became of the car. However, upon arriving at the curve, there was "no sign that a car had even been there." Stu admitted that he had been skeptical of the story until he began hearing the same version of the tale from other people that didn't know his friend and they all described the exact same white '61 Chevy.
Other tales from the evening included Mike in Montana, who was staying at a cabin with his friends when they were tormented by a fierce rattling of the doorknob. One of his frightened friends shot at the door, which stopped the rattling, but when they opened it, all they saw was a coat of fresh snowfall and no sign that anyone had been outside. Mitch in Ohio revealed that, during his teenage years, he saw a headless figure in an old army uniform. Frozen in shock, Mitch stared at the entity, which slowly raised its arm and pointed at him. Recovering from the fright, he ran off into the woods, where he watched the figure wander off into a nearby field. Also during the program, paranormal investigator Rosemary Ellen Guiley as well as modern day warlock Christian Day shared their most frightening experiences and George presented his reading of the H.G. Wells story The Inexperienced Ghost in the final half hour.
Sandy & the NWO
In the first hour, political scientist and expert in relocation for personal security, Joel Skousen, discussed Hurricane Sandy as well as the globalist agenda for a New World Order. Regarding Sandy, he observed that the majority of damage has been the result of flooding and suggested that it will take about 3 months for the area to fully recover from the disaster. He also noted that the hurricane exemplified a key area of concern for survival situations, because it struck "high density population centers" which created tremendous competition for supplies. On the subject of the New World Order, Skousen contended that an impending war with Iran will be used as an excuse for an economic meltdown in the United States and to also forward a globalist agenda to "create an image that the West is the bully of the world."
Coast to Coast AM
October 31, 2012
Coast to Coast AM - 10-30-12 - Neurosurgeon's NDE & Ghostbusting
Coast to Coast AM - 10-30-12 - Neurosurgeon's NDE & Ghostbusting <--
Host: George Noory
Guests: Dr. Eben Alexander, Ronnie Rennae Foster, Laura Lee Mistycah
In the first half, neurosurgeon for the last 25 years, Eben Alexander, M.D., discussed his transcendental Near-Death Experience (NDE), in which he was driven to the brink of death and spent a week deep in coma in 2008 from a severe case of bacterial meningitis. In contrast to many other NDEs, his memory of his life on Earth was wiped out during his experience. He first went into a long period of being in a dark, murky place with the sense of roots or vessels around him, and a monotonous pounding sound. "It was from that that I was actually rescued by a floating, very fine white light," that had a beautiful melody, he said. From there, the spinning light opened into a lovely, verdant valley with butterflies and flowers, and a beautiful girl, whom he later learned was like his guardian angel. This area turned out to be a gateway, where he first recognized "the divine creative power beneath it all."
He felt a sense of love, and then traveled out to the universe, into "an infinite cold black void that was filled with that love, and also had this brilliant orb of light...There was this awareness of three of us, that divine infinitely knowing and loving creative source whom many would call God, this brilliant orb of light, and then my consciousness which was far beyond the consciousness of any individual," he detailed. During the experience, Alexander was told that he would be shown many things, but he was only there temporarily, and would eventually be returning to Earth. After his recovery, one of his conclusions based on his NDE, was that neuroscience is very far from understanding how memory works, "and I now believe that a lot of memory is actually associated with processes that are outside of the physical brain and physical universe."
In the latter half, 'Ghostbuster Gals' Ronnie Rennae Foster and Laura Lee Mistycah talked about their challenging work with ghostly incidents and attacks. They spoke about the problem of spirit attachments, using the terms Shove-In and Shove-On (instead of possession). A Shove-In is when a spirit enters a person and at times is able to control their behavior and thoughts, while a Shove-On, is when a person hears the words of the entity or senses their presence, they explained, adding that a Walk-In, is a different scenario entirely, when a benevolent soul enters a body as part of a prior agreement. Interestingly, the duo conducts some of the ghostbusting work remotely, Foster noted, describing a case in Manila where they communicated from their living room directly with a sorceress/spirit in the Philippines.
In 90% of cases where people commit suicide, they get stuck in a time loop, and have to relive their death over and over again, Foster stated. Mistycah talked about how the veil between dimensions is getting thinner, and the dimensions are bleeding into each other, increasing people's paranormal experiences. The two also expounded on the large amount of money spent on funerals and caskets, and the land needed for cemeteries. They suggested that cremation is a more sustainable process, and that cemeteries may actually contribute toward keeping some spirits earthbound. <--
Host: George Noory
Guests: Dr. Eben Alexander, Ronnie Rennae Foster, Laura Lee Mistycah
In the first half, neurosurgeon for the last 25 years, Eben Alexander, M.D., discussed his transcendental Near-Death Experience (NDE), in which he was driven to the brink of death and spent a week deep in coma in 2008 from a severe case of bacterial meningitis. In contrast to many other NDEs, his memory of his life on Earth was wiped out during his experience. He first went into a long period of being in a dark, murky place with the sense of roots or vessels around him, and a monotonous pounding sound. "It was from that that I was actually rescued by a floating, very fine white light," that had a beautiful melody, he said. From there, the spinning light opened into a lovely, verdant valley with butterflies and flowers, and a beautiful girl, whom he later learned was like his guardian angel. This area turned out to be a gateway, where he first recognized "the divine creative power beneath it all."
He felt a sense of love, and then traveled out to the universe, into "an infinite cold black void that was filled with that love, and also had this brilliant orb of light...There was this awareness of three of us, that divine infinitely knowing and loving creative source whom many would call God, this brilliant orb of light, and then my consciousness which was far beyond the consciousness of any individual," he detailed. During the experience, Alexander was told that he would be shown many things, but he was only there temporarily, and would eventually be returning to Earth. After his recovery, one of his conclusions based on his NDE, was that neuroscience is very far from understanding how memory works, "and I now believe that a lot of memory is actually associated with processes that are outside of the physical brain and physical universe."
In the latter half, 'Ghostbuster Gals' Ronnie Rennae Foster and Laura Lee Mistycah talked about their challenging work with ghostly incidents and attacks. They spoke about the problem of spirit attachments, using the terms Shove-In and Shove-On (instead of possession). A Shove-In is when a spirit enters a person and at times is able to control their behavior and thoughts, while a Shove-On, is when a person hears the words of the entity or senses their presence, they explained, adding that a Walk-In, is a different scenario entirely, when a benevolent soul enters a body as part of a prior agreement. Interestingly, the duo conducts some of the ghostbusting work remotely, Foster noted, describing a case in Manila where they communicated from their living room directly with a sorceress/spirit in the Philippines.
In 90% of cases where people commit suicide, they get stuck in a time loop, and have to relive their death over and over again, Foster stated. Mistycah talked about how the veil between dimensions is getting thinner, and the dimensions are bleeding into each other, increasing people's paranormal experiences. The two also expounded on the large amount of money spent on funerals and caskets, and the land needed for cemeteries. They suggested that cremation is a more sustainable process, and that cemeteries may actually contribute toward keeping some spirits earthbound.
Coast to Coast AM
October 30, 2012
Coast to Coast AM - 10-29-12 - Superstorm - ETs & Mythology
Coast to Coast AM - 10-29-12 - Superstorm - ETs & Mythology <--
Host: George Noory
Guests: Rita Louise, Nick Begich, Whitley Strieber, Stan Deyo, John Hogue
In the first half, four separate guests offered commentary and analysis on the superstorm, Hurricane Sandy, which hit landfall in New Jersey earlier in the evening. Researcher Nick Begich spoke about the technology of weather modification, and how weather control could be used as a weapon that has a kind of built-in 'plausible deniability.' While it's possible a technology such as HAARP might have been involved with Hurricane Sandy, it would be impossible to say for certain without independent monitoring, he noted. Author Whitley Strieber discussed how the Arctic melt this summer was extraordinary, and this has led to warming waters and bringing the Gulf Stream further north, which contributes to extreme storms further north. He also compared the storm to the one he and Art Bell wrote about in their book The Coming Global Superstorm.
Next up, physicist and author Stan Deyo shared details about an intriguing coincidence. In 1997, a practice drill related to a huge hurricane hitting the Northeastern US was conducted, and they used the name Hurricane Sandy. Deyo also called attention to a HAARP signal status chart from October 28th, which showed an intense hotspot in the northeastern US, and offered preparedness tips. Prophecy expert John Hogue related the storm to the astrological event of Neptune returning to Pisces in 2012-- Neptune is the ruler of floods and quakes, he noted. Hogue believes we are in the midst of a "climate cascade," which may really be set into motion by 2016-2017.
In the latter half, naturopathic physician, and the founder of the Institute of Applied Energetics, Rita Louise, shared her most recent work researching the genetic origins of humankind, through the study of various ancient mythologies and cultures. She and her co-author Wayne Laliberte found that there were concepts and storylines which paralleled across cultures that you could line-up and create a chronology from, starting with the formation of the Earth. According to her thesis, a group of ETs first came to Mars, and then relocated to Earth after a destruction occurred on the Red Planet.
"We were most certainly engineered by the gods. Mythology is very clear that there were a number of attempts to create mankind. Some were successful because we're here, but many of them were unsuccessful," she stated. In contrast to Sitchin's theory that the Annunaki created humans as a slave race, Louise suggested that our creation could be viewed more like a "domestication," such as how we have domesticated certain animals. She also did not find a consistency in the idea that the ETs were here to mine for gold, but there was some evidence that ochre was mined 40,000 to 90,000 years ago. Louise further speculated that the ETs may still be here, but they aren't able to survive under normal conditions, thus they live in their ships, or subterranean or underwater environments. <--
Host: George Noory
Guests: Rita Louise, Nick Begich, Whitley Strieber, Stan Deyo, John Hogue
In the first half, four separate guests offered commentary and analysis on the superstorm, Hurricane Sandy, which hit landfall in New Jersey earlier in the evening. Researcher Nick Begich spoke about the technology of weather modification, and how weather control could be used as a weapon that has a kind of built-in 'plausible deniability.' While it's possible a technology such as HAARP might have been involved with Hurricane Sandy, it would be impossible to say for certain without independent monitoring, he noted. Author Whitley Strieber discussed how the Arctic melt this summer was extraordinary, and this has led to warming waters and bringing the Gulf Stream further north, which contributes to extreme storms further north. He also compared the storm to the one he and Art Bell wrote about in their book The Coming Global Superstorm.
Next up, physicist and author Stan Deyo shared details about an intriguing coincidence. In 1997, a practice drill related to a huge hurricane hitting the Northeastern US was conducted, and they used the name Hurricane Sandy. Deyo also called attention to a HAARP signal status chart from October 28th, which showed an intense hotspot in the northeastern US, and offered preparedness tips. Prophecy expert John Hogue related the storm to the astrological event of Neptune returning to Pisces in 2012-- Neptune is the ruler of floods and quakes, he noted. Hogue believes we are in the midst of a "climate cascade," which may really be set into motion by 2016-2017.
In the latter half, naturopathic physician, and the founder of the Institute of Applied Energetics, Rita Louise, shared her most recent work researching the genetic origins of humankind, through the study of various ancient mythologies and cultures. She and her co-author Wayne Laliberte found that there were concepts and storylines which paralleled across cultures that you could line-up and create a chronology from, starting with the formation of the Earth. According to her thesis, a group of ETs first came to Mars, and then relocated to Earth after a destruction occurred on the Red Planet.
"We were most certainly engineered by the gods. Mythology is very clear that there were a number of attempts to create mankind. Some were successful because we're here, but many of them were unsuccessful," she stated. In contrast to Sitchin's theory that the Annunaki created humans as a slave race, Louise suggested that our creation could be viewed more like a "domestication," such as how we have domesticated certain animals. She also did not find a consistency in the idea that the ETs were here to mine for gold, but there was some evidence that ochre was mined 40,000 to 90,000 years ago. Louise further speculated that the ETs may still be here, but they aren't able to survive under normal conditions, thus they live in their ships, or subterranean or underwater environments.
Coast to Coast AM
October 29, 2012
Coast to Coast AM - 10-28-12 - World's Weirdest Places
Coast to Coast AM - 10-28-12 - World's Weirdest Places <--
Host: George Knapp
Guests: Nick Redfern, Jeffrey M. Smith
George Knapp was joined by Fortean researcher Nick Redfern for a discussion on paranormal hot spots that can be found across the globe. "I think there is evidence that there are places that do act like a magnet or a doorway" for strange phenomena, he argued. As such, Redfern explained that his research focused on examining isolated areas where multiple facets of the paranormal have been reported over considerable lengths of time. The town of Jefferson, Texas, Loch Ness in Scotland and Mount Shasta in California were some of these paranormal hot spots identified by Redfern. Over the course of the evening, he also shared his thoughts on the nature of mysteries like Bigfoot, Men in Black, and ghosts.
Devil's Gate Dam in southern California was one paranormal hot spot where, Redfern observed, "there's nothing positive about any of the weirdness that's gone on there." Located a few miles from Los Angeles, the canyon was a favorite haunt of notorious rocket scientist and occultist Jack Parsons, who was said to have performed arcane rituals there. Additionally, the area is home to a bridge where "in less than a century, more than 100 people have thrown themselves off to their death in the river bed below," causing the landmark to be known by locals as "suicide bridge." Redfern also noted that, in the 1950's, the location was the site of a series of grisly child killings. In modern times, Redfern said, there have been reports of a "winged humanoid-type creature" in the area.
Another location, detailed by Redfern, was a forest called Cannock Chase in the UK, which he called "a definitive window area" for paranormal activity. According to him, the area has been the site of UFO reports, abductions, and alien contact encounters as well as an abundance of sightings of "big cats" and "ghostly black dogs." Furthermore, Redfern revealed that, in 2007, several credible witnesses reported seeing a werewolf-like creature near an old cemetery in the woods. Appearing at first to merely be a large, out of place wolf, Redfern said that witnesses who glimpsed the creature reported that, once the beast saw them, "it would rise up onto its hind legs" and swiftly run off into the forest on two feet.
Proposition 37
During the first hour, leading spokesperson on the health dangers of genetically modified foods, Jeffrey Smith, discussed Proposition 37, a California initiative which would require the labeling of GMO foods. He contended that, as the election draws closer, the forces against Prop 37 are "spending more than a million dollars a day in blatant lies on TV and radio." Additionally, Smith lamented that these distortions are now being repeated by newspapers throughout California. One popular argument against Prop 37, that Smith dismissed, was that the bill would cost the average consumer between $400 and $1,000. On the contrary, he said, the actual cost would actually be a mere 73 cents. <--
Host: George Knapp
Guests: Nick Redfern, Jeffrey M. Smith
George Knapp was joined by Fortean researcher Nick Redfern for a discussion on paranormal hot spots that can be found across the globe. "I think there is evidence that there are places that do act like a magnet or a doorway" for strange phenomena, he argued. As such, Redfern explained that his research focused on examining isolated areas where multiple facets of the paranormal have been reported over considerable lengths of time. The town of Jefferson, Texas, Loch Ness in Scotland and Mount Shasta in California were some of these paranormal hot spots identified by Redfern. Over the course of the evening, he also shared his thoughts on the nature of mysteries like Bigfoot, Men in Black, and ghosts.
Devil's Gate Dam in southern California was one paranormal hot spot where, Redfern observed, "there's nothing positive about any of the weirdness that's gone on there." Located a few miles from Los Angeles, the canyon was a favorite haunt of notorious rocket scientist and occultist Jack Parsons, who was said to have performed arcane rituals there. Additionally, the area is home to a bridge where "in less than a century, more than 100 people have thrown themselves off to their death in the river bed below," causing the landmark to be known by locals as "suicide bridge." Redfern also noted that, in the 1950's, the location was the site of a series of grisly child killings. In modern times, Redfern said, there have been reports of a "winged humanoid-type creature" in the area.
Another location, detailed by Redfern, was a forest called Cannock Chase in the UK, which he called "a definitive window area" for paranormal activity. According to him, the area has been the site of UFO reports, abductions, and alien contact encounters as well as an abundance of sightings of "big cats" and "ghostly black dogs." Furthermore, Redfern revealed that, in 2007, several credible witnesses reported seeing a werewolf-like creature near an old cemetery in the woods. Appearing at first to merely be a large, out of place wolf, Redfern said that witnesses who glimpsed the creature reported that, once the beast saw them, "it would rise up onto its hind legs" and swiftly run off into the forest on two feet.
Proposition 37
During the first hour, leading spokesperson on the health dangers of genetically modified foods, Jeffrey Smith, discussed Proposition 37, a California initiative which would require the labeling of GMO foods. He contended that, as the election draws closer, the forces against Prop 37 are "spending more than a million dollars a day in blatant lies on TV and radio." Additionally, Smith lamented that these distortions are now being repeated by newspapers throughout California. One popular argument against Prop 37, that Smith dismissed, was that the bill would cost the average consumer between $400 and $1,000. On the contrary, he said, the actual cost would actually be a mere 73 cents.
Coast to Coast AM
Coast to Coast AM - 10-27-12 - Psychic Perception & Demonic Beings
Coast to Coast AM - 10-27-12 - Psychic Perception & Demonic Beings <--
Host: John B. Wells
Guests: David Ruben, Jack Rourke
Joining John B. Wells in the first half, psychic and parapsychology researcher Jack Rourke talked about what psychic perception really is and related topics. Rourke defined parapsychology as the study of an exchange of information between human consciousness and the environment. As an example, he recalled an out-of-body experience he had as a teen in which he came face to face with a being who informed him of his twin sister's death—a fact he discovered shortly after regaining consciousness. The experience was a profound one, Rourke admitted, noting that he was also shown his sister's spirit and learned that life continues after death. The experience demonstrated that one can receive objectively verifiable information beyond the five senses, he added. Rourke also spoke about the importance of being able to recognize and reinforce the psychic signal from 'emotional noise.'
Rourke stressed the difference between psychic and paranormal perception, pointing out that the latter involves things that cannot be objectively verified and that are largely based on belief system, such as ghosts and demons. He shared a case about a man who believed that he was possessed by a demon. According to Rourke, the man complained about having horrible dreams, hearing strange voices, being physically pushed (by and invisible force), sensing an evil presence, and spontaneously manifesting wounds. It is always within the client's capability to stop the process of being possessed, he revealed. One must willingly give into the process, as with temptation, by shifting their vibrations away from the authentic self, Rourke explained, noting that re-aligning with the authentic self is the only immunity from 'demonic' temptations.
In the final half of the program, spiritual dream expert David Ruben discussed the demonic beings that live in the dark, and what we can do to help protect ourselves against entities such as incubus and succubus—demonic spirits that inhabit people and have sexual intercourse with them in their dreams. Ruben shared an experience he had at ten years old, when he awakened early in the morning to find a winged demon outside of his bedroom window. He said it looked like one of the harpies from the movie Jason and the Argonauts and opened his awareness to the ongoing spiritual war between good and evil. Ruben traced the war's beginnings to a battle in heaven in which rebellious angels were cast down to Earth. These fallen angels are the demons we fight against today, he revealed. Ruben emphasized the importance of recognizing evil as a real thing and described his Grimm-like ability to see demons within people. According to Ruben, we can banish nightmares and dark things by building a Campfire for the Mind. <--
Host: John B. Wells
Guests: David Ruben, Jack Rourke
Joining John B. Wells in the first half, psychic and parapsychology researcher Jack Rourke talked about what psychic perception really is and related topics. Rourke defined parapsychology as the study of an exchange of information between human consciousness and the environment. As an example, he recalled an out-of-body experience he had as a teen in which he came face to face with a being who informed him of his twin sister's death—a fact he discovered shortly after regaining consciousness. The experience was a profound one, Rourke admitted, noting that he was also shown his sister's spirit and learned that life continues after death. The experience demonstrated that one can receive objectively verifiable information beyond the five senses, he added. Rourke also spoke about the importance of being able to recognize and reinforce the psychic signal from 'emotional noise.'
Rourke stressed the difference between psychic and paranormal perception, pointing out that the latter involves things that cannot be objectively verified and that are largely based on belief system, such as ghosts and demons. He shared a case about a man who believed that he was possessed by a demon. According to Rourke, the man complained about having horrible dreams, hearing strange voices, being physically pushed (by and invisible force), sensing an evil presence, and spontaneously manifesting wounds. It is always within the client's capability to stop the process of being possessed, he revealed. One must willingly give into the process, as with temptation, by shifting their vibrations away from the authentic self, Rourke explained, noting that re-aligning with the authentic self is the only immunity from 'demonic' temptations.
In the final half of the program, spiritual dream expert David Ruben discussed the demonic beings that live in the dark, and what we can do to help protect ourselves against entities such as incubus and succubus—demonic spirits that inhabit people and have sexual intercourse with them in their dreams. Ruben shared an experience he had at ten years old, when he awakened early in the morning to find a winged demon outside of his bedroom window. He said it looked like one of the harpies from the movie Jason and the Argonauts and opened his awareness to the ongoing spiritual war between good and evil. Ruben traced the war's beginnings to a battle in heaven in which rebellious angels were cast down to Earth. These fallen angels are the demons we fight against today, he revealed. Ruben emphasized the importance of recognizing evil as a real thing and described his Grimm-like ability to see demons within people. According to Ruben, we can banish nightmares and dark things by building a Campfire for the Mind.
Coast to Coast AM
October 27, 2012
Coast to Coast AM - 10-26-12 - Ghost Detection & Open Lines
Coast to Coast AM - 10-26-12 - Ghost Detection & Open Lines <--
Host: John B. Wells
Guests: David Howard, Open Lines
Filling in for George, John B. Wells welcomed network engineer by day, paranormal investigator by night, Dave Howard, for a discussion of how he uses dogs to detect supernatural activity, as well as biometric and atmospheric evidence. Open Lines followed. <--
Host: John B. Wells
Guests: David Howard, Open Lines
Filling in for George, John B. Wells welcomed network engineer by day, paranormal investigator by night, Dave Howard, for a discussion of how he uses dogs to detect supernatural activity, as well as biometric and atmospheric evidence. Open Lines followed.
Coast to Coast AM
Dreamland - 10-26-12 - Is Heaven Real?
Dreamland - 10-26-12 - Is Heaven Real? <--
Dr. Eben Alexander lay in a hospital bed, his brain effectively dead. What happened next has completely overturned this scientist's understanding of the world. Listen as he tells us personally about his astonishing experience, and just why he is certain that it could not have been a dream. This is one of the most interesting, inspiring stories ever brought to Dreamland. Listen as psychic medium Marla Frees and Dr. Alexander explore his journey into what he believes was heaven. Marla Frees and Eben Alexander have a great deal in common, they met over a year ago at the Monroe Institute where they were working together in the Lifelines program retrieving souls who were in trouble or didn't know they were dead. <--
Dr. Eben Alexander lay in a hospital bed, his brain effectively dead. What happened next has completely overturned this scientist's understanding of the world. Listen as he tells us personally about his astonishing experience, and just why he is certain that it could not have been a dream. This is one of the most interesting, inspiring stories ever brought to Dreamland. Listen as psychic medium Marla Frees and Dr. Alexander explore his journey into what he believes was heaven. Marla Frees and Eben Alexander have a great deal in common, they met over a year ago at the Monroe Institute where they were working together in the Lifelines program retrieving souls who were in trouble or didn't know they were dead.
October 26, 2012
Coast to Coast AM - 10-25-12 - UFOs, Climate Change & Crop Circles
Coast to Coast AM - 10-25-12 - UFOs, Climate Change & Crop Circles <--
Host: George Noory
Guests: Linda Moulton Howe, Giorgio Tsoukalos
Investigative reporter Linda Moulton Howe discussed a September 2012 sighting at Black Diamond, Washington of a triangular craft with glowing spheres, climate change brought on by the collapse of Arctic summer sea ice by 2016, and a complex crop formation with 43 circles near ancient mounds in Ohio. In her first report, she interviewed power-line machinist Gregory McManus, who on September 22nd, saw seven, large, red-orange glowing spheres on the bottom of a large, triangle-shaped aerial craft that was completely silent. The spheres, which looked like pool balls racked in a triangle, were dropped by the craft one at a time into a nearby canal. Shortly after that, house lights briefly dimmed out from across the canal. He and his wife videotaped several minutes of the craft, but later found out their camera malfunctioned and only a few seconds of the incident were recorded.
The Arctic summer sea ice melted by the first of September 2012 to the smallest coverage on record since satellite observations began in 1979, Linda reported. She spoke with one of the world's leading ice experts, Prof. Peter Wadhams of Cambridge University, who says a "global disaster" is now unfolding with huge methane-rich continental shelves around the Arctic beginning to melt, and methane plumes coming to the ocean surface. As methane release increases, the planetary temperature could rise beyond 4 degrees F. Such climate change will likely lead to water wars and famine in the years ahead, he warned, adding that technology might help slow the build-up of greenhouse gases. "I would really go for a crash course in building thorium power stations and some kind of very serious rapid research into ways to either take carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere or geoengineering solutions that will give us some more time by cutting off some of the solar radiation by putting aerosols into the atmosphere," he said.
In her two-part report, Linda described one of the most complex crop formations ever found in the US, with 43 circles on seven "arms," rings and circles in standing corn, which was discovered in the middle of September in a field near the Chillicothe, Ohio, ancient Mound Group - a mysterious archaeological site that is at least 2,000 years old. She interviewed Jeff Wilson, Director of the Independent Crop Circle Researchers' Association (ICCRA), who studied the remarkable pattern spanning about 350 feet in diameter with very few corn stalks flat to the ground. "Almost every stem is bent at a different height above the ground, yet from the air, it is a clear 7-fold geometry perhaps unique in the history of American corn formations," he said. Scientific examination of the corn stalk growth nodes revealed anomalous lengthening that has convinced Wilson that this is not a man-made formation. She also spoke with biophysicist W.C. Levengood who examined the Chillicothe corn samples, and found them among the most unusual he'd ever looked at. Levengood, who has studied plants from more than 400 crop formations, has a new book out, co-written by Penny Kelly, titled Consciousness and Energy.
Ancient Aliens Update
First hour guest, publisher of Legendary Times magazine, Giorgio Tsoukalos, shared updates about the ancient aliens theory, and the Mayan calendar. His series, Ancient Aliens on the History 2 Channel has been picked up for a fifth season, and he believes the popularity of it is bringing in a younger audience to UFO and paranormal-themed conferences. <--
Host: George Noory
Guests: Linda Moulton Howe, Giorgio Tsoukalos
Investigative reporter Linda Moulton Howe discussed a September 2012 sighting at Black Diamond, Washington of a triangular craft with glowing spheres, climate change brought on by the collapse of Arctic summer sea ice by 2016, and a complex crop formation with 43 circles near ancient mounds in Ohio. In her first report, she interviewed power-line machinist Gregory McManus, who on September 22nd, saw seven, large, red-orange glowing spheres on the bottom of a large, triangle-shaped aerial craft that was completely silent. The spheres, which looked like pool balls racked in a triangle, were dropped by the craft one at a time into a nearby canal. Shortly after that, house lights briefly dimmed out from across the canal. He and his wife videotaped several minutes of the craft, but later found out their camera malfunctioned and only a few seconds of the incident were recorded.
The Arctic summer sea ice melted by the first of September 2012 to the smallest coverage on record since satellite observations began in 1979, Linda reported. She spoke with one of the world's leading ice experts, Prof. Peter Wadhams of Cambridge University, who says a "global disaster" is now unfolding with huge methane-rich continental shelves around the Arctic beginning to melt, and methane plumes coming to the ocean surface. As methane release increases, the planetary temperature could rise beyond 4 degrees F. Such climate change will likely lead to water wars and famine in the years ahead, he warned, adding that technology might help slow the build-up of greenhouse gases. "I would really go for a crash course in building thorium power stations and some kind of very serious rapid research into ways to either take carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere or geoengineering solutions that will give us some more time by cutting off some of the solar radiation by putting aerosols into the atmosphere," he said.
In her two-part report, Linda described one of the most complex crop formations ever found in the US, with 43 circles on seven "arms," rings and circles in standing corn, which was discovered in the middle of September in a field near the Chillicothe, Ohio, ancient Mound Group - a mysterious archaeological site that is at least 2,000 years old. She interviewed Jeff Wilson, Director of the Independent Crop Circle Researchers' Association (ICCRA), who studied the remarkable pattern spanning about 350 feet in diameter with very few corn stalks flat to the ground. "Almost every stem is bent at a different height above the ground, yet from the air, it is a clear 7-fold geometry perhaps unique in the history of American corn formations," he said. Scientific examination of the corn stalk growth nodes revealed anomalous lengthening that has convinced Wilson that this is not a man-made formation. She also spoke with biophysicist W.C. Levengood who examined the Chillicothe corn samples, and found them among the most unusual he'd ever looked at. Levengood, who has studied plants from more than 400 crop formations, has a new book out, co-written by Penny Kelly, titled Consciousness and Energy.
Ancient Aliens Update
First hour guest, publisher of Legendary Times magazine, Giorgio Tsoukalos, shared updates about the ancient aliens theory, and the Mayan calendar. His series, Ancient Aliens on the History 2 Channel has been picked up for a fifth season, and he believes the popularity of it is bringing in a younger audience to UFO and paranormal-themed conferences.
Coast to Coast AM
October 25, 2012
Coast to Coast AM - 10-24-12 - Ancient Giants & Occult Quest
Coast to Coast AM - 10-24-12 - Ancient Giants & Occult Quest <--
Host: George Noory
Guests: James Wasserman, Joe Taylor
In the first half, fossil restorationist Joe Taylor talked about ancient evidence for giants, his creationist views, and the fossils of large creatures. There is data which shows that there were men who were 12 to 15 ft. tall or even taller; these were not people with unusual medical conditions-- they were soldiers buried in their armor, he said, adding that they had six fingers and toes instead of five, and two rows of teeth. According to reports by Native Americans and others, the giants were wicked, and cannibalistic, and Taylor believes they were the 'fallen angels' written about in the Bible. Paleontologists claim the skeletal evidence for giants doesn't exist, and that these large bones actually belonged to animals, he noted.
Taylor found parts of about 30 or 40 mastodons and mammoths in West Texas-- an area that is quite dry now, but when these creatures were alive must have had a lot of foliage to support their herds. In contrast to Darwinists, he's found evidence that man & dinosaur lived at the same time. Further, some dinosaurs still exist in the Amazon jungle, according to witness testimony, he reported. Taylor doubts the accuracy of scientific dating systems such as carbon-14, which can estimate the age of artifacts up to 50,000 years old. He cited that carbon-14 is found in dinosaur bones which are supposed to be millions of years old. He also contended that the Earth is only around 6,000 years old, and that methods of estimating the age of the planet such as through limestone formations are faulty.
In the latter half, author James Wasserman discussed the importance of the spiritual quest, the occult practices of Aleister Crowley, and how awakenings during the 60s and 70s were fueled by the embrace of Eastern religions, and Western Magic. At a young age, Crowley became exposed to mysticism and alchemy, and joined the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn. In 1904, he received a book by a direct voice transmission from Aiwass, a representative of the spiritual hierarchy that was supposedly guiding humanity through the next stage of its development, Wasserman detailed. In contrast to claims that Crowley was a practitioner of black magic, he views him as a luminary, and a great seeker and teacher.
The occult is about discovering hidden knowledge about oneself, and sometimes gets a bad rap because there is a secretive aspect to it, Wasserman commented. However, the Beat Generation in the 60s, breaking away from the conformity of the 1950s, helped to bring occult ideas out into the open, he noted. Sharing details from his memoir, Wasserman described his involvement at Samuel Weiser's occult bookstore in New York City, as well as how drugs such as LSD were used to reach altered states of consciousness, and expanded perception. <--
Host: George Noory
Guests: James Wasserman, Joe Taylor
In the first half, fossil restorationist Joe Taylor talked about ancient evidence for giants, his creationist views, and the fossils of large creatures. There is data which shows that there were men who were 12 to 15 ft. tall or even taller; these were not people with unusual medical conditions-- they were soldiers buried in their armor, he said, adding that they had six fingers and toes instead of five, and two rows of teeth. According to reports by Native Americans and others, the giants were wicked, and cannibalistic, and Taylor believes they were the 'fallen angels' written about in the Bible. Paleontologists claim the skeletal evidence for giants doesn't exist, and that these large bones actually belonged to animals, he noted.
Taylor found parts of about 30 or 40 mastodons and mammoths in West Texas-- an area that is quite dry now, but when these creatures were alive must have had a lot of foliage to support their herds. In contrast to Darwinists, he's found evidence that man & dinosaur lived at the same time. Further, some dinosaurs still exist in the Amazon jungle, according to witness testimony, he reported. Taylor doubts the accuracy of scientific dating systems such as carbon-14, which can estimate the age of artifacts up to 50,000 years old. He cited that carbon-14 is found in dinosaur bones which are supposed to be millions of years old. He also contended that the Earth is only around 6,000 years old, and that methods of estimating the age of the planet such as through limestone formations are faulty.
In the latter half, author James Wasserman discussed the importance of the spiritual quest, the occult practices of Aleister Crowley, and how awakenings during the 60s and 70s were fueled by the embrace of Eastern religions, and Western Magic. At a young age, Crowley became exposed to mysticism and alchemy, and joined the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn. In 1904, he received a book by a direct voice transmission from Aiwass, a representative of the spiritual hierarchy that was supposedly guiding humanity through the next stage of its development, Wasserman detailed. In contrast to claims that Crowley was a practitioner of black magic, he views him as a luminary, and a great seeker and teacher.
The occult is about discovering hidden knowledge about oneself, and sometimes gets a bad rap because there is a secretive aspect to it, Wasserman commented. However, the Beat Generation in the 60s, breaking away from the conformity of the 1950s, helped to bring occult ideas out into the open, he noted. Sharing details from his memoir, Wasserman described his involvement at Samuel Weiser's occult bookstore in New York City, as well as how drugs such as LSD were used to reach altered states of consciousness, and expanded perception.
Coast to Coast AM
October 24, 2012
Coast to Coast AM - 05-24-09 - UFO Events & Issues
Coast to Coast AM - 05-24-09 - UFO Events & Issues <--
Host: George Knapp
Guests: William J. Birnes, Robert Collins, Frank Costigan
George Knapp discussed the UFO phenomenon with a cavalcade of guests, beginning with Needles object witness Frank Costigan (KLAS TV news report) in the first hour. Following that, retired Air Force Capt. Robert Collins talked about UFO disinformation during the second hour. Then, author William Birnes discussed a number of issues related to the field of Ufology for the remainder of the program.
Talking about his investigation into the Needles UFO case, Frank Costigan detailed how, since the incident, numerous people have reported sightings of the infamous Men in Black in the area. "We've gotten hundreds of reports of this group," said Costigan. He speculated that the object which crashed in Needles was "something that the US government was testing." To that end, he noted the quick response time by the government recovering the object, which suggests foreknowledge of its impending crash. Ultimately, he said, the residents of the area "want answers" and that there is "no doubt in the general minds of people in Needles that this is a true event."
During the 2nd hour, Robert Collins discussed UFO disinformation and denied allegations that he had taken part in the spreading of falsehoods regarding the UFO phenomenon. He claimed that some of his insights into UFOs are gleaned from his days in the Air Force foreign technology division at Wright Patterson Air Force Base in the 1980's. There, he said, he "picked up information" from "people who knew about the subject." Collins was skeptical that the government is disinforming the UFO community in contemporary times. Instead, he suggested that there is a cloak of silence around the subject created by the media and perpetuated by the general public. He theorized that if there is a government disinformation program at work today then it is "extremely low key."
UFO Hunters and the Morristown UFO hoax were two of the many topics discussed by William Birnes in the latter half of the program. On the subject of UFO Hunters, he noted that the show is very popular with young people and that aspect of the program is particularly exciting to him since some of them are discovering UFOs for the first time. Regarding the Morristown UFO hoax, Birnes said that "the facts in the story have all but disappeared" in the wake of the frenzied media coverage of the deception. He refuted claims that UFO Hunters were duped by the hoaxers, saying "we never called these things flying saucers. We said the lights were unidentified." <--
Host: George Knapp
Guests: William J. Birnes, Robert Collins, Frank Costigan
George Knapp discussed the UFO phenomenon with a cavalcade of guests, beginning with Needles object witness Frank Costigan (KLAS TV news report) in the first hour. Following that, retired Air Force Capt. Robert Collins talked about UFO disinformation during the second hour. Then, author William Birnes discussed a number of issues related to the field of Ufology for the remainder of the program.
Talking about his investigation into the Needles UFO case, Frank Costigan detailed how, since the incident, numerous people have reported sightings of the infamous Men in Black in the area. "We've gotten hundreds of reports of this group," said Costigan. He speculated that the object which crashed in Needles was "something that the US government was testing." To that end, he noted the quick response time by the government recovering the object, which suggests foreknowledge of its impending crash. Ultimately, he said, the residents of the area "want answers" and that there is "no doubt in the general minds of people in Needles that this is a true event."
During the 2nd hour, Robert Collins discussed UFO disinformation and denied allegations that he had taken part in the spreading of falsehoods regarding the UFO phenomenon. He claimed that some of his insights into UFOs are gleaned from his days in the Air Force foreign technology division at Wright Patterson Air Force Base in the 1980's. There, he said, he "picked up information" from "people who knew about the subject." Collins was skeptical that the government is disinforming the UFO community in contemporary times. Instead, he suggested that there is a cloak of silence around the subject created by the media and perpetuated by the general public. He theorized that if there is a government disinformation program at work today then it is "extremely low key."
UFO Hunters and the Morristown UFO hoax were two of the many topics discussed by William Birnes in the latter half of the program. On the subject of UFO Hunters, he noted that the show is very popular with young people and that aspect of the program is particularly exciting to him since some of them are discovering UFOs for the first time. Regarding the Morristown UFO hoax, Birnes said that "the facts in the story have all but disappeared" in the wake of the frenzied media coverage of the deception. He refuted claims that UFO Hunters were duped by the hoaxers, saying "we never called these things flying saucers. We said the lights were unidentified."
Coast to Coast AM
Coast to Coast AM - 10-23-12 - Annunaki, Genetics & Artifacts
Coast to Coast AM - 10-23-12 - Annunaki, Genetics & Artifacts <--
Host: George Noory
Guests: Michael Tellinger, Charles Shults III
Scientist and researcher Michael Tellinger discussed archaeological and genetic evidence in support of Zecharia Sitchin's work showing that the Anunnaki created humans through genetic experimentation to serve as slaves for gold mining. Tellinger spoke of a "vast vanished civilization" in Africa-- there are ancient circular structures that cover large parts of the southern half of Africa. These stone ruins, which number in the millions, are associated with the Annunaki, and gold mining operations, he contended. Further, the structures are linked by mysterious channels and roads-- not a single stone structure is unconnected, and they have no doors or entrances, so they were not used as dwellings, he said, adding that he believes an advanced technology using sound frequency was involved with the structures.
One of the structures in South Africa, which bears some similarity to Stonehenge, he dubbed 'Adam's Calendar,' and suggested that it's one of the oldest human sites (at least 75,000 years), and linked to humanity's creation. Interestingly, Tellinger said the African shaman Credo Mutwa was familiar with the site, and referred to it by a name that translates as "Birthplace of the Son," a place where humanity was created by the gods.
The Annunaki were not a benevolent species-- they were very much "service to self," Tellinger noted. He now believes that their need for gold was not to fix the atmosphere of their home world (as Sitchin argued), but to use it to form an atmospheric shield to block other intelligences from observing activities on their home planet. The Annunaki's genetic work with the "entwined essence" (the Sumerian phrase for DNA) involved mixing their DNA with existing Earth species, and energy from the stone structures was utilized in their cloning efforts, he explained.
Space & Technology Update
First hour guest, aerospace and defense systems developer Sir Charles Shults shared updates about a shiny object found on Mars, exoplanets, and technology. The object spotted by the Curiosity rover, found underneath the surface of Martian soil, may be a water-created mineral, he reported. Shults shared his illustration of the new planet found in the Alpha Centauri system-- it's the closest planet to Earth outside of our solar system, he noted. He also described recent experiments with quantum teleportation, in which a particle of light was teleported 89 miles. <--
Host: George Noory
Guests: Michael Tellinger, Charles Shults III
Scientist and researcher Michael Tellinger discussed archaeological and genetic evidence in support of Zecharia Sitchin's work showing that the Anunnaki created humans through genetic experimentation to serve as slaves for gold mining. Tellinger spoke of a "vast vanished civilization" in Africa-- there are ancient circular structures that cover large parts of the southern half of Africa. These stone ruins, which number in the millions, are associated with the Annunaki, and gold mining operations, he contended. Further, the structures are linked by mysterious channels and roads-- not a single stone structure is unconnected, and they have no doors or entrances, so they were not used as dwellings, he said, adding that he believes an advanced technology using sound frequency was involved with the structures.
One of the structures in South Africa, which bears some similarity to Stonehenge, he dubbed 'Adam's Calendar,' and suggested that it's one of the oldest human sites (at least 75,000 years), and linked to humanity's creation. Interestingly, Tellinger said the African shaman Credo Mutwa was familiar with the site, and referred to it by a name that translates as "Birthplace of the Son," a place where humanity was created by the gods.
The Annunaki were not a benevolent species-- they were very much "service to self," Tellinger noted. He now believes that their need for gold was not to fix the atmosphere of their home world (as Sitchin argued), but to use it to form an atmospheric shield to block other intelligences from observing activities on their home planet. The Annunaki's genetic work with the "entwined essence" (the Sumerian phrase for DNA) involved mixing their DNA with existing Earth species, and energy from the stone structures was utilized in their cloning efforts, he explained.
Space & Technology Update
First hour guest, aerospace and defense systems developer Sir Charles Shults shared updates about a shiny object found on Mars, exoplanets, and technology. The object spotted by the Curiosity rover, found underneath the surface of Martian soil, may be a water-created mineral, he reported. Shults shared his illustration of the new planet found in the Alpha Centauri system-- it's the closest planet to Earth outside of our solar system, he noted. He also described recent experiments with quantum teleportation, in which a particle of light was teleported 89 miles.
Coast to Coast AM
October 23, 2012
Coast to Coast AM - 10-22-12 - Hypnosis & Subliminals
Coast to Coast AM - 10-22-12 - Hypnosis & Subliminals <--
Host: George Noory
Guests: Eldon Taylor, Lauren Weinstein
A doctor of psychology, metaphysics and a lifelong student of the human mind, Eldon Taylor, discussed his latest work combining subliminal technology and self-hypnosis techniques to harness the power of the subconscious mind. Hypnosis, which is associated with the alpha brainwave state, can enable various super-learning states, as well as hyper-suggestibility, he noted. Both hypnosis, and subliminal communication (messages not heard consciously) can be used to change habits and attitudes, and eliminate self-destructive behaviors, he commented.
Such techniques can be more effective than the use of positive affirmations because affirmations tend to trigger an interior discussion in the mind that raises oppositional thought, Taylor pointed out. Whereas, customized subliminal suggestions (implanted in music or nature sounds, for instance) bypass critical awareness and "enter the stream of consciousness and become your thoughts from the inside out," he explained. Both hypnosis and subliminals gain their power from directly accessing the subconscious mind, he said. "We have incredible potential that we don't yet know how to unlock, or manifest uniformly, but we have evidence that it is totally possible," he continued, adding that in addition to hypnosis and subliminals, the daily practice of meditation offers both mental and physical benefits.
Regarding the recent presidential campaign, he talked about the surprising psychology behind negative advertising-- such ads, while sometimes inducing fear, actually cause people to seek out more information about a candidate, as opposed to positive ads, which tend to reduce interest.
Technology & Privacy Update
First hour guest, technology expert Lauren Weinstein talked about privacy issues in relation to technology developments. A recent computer security study found that about 8% of Android apps are potentially vulnerable to what's known as 'Man-in-the-Middle' attacks, but Weinstein expressed more concern over governments overstepping their bounds through bypassing computer security, and intercepting communications. In the United States, such actions are being done in the name of anti-terrorism, where in other countries it might be done to quash free speech, he detailed. <--
Host: George Noory
Guests: Eldon Taylor, Lauren Weinstein
A doctor of psychology, metaphysics and a lifelong student of the human mind, Eldon Taylor, discussed his latest work combining subliminal technology and self-hypnosis techniques to harness the power of the subconscious mind. Hypnosis, which is associated with the alpha brainwave state, can enable various super-learning states, as well as hyper-suggestibility, he noted. Both hypnosis, and subliminal communication (messages not heard consciously) can be used to change habits and attitudes, and eliminate self-destructive behaviors, he commented.
Such techniques can be more effective than the use of positive affirmations because affirmations tend to trigger an interior discussion in the mind that raises oppositional thought, Taylor pointed out. Whereas, customized subliminal suggestions (implanted in music or nature sounds, for instance) bypass critical awareness and "enter the stream of consciousness and become your thoughts from the inside out," he explained. Both hypnosis and subliminals gain their power from directly accessing the subconscious mind, he said. "We have incredible potential that we don't yet know how to unlock, or manifest uniformly, but we have evidence that it is totally possible," he continued, adding that in addition to hypnosis and subliminals, the daily practice of meditation offers both mental and physical benefits.
Regarding the recent presidential campaign, he talked about the surprising psychology behind negative advertising-- such ads, while sometimes inducing fear, actually cause people to seek out more information about a candidate, as opposed to positive ads, which tend to reduce interest.
Technology & Privacy Update
First hour guest, technology expert Lauren Weinstein talked about privacy issues in relation to technology developments. A recent computer security study found that about 8% of Android apps are potentially vulnerable to what's known as 'Man-in-the-Middle' attacks, but Weinstein expressed more concern over governments overstepping their bounds through bypassing computer security, and intercepting communications. In the United States, such actions are being done in the name of anti-terrorism, where in other countries it might be done to quash free speech, he detailed.
Coast to Coast AM
Coast to Coast AM - 10-21-12 - Natural Remedies
Coast to Coast AM - 10-21-12 - Natural Remedies <--
Host: George Knapp
Guests: Bill Sardi
Joining George Knapp, consumer advocate and natural health expert, Bill Sardi, discussed the truth behind natural remedies, the bias within the medical establishment against natural products, and how studies are rigged and promising cures buried. Regarding heart disease, he cited the work of Dr. Lester Morrison, who provided evidence that it could be reversed using the supplement chondroitin sulfate, years before statin drugs flooded the market. Statin drugs do not prevent mortal heart attacks, Sardi noted. He stated that the antioxidant resveratrol has shown promise fighting heart disease, but the mainstream medical community has shunned studying its value for this kind of issue.
Sardi further claimed that research into resveratrol has found it has beneficial properties as an antidepressant, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, anti-viral, anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer, and as a blood thinner. The supplement has additionally been shown to successfully fight macular degeneration, a medical condition in which older adults may lose their vision, he said. Sardi also cited Vitamin D and Fish Oil as products that treat a host of ailments, as well as a new kind of potential treatment for alcoholism and addiction, targeting the Gaba A receptor, to be made by the company Blue California.
Studies of various health supplements and herbs are often slanted or misleading, Sardi reported. For instance, researchers sometimes will use an ineffective dose, or a dose that is toxic at higher levels. People like to think that more is better when it comes to natural supplements and vitamins, but such products have an optimal dosage that requires balance, he continued. One reason doctors may not be motivated to suggest natural treatments to their patients is that they have a financial incentive-- they receive a "drug consultation fee," for every prescription they write out, Sardi revealed. On the flip side, consumers should be especially cautious purchasing supplements over the Internet, as the FDA doesn't regulate the products of overseas and offshore companies, he noted. <--
Host: George Knapp
Guests: Bill Sardi
Joining George Knapp, consumer advocate and natural health expert, Bill Sardi, discussed the truth behind natural remedies, the bias within the medical establishment against natural products, and how studies are rigged and promising cures buried. Regarding heart disease, he cited the work of Dr. Lester Morrison, who provided evidence that it could be reversed using the supplement chondroitin sulfate, years before statin drugs flooded the market. Statin drugs do not prevent mortal heart attacks, Sardi noted. He stated that the antioxidant resveratrol has shown promise fighting heart disease, but the mainstream medical community has shunned studying its value for this kind of issue.
Sardi further claimed that research into resveratrol has found it has beneficial properties as an antidepressant, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, anti-viral, anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer, and as a blood thinner. The supplement has additionally been shown to successfully fight macular degeneration, a medical condition in which older adults may lose their vision, he said. Sardi also cited Vitamin D and Fish Oil as products that treat a host of ailments, as well as a new kind of potential treatment for alcoholism and addiction, targeting the Gaba A receptor, to be made by the company Blue California.
Studies of various health supplements and herbs are often slanted or misleading, Sardi reported. For instance, researchers sometimes will use an ineffective dose, or a dose that is toxic at higher levels. People like to think that more is better when it comes to natural supplements and vitamins, but such products have an optimal dosage that requires balance, he continued. One reason doctors may not be motivated to suggest natural treatments to their patients is that they have a financial incentive-- they receive a "drug consultation fee," for every prescription they write out, Sardi revealed. On the flip side, consumers should be especially cautious purchasing supplements over the Internet, as the FDA doesn't regulate the products of overseas and offshore companies, he noted.
Coast to Coast AM
October 21, 2012
Coast to Coast AM - 10-20-12 - Trend Tracking
Coast to Coast AM - 10-20-12 - Trend Tracking <--
Host: John B. Wells
Guests: Gerald Celente
Trends analyst Gerald Celente regularly provides business and industry with customized presentations and commissioned research studies in over 300 trend categories. He joined John B. Wells to talk about what he sees on the horizon for the United States. <--
Host: John B. Wells
Guests: Gerald Celente
Trends analyst Gerald Celente regularly provides business and industry with customized presentations and commissioned research studies in over 300 trend categories. He joined John B. Wells to talk about what he sees on the horizon for the United States.
Coast to Coast AM
October 20, 2012
Dreamland - 10-18-12 - The Fantastic 2012 Crop Circle Season
Dreamland - 10-18-12 - The Fantastic 2012 Crop Circle Season <--
Crop Circle expert Lucy Pringle describes some of the miraculous events of the 2012 crop circle season. Over the years, it has become less and less possible to dismiss all crop formations as hoaxes--in fact, most of them are NOT hoaxes. Still, the general media continues to snicker and eagerly point out hoaxed formations in order to imply that all are hoaxed. (As you will hear Lucy say, she knows most of the hoaxers personally!) In fact, the 2012 crop circle season had some of the most amazing and beautiful--and un-hoaxable--formations ever seen, and this week Lucy Pringle discusses the season, as well as telling us about some of the more powerful experiences people have had in the formations, drawn from her years of experience. <--
Crop Circle expert Lucy Pringle describes some of the miraculous events of the 2012 crop circle season. Over the years, it has become less and less possible to dismiss all crop formations as hoaxes--in fact, most of them are NOT hoaxes. Still, the general media continues to snicker and eagerly point out hoaxed formations in order to imply that all are hoaxed. (As you will hear Lucy say, she knows most of the hoaxers personally!) In fact, the 2012 crop circle season had some of the most amazing and beautiful--and un-hoaxable--formations ever seen, and this week Lucy Pringle discusses the season, as well as telling us about some of the more powerful experiences people have had in the formations, drawn from her years of experience.
Coast to Coast AM - 10-19-12 - Vampires, H.P. Lovecraft & Open Lines
Coast to Coast AM - 10-19-12 - Vampires, H.P. Lovecraft & Open Lines <--
Host: George Noory
Guests: Dr. Bob Curran, Open Lines
In the first half, Dr. Bob Curran discussed the haunted mind of writer H.P. Lovecraft and his impact on the modern horror scene, as well as other mysteries, including the American vampire. Curran said he spent his early boyhood years reading Lovecraft and became fascinated by the scope and dark vision of his world, populated by ancient gods and supernatural forces which pre-existed Christianity. Lovecraft was a tormented individual who lacked social graces and considered himself an outsider from the rest of society, he continued. Most of his relationships were actually through correspondence, Curran noted. It is this 'apartness' that gives his work force and which has inspired other writers, he added.
Curran spoke about various vampire legends brought to America by the numerous cultures throughout history that made their way to this land. Tales of the Dutch nachtmerrie, or night visitors, can be found in New York, he revealed. In South Carolina there are vampires that can remove their skins and be driven out only by the color blue, Curran said. The Scotch-Irish of North Carolina brought with them folktales of famine wells and in Tennessee there are stories of a vampiric chair which can draw energy from those who sit in it, he reported. According to Curran, in addition to blood vampires can feed on sweat, other bodily fluids, and energy. In New Mexico, vampires appear as balls of light can attach and draw energy from people, he cited. Curran also spoke about his upcoming expedition to a vampire's grave in Ireland.
During Open Lines, George offered a special line for stories about people who have almost choked to death. Lonnie in Sapulpa Oklahoma, recalled the time he was in a pizza joint in Tulsa and witnessed another patron choking on his lunch. Lonnie said he grabbed the man from behind and performed the Heimlich Maneuver, which dislodged a large chunk of pizza and saved his life. Ann from Chicago shared a frightening story of choking in a high-end restaurant where no one helped her. According to Ann, she ran into the kitchen and slammed her abdomen against a sink until the stuck food fragment was forced out. An interesting call came in from Angel in Sheboygan, Wisconsin, who told George about the time sleep paralysis kept him pinned to his bed as shadow people began appearing in his room. <--
Host: George Noory
Guests: Dr. Bob Curran, Open Lines
In the first half, Dr. Bob Curran discussed the haunted mind of writer H.P. Lovecraft and his impact on the modern horror scene, as well as other mysteries, including the American vampire. Curran said he spent his early boyhood years reading Lovecraft and became fascinated by the scope and dark vision of his world, populated by ancient gods and supernatural forces which pre-existed Christianity. Lovecraft was a tormented individual who lacked social graces and considered himself an outsider from the rest of society, he continued. Most of his relationships were actually through correspondence, Curran noted. It is this 'apartness' that gives his work force and which has inspired other writers, he added.
Curran spoke about various vampire legends brought to America by the numerous cultures throughout history that made their way to this land. Tales of the Dutch nachtmerrie, or night visitors, can be found in New York, he revealed. In South Carolina there are vampires that can remove their skins and be driven out only by the color blue, Curran said. The Scotch-Irish of North Carolina brought with them folktales of famine wells and in Tennessee there are stories of a vampiric chair which can draw energy from those who sit in it, he reported. According to Curran, in addition to blood vampires can feed on sweat, other bodily fluids, and energy. In New Mexico, vampires appear as balls of light can attach and draw energy from people, he cited. Curran also spoke about his upcoming expedition to a vampire's grave in Ireland.
During Open Lines, George offered a special line for stories about people who have almost choked to death. Lonnie in Sapulpa Oklahoma, recalled the time he was in a pizza joint in Tulsa and witnessed another patron choking on his lunch. Lonnie said he grabbed the man from behind and performed the Heimlich Maneuver, which dislodged a large chunk of pizza and saved his life. Ann from Chicago shared a frightening story of choking in a high-end restaurant where no one helped her. According to Ann, she ran into the kitchen and slammed her abdomen against a sink until the stuck food fragment was forced out. An interesting call came in from Angel in Sheboygan, Wisconsin, who told George about the time sleep paralysis kept him pinned to his bed as shadow people began appearing in his room.
Coast to Coast AM
Coast to Coast AM - 10-18-12 - Ghosts & Psychics
Coast to Coast AM - 10-18-12 - Ghosts & Psychics <--
Host: George Noory
Guests: Lisa Barretta, Loyd Auerbach, Alex Jones
Appearing in the second hour, psychic reader and Reiki practitioner, Lisa Barretta, discussed whether consciousness lives on after the death of the physical body, as well as her psychic abilities, and investigations. Her son, B.J. Baretta, created the documentary, Surviving Death: A Paranormal Debate (view excerpt), which explores what happens to consciousness after death. "Upon physical death, I personally believe that...the energetic part of our body is just not going to dissipate and blow away; this energy...that has been charged with a lot of different emotions is going to go into another state," she said.
In certain types of hauntings, strong emotional energy acts like a kind of "invisible umbilical cord" tied to memory, and may trigger a spirit's revisiting of certain places, she suggested. Regarding what is called demonic energy, a lot of it has to do with how we open ourselves up, and perhaps inadvertently attract lower vibrating energy, she explained, adding that Ouija Boards are particularly dangerous in that respect. Baretta also spoke about how she incorporates astrology and Tarot into her psychic readings.
Parapsychologist and paranormal investigator, Loyd Auerbach, appeared during the third hour. He offered a critique of the current batch of ghosthunting TV shows, which are typically set up by producers that have no background in parapsychological methods and testing. Unfortunately, many amateur ghost hunters are mimicking faulty techniques they see on TV, he noted. He mentioned he is working on a project to highlight the research of a little known 20th Century psychical researcher named Nandor Fodor, who was one of the first to understand that poltergeist phenomena arises out of a living person. Auerbach is also running an e-group on 'being more psychic' through. A.R.E. In the last hour, Baretta returned to take calls from listeners along with Auerbach.
Alex Jones Commentary
First hour guest, filmmaker and political researcher Alex Jones offered commentary on news related to the presidential campaigns and other current events. On his site, he reported that Twitter was flooded with posts saying that people were going to riot if Obama lost the election, yet he noted that this story was ignored by mainstream media. He also talked about how millions of Americans have been placed on terrorist 'no-fly' lists for no real reason, "just to create the illusion of some threat." <--
Host: George Noory
Guests: Lisa Barretta, Loyd Auerbach, Alex Jones
Appearing in the second hour, psychic reader and Reiki practitioner, Lisa Barretta, discussed whether consciousness lives on after the death of the physical body, as well as her psychic abilities, and investigations. Her son, B.J. Baretta, created the documentary, Surviving Death: A Paranormal Debate (view excerpt), which explores what happens to consciousness after death. "Upon physical death, I personally believe that...the energetic part of our body is just not going to dissipate and blow away; this energy...that has been charged with a lot of different emotions is going to go into another state," she said.
In certain types of hauntings, strong emotional energy acts like a kind of "invisible umbilical cord" tied to memory, and may trigger a spirit's revisiting of certain places, she suggested. Regarding what is called demonic energy, a lot of it has to do with how we open ourselves up, and perhaps inadvertently attract lower vibrating energy, she explained, adding that Ouija Boards are particularly dangerous in that respect. Baretta also spoke about how she incorporates astrology and Tarot into her psychic readings.
Parapsychologist and paranormal investigator, Loyd Auerbach, appeared during the third hour. He offered a critique of the current batch of ghosthunting TV shows, which are typically set up by producers that have no background in parapsychological methods and testing. Unfortunately, many amateur ghost hunters are mimicking faulty techniques they see on TV, he noted. He mentioned he is working on a project to highlight the research of a little known 20th Century psychical researcher named Nandor Fodor, who was one of the first to understand that poltergeist phenomena arises out of a living person. Auerbach is also running an e-group on 'being more psychic' through. A.R.E. In the last hour, Baretta returned to take calls from listeners along with Auerbach.
Alex Jones Commentary
First hour guest, filmmaker and political researcher Alex Jones offered commentary on news related to the presidential campaigns and other current events. On his site, he reported that Twitter was flooded with posts saying that people were going to riot if Obama lost the election, yet he noted that this story was ignored by mainstream media. He also talked about how millions of Americans have been placed on terrorist 'no-fly' lists for no real reason, "just to create the illusion of some threat."
Coast to Coast AM
October 18, 2012
Coast to Coast AM - 10-17-12 - Simulations, Science, & Reality
Coast to Coast AM - 10-17-12 - Simulations, Science, & Reality <--
Host: George Noory
Guests: Jim Elvidge, Willie Wilkerson
Electrical engineer, and scientific truth seeker Jim Elvidge, discussed theories of a programmed reality, in which we may be living in a giant simulation, as well as developments in science and the mind. All the evidence seems to point to the idea that our world is made of bits and data that in some ways seems to follow patterns that we see in computational systems, he noted. Philosopher Nick Bostrom has posited that at some point in the future, we'll be able to create simulations of a fantasy reality computationally in a "post-human" phase, and if that is true, we could already be in such a simulation, Elvidge pointed out. When we die, we could in a sense wake up from the experience of living in our physical matter reality, which may seem as unreal to us as a dream, Elvidge intriguingly suggested.
Further, he theorized that our consciousness comes from somewhere outside the human body, is driven by intent and free will, and uses our brain to experience physical matter reality. He also spoke about different concepts of parallel realities. One is espoused by the metaphysical writer Tom Campbell, who delineates an astral plane or thought space that encompasses our physical reality and other ones similar to ours, and he believes that we can travel between these parallel worlds.
In NDEs and other out-of-body states, people are sometimes able to experience timelessness (time being a factor of physical reality), or see timelines existing simultaneously, thus experiencing a kind of time travel, Elvidge explained. In the fields of science and technology, he listed autonomous cars, hover bikes (bikes that hover above the ground), and bionic eyes as particularly remarkable recent developments.
Wilkerson & Las Vegas
First hour guest, author Willie Wilkerson III shared his contention that it was his father, W.R. Billy Wilkerson Jr., the founder of the Hollywood Reporter, not the gangster Bugsy Siegel who led to the creation of the Las Vegas strip as we know it today. Interestingly, he revealed that it was his father's gambling addiction that fueled the idea of the modern casino. Wilkerson Jr. built the original Flamingo Hotel in 1945, and it was his notions about the gaming environment-- such as no clocks or windows in the casino, and that visitors have to walk through the casino to get anywhere in the hotel, that are still followed today. Additionally, the Flamingo offered one of the first high end experiences in Las Vegas with high quality gaming tables and air conditioning. <--
Host: George Noory
Guests: Jim Elvidge, Willie Wilkerson
Electrical engineer, and scientific truth seeker Jim Elvidge, discussed theories of a programmed reality, in which we may be living in a giant simulation, as well as developments in science and the mind. All the evidence seems to point to the idea that our world is made of bits and data that in some ways seems to follow patterns that we see in computational systems, he noted. Philosopher Nick Bostrom has posited that at some point in the future, we'll be able to create simulations of a fantasy reality computationally in a "post-human" phase, and if that is true, we could already be in such a simulation, Elvidge pointed out. When we die, we could in a sense wake up from the experience of living in our physical matter reality, which may seem as unreal to us as a dream, Elvidge intriguingly suggested.
Further, he theorized that our consciousness comes from somewhere outside the human body, is driven by intent and free will, and uses our brain to experience physical matter reality. He also spoke about different concepts of parallel realities. One is espoused by the metaphysical writer Tom Campbell, who delineates an astral plane or thought space that encompasses our physical reality and other ones similar to ours, and he believes that we can travel between these parallel worlds.
In NDEs and other out-of-body states, people are sometimes able to experience timelessness (time being a factor of physical reality), or see timelines existing simultaneously, thus experiencing a kind of time travel, Elvidge explained. In the fields of science and technology, he listed autonomous cars, hover bikes (bikes that hover above the ground), and bionic eyes as particularly remarkable recent developments.
Wilkerson & Las Vegas
First hour guest, author Willie Wilkerson III shared his contention that it was his father, W.R. Billy Wilkerson Jr., the founder of the Hollywood Reporter, not the gangster Bugsy Siegel who led to the creation of the Las Vegas strip as we know it today. Interestingly, he revealed that it was his father's gambling addiction that fueled the idea of the modern casino. Wilkerson Jr. built the original Flamingo Hotel in 1945, and it was his notions about the gaming environment-- such as no clocks or windows in the casino, and that visitors have to walk through the casino to get anywhere in the hotel, that are still followed today. Additionally, the Flamingo offered one of the first high end experiences in Las Vegas with high quality gaming tables and air conditioning.
Coast to Coast AM
October 17, 2012
Coast to Coast AM - 10-16-12 - Remote Viewing Mars
Coast to Coast AM - 10-16-12 - Remote Viewing Mars <--
Host: George Noory
Guests: Major Ed Dames, Gordon Duff
Remote viewing teacher Ed Dames shared updates on solar threats, ETs and other-dimensional visitors, as well as his recent work remote viewing why Mars lost its atmosphere, killing off its life and civilizations-- somewhat paralleling what Earth is about to go through. A very long time ago, he said, there was a large population on Mars, with two different races. Then, there was a brutal storm with high winds that lasted for about 10 years, leaving only about 15% of the populace left, living in shelters, he detailed. The genesis of the storm was a large passing body, possibly a 'Planet X,' that drew so close to Mars on its pass through our solar system that it caused a series of extreme wave-like crashes of air leading to the loss of Mars' atmosphere, he outlined.
The carbon dioxide that is present in Mars today is due to microbes-- the only current life form on the planet, he said, aside from what he called "sentient machines or robots" that stayed behind after the loss of the Martian civilization. According to remote viewers, the Russian Phobos II spacecraft was destroyed by one of these robots, which took on the form of a spacecraft. The sentient machines control via an underground command center-- "they are the ones who create the crop circles on Earth...they are the ones responsible for the Rendlesham Forest Incident, for the Cash-Landrum radiation incident," Dames announced.
Regarding the solar "killshot" (view related DVD trailer), everything is pointing toward the 2013 time frame, "because it's the top of the solar cycle," he commented. The Earth's thinning ozone layer is looking like Swiss cheese to remote viewers, and there'll be a vast heating in the Earth's atmosphere. Most metropolitan areas, with a few exceptions (like Christchurch, New Zealand) won't serve as adequate sanctuaries from the killshot, he noted. However, a "Federation" outreach program, involving humans born off-world, will help us rebuild the planet, probably some 50 years out, he continued. Dames also spoke about extra-dimensional beings who act to prevent nuclear annihilation on our planet.
Alien Secrets & the Military
First hour guest, editor of Veterans Today, Gordon Duff, talked about a report of a combined fleet operation between the U.S. and China against an alleged unfriendly ET threat. According to Duff, aliens in underwater bases planned to call their motherships in and seize the entire Pacific basin, not unlike what was depicted in the movie Independence Day. Further, Duff said that the Majestic 12 documents were real, and various treaties were established with alien visitors. He also spoke about how the US has spent trillions of dollars developing advanced weaponry and technology, unknown to the public-- one of his sources claimed America had built an interstellar craft as far back as 1952. <--
Host: George Noory
Guests: Major Ed Dames, Gordon Duff
Remote viewing teacher Ed Dames shared updates on solar threats, ETs and other-dimensional visitors, as well as his recent work remote viewing why Mars lost its atmosphere, killing off its life and civilizations-- somewhat paralleling what Earth is about to go through. A very long time ago, he said, there was a large population on Mars, with two different races. Then, there was a brutal storm with high winds that lasted for about 10 years, leaving only about 15% of the populace left, living in shelters, he detailed. The genesis of the storm was a large passing body, possibly a 'Planet X,' that drew so close to Mars on its pass through our solar system that it caused a series of extreme wave-like crashes of air leading to the loss of Mars' atmosphere, he outlined.
The carbon dioxide that is present in Mars today is due to microbes-- the only current life form on the planet, he said, aside from what he called "sentient machines or robots" that stayed behind after the loss of the Martian civilization. According to remote viewers, the Russian Phobos II spacecraft was destroyed by one of these robots, which took on the form of a spacecraft. The sentient machines control via an underground command center-- "they are the ones who create the crop circles on Earth...they are the ones responsible for the Rendlesham Forest Incident, for the Cash-Landrum radiation incident," Dames announced.
Regarding the solar "killshot" (view related DVD trailer), everything is pointing toward the 2013 time frame, "because it's the top of the solar cycle," he commented. The Earth's thinning ozone layer is looking like Swiss cheese to remote viewers, and there'll be a vast heating in the Earth's atmosphere. Most metropolitan areas, with a few exceptions (like Christchurch, New Zealand) won't serve as adequate sanctuaries from the killshot, he noted. However, a "Federation" outreach program, involving humans born off-world, will help us rebuild the planet, probably some 50 years out, he continued. Dames also spoke about extra-dimensional beings who act to prevent nuclear annihilation on our planet.
Alien Secrets & the Military
First hour guest, editor of Veterans Today, Gordon Duff, talked about a report of a combined fleet operation between the U.S. and China against an alleged unfriendly ET threat. According to Duff, aliens in underwater bases planned to call their motherships in and seize the entire Pacific basin, not unlike what was depicted in the movie Independence Day. Further, Duff said that the Majestic 12 documents were real, and various treaties were established with alien visitors. He also spoke about how the US has spent trillions of dollars developing advanced weaponry and technology, unknown to the public-- one of his sources claimed America had built an interstellar craft as far back as 1952.
Coast to Coast AM
Coast to Coast AM - 10-15-12 - Ancient Relics & Mysteries
Coast to Coast AM - 10-15-12 - Ancient Relics & Mysteries <--
Host: George Noory
Guests: Adrian Gilbert, Ron Cutler
In the middle two hours, researcher and writer on the subject of ancient mysteries, Adrian Gilbert, discussed the legacy of objects such as the the Stone of Destiny, and the Ark of the Covenant, as well as delved into stargates and prophecy. According to legend, the Stone of Destiny (which currently is displayed at Edinburgh Castle in Scotland) was originally the stone that the biblical prophet Jacob slept on when he had a dream about angels going up and down a ladder. The stone seems to have ominous properties, said Gilbert, comparing it to the Spear of Destiny, which was said to have pierced Jesus Christ.
When the Stone of Destiny was in Ireland, it was said to cry out when the right person stood on it who was meant to be King (though Gilbert conjectured it was probably the people nearby who were crying out). While some relics themselves may not be magical, they can make a link or connect someone to a saint, prophet, or holy person associated with them, he commented. Regarding the Ark of the Covenant, he doubts that the wood object still survives. Because it was covered with gold leaf, when sunlight hit it, it may have given off a strong electrostatic charge, which would account for its unusual properties, he theorized.
Gilbert spoke about stargates, which he characterized as specific places in the sky that act as time-markers for the long cycle known as the precession of the equinoxes. We are currently at the end of one cycle, which has been designated by the Mayan calendar, he noted. He believes that the "opening" of the stargate on 12/21/12 will herald a catastrophic war in the Middle East, and events foreseen in the Book of Revelation.
The last hour of the show featured Open Lines.
Entrepreneurial Techniques
First hour guest, entrepreneur Ron Cutler shared business techniques and advice to help those interested in changing their lives. He suggested that in creating one's own business, a person should look for needs that aren't being met, have a unique selling proposition-- something that makes your idea stand out, and be able to learn from failures. Cutler also talked his own successful career path, syndicating radio comedy content. <--
Host: George Noory
Guests: Adrian Gilbert, Ron Cutler
In the middle two hours, researcher and writer on the subject of ancient mysteries, Adrian Gilbert, discussed the legacy of objects such as the the Stone of Destiny, and the Ark of the Covenant, as well as delved into stargates and prophecy. According to legend, the Stone of Destiny (which currently is displayed at Edinburgh Castle in Scotland) was originally the stone that the biblical prophet Jacob slept on when he had a dream about angels going up and down a ladder. The stone seems to have ominous properties, said Gilbert, comparing it to the Spear of Destiny, which was said to have pierced Jesus Christ.
When the Stone of Destiny was in Ireland, it was said to cry out when the right person stood on it who was meant to be King (though Gilbert conjectured it was probably the people nearby who were crying out). While some relics themselves may not be magical, they can make a link or connect someone to a saint, prophet, or holy person associated with them, he commented. Regarding the Ark of the Covenant, he doubts that the wood object still survives. Because it was covered with gold leaf, when sunlight hit it, it may have given off a strong electrostatic charge, which would account for its unusual properties, he theorized.
Gilbert spoke about stargates, which he characterized as specific places in the sky that act as time-markers for the long cycle known as the precession of the equinoxes. We are currently at the end of one cycle, which has been designated by the Mayan calendar, he noted. He believes that the "opening" of the stargate on 12/21/12 will herald a catastrophic war in the Middle East, and events foreseen in the Book of Revelation.
The last hour of the show featured Open Lines.
Entrepreneurial Techniques
First hour guest, entrepreneur Ron Cutler shared business techniques and advice to help those interested in changing their lives. He suggested that in creating one's own business, a person should look for needs that aren't being met, have a unique selling proposition-- something that makes your idea stand out, and be able to learn from failures. Cutler also talked his own successful career path, syndicating radio comedy content.
Coast to Coast AM
October 15, 2012
Coast to Coast AM - 10-14-12 - Rebroadcast from 10-10-10
Coast to Coast AM - 10-14-12 - Rebroadcast from 10-10-10 <--
Host: Ian Punnett
Guests: Gary Jansen, Dan Gordon, Mickey Bradley
In a rebroadcast from 10/10/10, Ian Punnett (Twitter) spoke with Gary Jansen, during the first half of the program, about how his experiences living in a haunted house caused him to go from a skeptic to a believer. In the latter half of the show, Dan Gordon and Mickey Bradley talked about the weird and haunted world of baseball. <--
Host: Ian Punnett
Guests: Gary Jansen, Dan Gordon, Mickey Bradley
In a rebroadcast from 10/10/10, Ian Punnett (Twitter) spoke with Gary Jansen, during the first half of the program, about how his experiences living in a haunted house caused him to go from a skeptic to a believer. In the latter half of the show, Dan Gordon and Mickey Bradley talked about the weird and haunted world of baseball.
Coast to Coast AM
October 14, 2012
Coast to Coast AM - 10-13-12 - Legends of Rock
Coast to Coast AM - 10-13-12 - Legends of Rock <--
Host: John B. Wells
Guests: Paul Rodgers, Leslie West, Jack Casady, Ian Anderson
In separate hours, John B. Wells welcomed four classic rock musicians, Paul Rodgers of Bad Company & Free, Leslie West of Mountain, Jack Casady of Jefferson Airplane, and Ian Anderson of Jethro Tull, for a discussion on what it was like being at the forefront of a musical movement that is still significant today.
"For me, music is something I love to do and it's my main form of expression," Paul Rodgers said, reflecting on a career which has earned him the nickname "The Voice" from his fans. He attributed the initial explosion of rock music to a younger generation being free from the fears and horrors of World War II as well as the invention of the electric guitar which allowed for an evolution in sound. While he expressed concern about the influence of digital technology on contemporary music, Rodgers contended that "there's always going to be room for the expression of heart and soul" which cannot be created via computer processing.
During the 2nd hour, Leslie West reflected on the serendipitous nature of successful music and shared the story of how his 1969 song "Long Red" was appropriated by hip hop artists Jay Z, Kanye West, and Common for their contemporary tracks. Collectively, he marveled, those three artists sold nine million records featuring aspects of the song. Similarly, West noted that, in England, his song "Nantucket Slayride" was used as bumper music for a weekly four hour news program. "In writing songs, you never know what's going to hit," he observed.
"We mostly just wanted to play the music and search for something a little different," Jack Casady recalled from his early days in San Francisco, contrasting the era with contemporary music where 'stars' are manufactured via reality shows. On the circumstances that spawned the rock and roll revolution of the 60's, he mused that "at the time things were a lot more confusing than they seem now." He attributed the rapid succession of assassinated leaders along with the "backdrop of the Vietnam War" and an active youth culture fearful of the draft as key elements which played a role in the music becoming more political.
In the final hour, Ian Anderson talked about being a part of music's 'British Invasion.' He credited the influence of the "curious mixture of black American music and the music that became rock and roll" in the United States as "what kick started everything" for musicians in Britain. However, he noted that the long history of folk and classical music traditions in England allowed for an "eclecticism" which "produced a more complex blend of herbs and spices to enrich an otherwise bland diet of sometimes not very interesting, simple rock and roll." Over the course of his appearance, Anderson also discussed the plight of homelessness in Europe which was an issue explored in Jethro Tull's song "Aqualung." <--
Host: John B. Wells
Guests: Paul Rodgers, Leslie West, Jack Casady, Ian Anderson
In separate hours, John B. Wells welcomed four classic rock musicians, Paul Rodgers of Bad Company & Free, Leslie West of Mountain, Jack Casady of Jefferson Airplane, and Ian Anderson of Jethro Tull, for a discussion on what it was like being at the forefront of a musical movement that is still significant today.
"For me, music is something I love to do and it's my main form of expression," Paul Rodgers said, reflecting on a career which has earned him the nickname "The Voice" from his fans. He attributed the initial explosion of rock music to a younger generation being free from the fears and horrors of World War II as well as the invention of the electric guitar which allowed for an evolution in sound. While he expressed concern about the influence of digital technology on contemporary music, Rodgers contended that "there's always going to be room for the expression of heart and soul" which cannot be created via computer processing.
During the 2nd hour, Leslie West reflected on the serendipitous nature of successful music and shared the story of how his 1969 song "Long Red" was appropriated by hip hop artists Jay Z, Kanye West, and Common for their contemporary tracks. Collectively, he marveled, those three artists sold nine million records featuring aspects of the song. Similarly, West noted that, in England, his song "Nantucket Slayride" was used as bumper music for a weekly four hour news program. "In writing songs, you never know what's going to hit," he observed.
"We mostly just wanted to play the music and search for something a little different," Jack Casady recalled from his early days in San Francisco, contrasting the era with contemporary music where 'stars' are manufactured via reality shows. On the circumstances that spawned the rock and roll revolution of the 60's, he mused that "at the time things were a lot more confusing than they seem now." He attributed the rapid succession of assassinated leaders along with the "backdrop of the Vietnam War" and an active youth culture fearful of the draft as key elements which played a role in the music becoming more political.
In the final hour, Ian Anderson talked about being a part of music's 'British Invasion.' He credited the influence of the "curious mixture of black American music and the music that became rock and roll" in the United States as "what kick started everything" for musicians in Britain. However, he noted that the long history of folk and classical music traditions in England allowed for an "eclecticism" which "produced a more complex blend of herbs and spices to enrich an otherwise bland diet of sometimes not very interesting, simple rock and roll." Over the course of his appearance, Anderson also discussed the plight of homelessness in Europe which was an issue explored in Jethro Tull's song "Aqualung."
Coast to Coast AM
October 13, 2012
Dreamland - 10-12-12 - The Breakaway Civilization
Dreamland - 10-12-12 - The Breakaway Civilization <--
Is there an advanced breakaway human civilization in touch with ET? Richard Dolan has compelling evidence that, as fantastic as it sounds, this could be true. Richard claims that this civilization has evolved around the alien presence that is here, and it now stands between us and disclosure. He and Dark Skies creator Bryce Zabel have partnered in the creation of a book called After Disclosure, which speculates on why this might be so, and what could be preventing the rest of us from participating. <--
Is there an advanced breakaway human civilization in touch with ET? Richard Dolan has compelling evidence that, as fantastic as it sounds, this could be true. Richard claims that this civilization has evolved around the alien presence that is here, and it now stands between us and disclosure. He and Dark Skies creator Bryce Zabel have partnered in the creation of a book called After Disclosure, which speculates on why this might be so, and what could be preventing the rest of us from participating.
Coast to Coast AM - 10-12-12 - Hollywood Stories & Open Lines
Coast to Coast AM - 10-12-12 - Hollywood Stories & Open Lines <--
Host: George Noory
Guests: Stephen Schochet, Open Lines
In the first half, author Stephen Schochet shared weird tales from Hollywood and horror film history. One story that he told was of a Universal Studios tour where a man dressed as the killer from Psycho emerged from behind the Bates Motel set. While the audience was amused at first, their confused guide warned them that the 'visit' was not a part of the program and laughter turned to screams as the man charged at the tour bus wielding a knife. Upon reaching the terrified tourists, the man removed his wig and revealed his identity: Jim Carrey, who was filming a movie on a nearby set. Following the chilling prank, Schochet said, the famous actor took pictures and signed autographs for the starstruck tourists.
Schochet also marveled that celebrities are often forced to endure strange encounters with fans who believe their cinematic exploits are real. To that end, he noted that Curly Howard of the Three Stooges had to wear a disguise in public to avoid being kicked in the shins and that former Superman George Reeves once had someone pull a gun on him because he wanted to see the bullets bounce off Reeves' chest like in the TV series. Similarly, Shochet observed that some actors also place great importance on how roles will affect their public perception. On that note, he said that Ronald Reagan "hated playing a bad guy" in movies and, thus, only portrayed a villain in his final film after being urged to do so by his agent who observed that the future president had become a "has been" and needed the work.
The latter half of the program was devoted to Open Lines and featured a 'Nightmare Moment' hotline for callers to recount frightening episodes from their lives. Trinia from Tulsa recalled a bizarre experience from when she was five years old. While sleeping in her grandmother's bed, she saw a "figure of an angel with big white wings and a dagger in one hand and a candle in the other hand." This entity, Trina said, was coming at her with the weapon, which caused her to scream out for help and wake her grandmother. Although this may sound like simply the nightmare of a child, Trina revealed that, the next morning, she overheard her grandmother telling her mother that she had found candle wax on the floor.
Later in the evening, Kelly in Green Bay, Wisconsin shared an uplifting story of what may have been intervention from the 'other side.' She explained that, while visiting a consignment shop, she ran into her old neighbors. While they were chatting, the clerk handed the couple some photographs which she said had fallen out of an album they sold during a previous visit. As the couple insisted that they had not brought such an item to the shop, Kelly looked at the photos and saw that they were childhood pictures of her friend who had died four years ago. An astonished Kelly was given the photos and returned them to her friend's grateful family. "I think they were meant to fall into my hands," she mused. <--
Host: George Noory
Guests: Stephen Schochet, Open Lines
In the first half, author Stephen Schochet shared weird tales from Hollywood and horror film history. One story that he told was of a Universal Studios tour where a man dressed as the killer from Psycho emerged from behind the Bates Motel set. While the audience was amused at first, their confused guide warned them that the 'visit' was not a part of the program and laughter turned to screams as the man charged at the tour bus wielding a knife. Upon reaching the terrified tourists, the man removed his wig and revealed his identity: Jim Carrey, who was filming a movie on a nearby set. Following the chilling prank, Schochet said, the famous actor took pictures and signed autographs for the starstruck tourists.
Schochet also marveled that celebrities are often forced to endure strange encounters with fans who believe their cinematic exploits are real. To that end, he noted that Curly Howard of the Three Stooges had to wear a disguise in public to avoid being kicked in the shins and that former Superman George Reeves once had someone pull a gun on him because he wanted to see the bullets bounce off Reeves' chest like in the TV series. Similarly, Shochet observed that some actors also place great importance on how roles will affect their public perception. On that note, he said that Ronald Reagan "hated playing a bad guy" in movies and, thus, only portrayed a villain in his final film after being urged to do so by his agent who observed that the future president had become a "has been" and needed the work.
The latter half of the program was devoted to Open Lines and featured a 'Nightmare Moment' hotline for callers to recount frightening episodes from their lives. Trinia from Tulsa recalled a bizarre experience from when she was five years old. While sleeping in her grandmother's bed, she saw a "figure of an angel with big white wings and a dagger in one hand and a candle in the other hand." This entity, Trina said, was coming at her with the weapon, which caused her to scream out for help and wake her grandmother. Although this may sound like simply the nightmare of a child, Trina revealed that, the next morning, she overheard her grandmother telling her mother that she had found candle wax on the floor.
Later in the evening, Kelly in Green Bay, Wisconsin shared an uplifting story of what may have been intervention from the 'other side.' She explained that, while visiting a consignment shop, she ran into her old neighbors. While they were chatting, the clerk handed the couple some photographs which she said had fallen out of an album they sold during a previous visit. As the couple insisted that they had not brought such an item to the shop, Kelly looked at the photos and saw that they were childhood pictures of her friend who had died four years ago. An astonished Kelly was given the photos and returned them to her friend's grateful family. "I think they were meant to fall into my hands," she mused.
Coast to Coast AM
Coast to Coast AM - 10-11-12 - Annunaki Engineering
Coast to Coast AM - 10-11-12 - Annunaki Engineering <--
Host: George Noory
Guests: Marshall Klarfeld, Dr. Len Saputo
Mechanical engineer Marshall Klarfeld discussed his new theory that the Step Pyramids of Mesoamerica, the terraces at Machu Picchu, and the Grand Gallery of the Great Pyramid at Giza, & other sites were all part of an Annunaki mining effort on a scale never before imagined. According to the work of the late Zecharia Sitchin, the Annunaki first arrived on Earth from the planet Nibiru, 450,000 years ago, and genetically tinkered with Homo erectus to create a slave species that could assist in their gold mining operations. Klarfeld came to the conclusion that aside from standard mining, the Annunaki were gathering "placer gold" – gold flakes or nuggets that have eroded from their original source, and could be harvested by running water over them.
Klarfeld first did research on Chaco Canyon in New Mexico, and later on the steep terraces at Machu Picchu, and found ribbed washboard configurations there. By pumping water down, it would bump against the ridges, and the placer gold would separate into the crevices, he explained. The Grand Gallery of the Great Pyramid has a cobalt ceiling which is an upside down washboard, he detailed, adding that previous researchers have shown how water was pumped into the structure, using a hydraulic pulse generator.
Additional mining sites included Gobekli Tepe in Turkey, and a Greek amphitheater carved into a limestone mountain in Sicily, he said. Klarfeld also spoke about how one of the Annunaki, Thoth, went to Mesoamerica, with a group of African helpers (who eventually formed the Olmec civilization), and spread the pyramid building technology there. Thoth became known to the locals as the deity Quetzacoatl, he noted.
Holistic Medicine
First hour guest Dr. Len Saputo talked about his practice of integral-health medicine. He advocated that the US shift from a for-profit disease care system where patients are expected to get sick, to a wellness oriented/disease prevention practice, which would ultimately save enormous amounts of money. In recent years, holistic medicine, which incorporates the body-mind connection, has become a much more accepted way to treat patients, he reported. <--
Host: George Noory
Guests: Marshall Klarfeld, Dr. Len Saputo
Mechanical engineer Marshall Klarfeld discussed his new theory that the Step Pyramids of Mesoamerica, the terraces at Machu Picchu, and the Grand Gallery of the Great Pyramid at Giza, & other sites were all part of an Annunaki mining effort on a scale never before imagined. According to the work of the late Zecharia Sitchin, the Annunaki first arrived on Earth from the planet Nibiru, 450,000 years ago, and genetically tinkered with Homo erectus to create a slave species that could assist in their gold mining operations. Klarfeld came to the conclusion that aside from standard mining, the Annunaki were gathering "placer gold" – gold flakes or nuggets that have eroded from their original source, and could be harvested by running water over them.
Klarfeld first did research on Chaco Canyon in New Mexico, and later on the steep terraces at Machu Picchu, and found ribbed washboard configurations there. By pumping water down, it would bump against the ridges, and the placer gold would separate into the crevices, he explained. The Grand Gallery of the Great Pyramid has a cobalt ceiling which is an upside down washboard, he detailed, adding that previous researchers have shown how water was pumped into the structure, using a hydraulic pulse generator.
Additional mining sites included Gobekli Tepe in Turkey, and a Greek amphitheater carved into a limestone mountain in Sicily, he said. Klarfeld also spoke about how one of the Annunaki, Thoth, went to Mesoamerica, with a group of African helpers (who eventually formed the Olmec civilization), and spread the pyramid building technology there. Thoth became known to the locals as the deity Quetzacoatl, he noted.
Holistic Medicine
First hour guest Dr. Len Saputo talked about his practice of integral-health medicine. He advocated that the US shift from a for-profit disease care system where patients are expected to get sick, to a wellness oriented/disease prevention practice, which would ultimately save enormous amounts of money. In recent years, holistic medicine, which incorporates the body-mind connection, has become a much more accepted way to treat patients, he reported.
Coast to Coast AM
Coast to Coast AM - 10-10-12 - Afterlife Conversations & Gas Prices
Coast to Coast AM - 10-10-12 - Afterlife Conversations & Gas Prices <--
Host: George Noory
Guests: Frank DeMarco, David Blume
In the first half of the show, author Frank DeMarco discussed what he learned from his afterlife dialogues with Ernest Hemingway, and the general process of communications with disembodied entities he calls "the Guys Upstairs." In 2006, focused on the intent of reaching the great writer Hemingway, he believes they came into contact, and began a wide-ranging conversation about Hemingway's life and work, and the myth that sprang up around him. Typically, early in the morning, DeMarco would pose a question, and then go into a receptive state, writing down what came to him-- a kind of knowing rather than a transcription or channeling, he explained.
Hemingway told him that the impetus for his suicide in 1961 was related to a number of factors, including physical ailments, and his failing memory, which had been damaged from electric shock treatments. Regarding the writing process, Hemingway said he sought to describe situations in a realistic manner, and cut out flowery words. During one of his conversations with Hemingway, DeMarco brought up the name of Abraham Lincoln. He said the deceased president actually joined in the discussion, offering his views on the importance of forgiveness. On the subject of reincarnation, DeMarco differentiated the soul from spirit. He suggested that the spirit is the part of a person that goes on to other lives, but the soul remains as an individual on the Other Side, and can always be contacted.
In the latter half, ecological biologist and advocate for alcohol-based fuel, David Blume, discussed what's behind the record setting price for gasoline in the last couple of weeks. The oil companies are blaming such disparate factors as ethanol, and the situation in Iran as the cause of the price spike, he said. But what we're really seeing is a kind of behind-the-scenes payback-- "They told Obama if he did not approve the Keystone-Exxon pipeline (that would bring crude oil from Canada to Gulf Coast refineries)...that there would be political punishment for that," he continued, adding that Romney, if elected, said one of his first acts would be to sign the deal for the pipeline.
Blume stated that after every US presidential election, in March, there is an unexplained spike in gas prices, which is the payoff for the oil companies' support, no matter who wins the election. Discussing developments in alternative fuel, he noted that Ford and GM just endorsed E-15, which means they are warrantying all their cars to run on gasoline made with 15% alcohol, which is up from 10%. He also spoke about how cattails are an excellent alternative to corn for producing alcohol fuel, and his plans to market a small alcohol still. <--
Host: George Noory
Guests: Frank DeMarco, David Blume
In the first half of the show, author Frank DeMarco discussed what he learned from his afterlife dialogues with Ernest Hemingway, and the general process of communications with disembodied entities he calls "the Guys Upstairs." In 2006, focused on the intent of reaching the great writer Hemingway, he believes they came into contact, and began a wide-ranging conversation about Hemingway's life and work, and the myth that sprang up around him. Typically, early in the morning, DeMarco would pose a question, and then go into a receptive state, writing down what came to him-- a kind of knowing rather than a transcription or channeling, he explained.
Hemingway told him that the impetus for his suicide in 1961 was related to a number of factors, including physical ailments, and his failing memory, which had been damaged from electric shock treatments. Regarding the writing process, Hemingway said he sought to describe situations in a realistic manner, and cut out flowery words. During one of his conversations with Hemingway, DeMarco brought up the name of Abraham Lincoln. He said the deceased president actually joined in the discussion, offering his views on the importance of forgiveness. On the subject of reincarnation, DeMarco differentiated the soul from spirit. He suggested that the spirit is the part of a person that goes on to other lives, but the soul remains as an individual on the Other Side, and can always be contacted.
In the latter half, ecological biologist and advocate for alcohol-based fuel, David Blume, discussed what's behind the record setting price for gasoline in the last couple of weeks. The oil companies are blaming such disparate factors as ethanol, and the situation in Iran as the cause of the price spike, he said. But what we're really seeing is a kind of behind-the-scenes payback-- "They told Obama if he did not approve the Keystone-Exxon pipeline (that would bring crude oil from Canada to Gulf Coast refineries)...that there would be political punishment for that," he continued, adding that Romney, if elected, said one of his first acts would be to sign the deal for the pipeline.
Blume stated that after every US presidential election, in March, there is an unexplained spike in gas prices, which is the payoff for the oil companies' support, no matter who wins the election. Discussing developments in alternative fuel, he noted that Ford and GM just endorsed E-15, which means they are warrantying all their cars to run on gasoline made with 15% alcohol, which is up from 10%. He also spoke about how cattails are an excellent alternative to corn for producing alcohol fuel, and his plans to market a small alcohol still.
Coast to Coast AM